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오늘은 수능특강 라이트 영어독해연습 1강 5번 한 줄 해석 및 어법 연습문제입니다.
원문을 잘 익히고
변형문제도 풀어서
수능특강 라이트 영어독해연습 1강 5번에서 출제되는 어법 문제는 완벽하게 맞출 수 있도록 연습해 보실까요?
순서는 다음과 같습니다.
1. 한 줄 해석 및 어법 주의사항 확인(괄호 안의 X형태는 틀린 형태입니다)
2. 혼자 연습해오기
3. 어법변형문제 풀어보기
그럼 시작합니다.
Here we go!
1. 한 줄 해석 및 어법 주의사항 확인(괄호 안의 X형태는 틀린 형태입니다)
Just the other day, a dear friend of mine (me - X) — a retired brigadier — was narrating the story of how a line he heard many, many years ago impacted (impacting - X) him deeply (deep - X) and shaped his life.
요전 날, 내 친한 친구 중 한 명인 퇴역 육군 준장은 자신이 아주 오래 전에 들었던 말이 어떻게 자신에게 깊은 영향을 끼쳤고 어떻게 자신의 삶을 형성했는지에 대한 이야기를 들려주고 있었다.
It was his first week in the army. It was a Sunday morning.
그가 군대에 간 첫 주였다. 일요일 아침이었다.
The task ahead was rather simple. They had to run ten miles.
앞에 놓인 과제는 다소 간단했다. 그들은 10마일을 뛰어야 했다.
My friend recalls having started (starting - X) enthusiastically, and then quickly tiring out.
내 친구는 열정적으로 시작했다가 금방 지쳐 버렸다고 회상한다.
After running half the distance, he felt he couldn’t continue any longer.
절반의 거리를 뛰고 나서 그는 더 이상 계속할 수 없다는 느낌이 들었다.
He felt his legs would fold up and he’d collapse (collapsed - X).
그는 다리가 접혀서 쓰러질 것 같은 느낌이 들었다.
And just as he was about to give up and stop, he heard his commanding officer say to him, ‘Come on, young man. Until now you’ve been running (run - X) with your legs. Now run with your mind!’
그리고 그가 막 포기하고 멈추려고 할 바로 그때, 그는 자신의 지휘관이 ‘자, 젊은이. 지금까지 자네는 다리로 달리고 있었 네. 이제 마음으로 달리게나!’라고 그에게 말하는 것을 들었다.
Those words seemed to work like magic.
그 말들은 마법처럼 작용하는 것 같았다.
While my friend doesn’t quite recall what happened thereafter, all he remembers is (to be - X) that he kept running.
내 친구는 그 이후에 무슨 일이 있었는지 잘 기억하지 못하지만, 그가 기억하는 것은 자신이 계속 뛰었다는 것뿐이다.
He finished the entire ten-mile (ten-miles - X) run.
그는 10마일 달리기를 완주했다.
And to this day, he often hears the officer’s words echoing (echoed - X) in his mind.
그리고 오늘날까지도, 그는 지휘관의 말이 자신의 마음속에 울려 퍼지는 것을 자주 듣는다.
영어 어휘 | 한국어 의미 |
narrating | 이야기를 들려주는 |
retired | 퇴역한 |
brigadier | 준장 |
line | 문장, 구절 |
impacted | 영향을 끼친 |
deeply | 깊게 |
shaped | 형성된 |
first week | 첫 주 |
army | 군대 |
Sunday morning | 일요일 아침 |
task | 과제 |
ahead | 앞에 |
rather | 다소 |
simple | 간단한 |
run | 뛰다 |
ten miles | 10마일 |
recalls | 회상하다 |
started | 시작하다 |
enthusiastically | 열정적으로 |
quickly | 빠르게 |
tiring out | 지치다 |
half the distance | 절반의 거리 |
continue | 계속하다 |
legs | 다리 |
fold up | 접히다 |
collapse | 쓰러지다 |
commanding officer | 지휘관 |
young man | 젊은이 |
Until now | 지금까지 |
mind | 마음 |
work like magic | 마법처럼 작용하다 |
recall | 기억하다 |
thereafter | 그 이후에 |
remembers | 기억하다 |
finished | 완주하다 |
entire | 전체의 |
to this day | 오늘날까지 |
officer's words | 지휘관의 말 |
echoing | 울려 퍼지는 |
2. 혼자 연습해오기
Just the other day, a dear friend of mine — a retired brigadier — was narrating the story of how a line he heard many, many years ago impacted him deeply and shaped his life.
It was his first week in the army. It was a Sunday morning.
The task ahead was rather simple. They had to run ten miles.
My friend recalls having started enthusiastically, and then quickly tiring out.
After running half the distance, he felt he couldn’t continue any longer.
He felt his legs would fold up and he’d collapse.
And just as he was about to give up and stop, he heard his commanding officer say to him, ‘Come on, young man. Until now you’ve been running with your legs. Now run with your mind!’
Those words seemed to work like magic.
While my friend doesn’t quite recall what happened thereafter, all he remembers is that he kept running.
He finished the entire ten-mile run.
And to this day, he often hears the officer’s words echoing in his mind.
3. 어법변형문제 풀어보기
1강 5번
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것을 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.
Just the other day, a dear friend of ①me — a retired brigadier — was narrating the story of how a line he heard many, many years ago ②impacting him ③deeply and shaped his life. It was his first week in the army. It was a Sunday morning. The task ahead was rather simple. They had to run ten miles. My friend recalls ④having started enthusiastically, and then quickly tiring out. After running half the distance, he felt he couldn’t continue any longer. He felt his legs would fold up and he’d ⑤collapsed. And just as he was about to give up and stop, he heard his commanding officer say to him, ‘Come on, young man. Until now you’ve been ⑥running with your legs. Now run with your mind!’ Those words seemed to work like magic. While my friend doesn’t quite recall what happened thereafter, all he remembers ⑦to be that he kept running. He finished the entire ⑧ten-mile run. And to this day, he often hears the officer’s words ⑨echoing in his mind.
지금까지 수능특강 라이트 영어독해연습 1강 5번 한 줄 해석 및 어법 연습문제를 연습하셨습니다.
아주 확실해졌죠?
아주 잘 하셨습니다.
반드시 도움이 되셨을거라 확신합니다.
다음 자료인 수능특강 라이트 영어독해연습 1강 6번 한 줄 해석 및 어법 연습문제도 기대해주세요.
지금까지 목동 영어 미키박 쌤이었습니다.
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