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오늘은 수능특강 라이트 영어독해연습 1강 10번 한 줄 해석 및 어법 연습문제입니다.
원문을 잘 익히고
변형문제도 풀어서
수능특강 라이트 영어독해연습 1강 10번에서 출제되는 어법 문제는 완벽하게 맞출 수 있도록 연습해 보실까요?
순서는 다음과 같습니다.
1. 한 줄 해석 및 어법 주의사항 확인(괄호 안의 X형태는 틀린 형태입니다)
2. 혼자 연습해오기
3. 어법변형문제 풀어보기
그럼 시작합니다.
Here we go!
1. 한 줄 해석 및 어법 주의사항 확인(괄호 안의 X형태는 틀린 형태입니다)
My friend Mary Pat has a smart and capable 16-year-old (16-years-old - X) grandson.
내 친구 Mary Pat에게는 똑똑하고 유능한 열여섯 살 된 손자가 있다.
He was not doing his best in school, much to his parents’ dismay.
부모님이 많이 실망스럽게도 그는 학교에서 최선을 다하지 않고 있었다.
One day he asked his mother if (that - X) he could dye his light brown hair.
어느 날 그는 엄마에게 자신의 밝은 갈색 머리를 염색해 도 되는지를 물었다.
“What color?” she asked. “Bright blue!” he said with enthusiasm.
“무슨 색으로?”라고 엄마가 물었다. “밝은 파란 색이요!”라고 그는 열의에 차 말했다.
Sensing (Sensed - X) an opportunity here, Mom replied only with a number. “3.8.”
여기서 기회를 포착한 엄마는 숫자로만 답했다. “3.8.”
Shorthand for, “If you want blue hair you must earn a 3.8 grade point average in school. Otherwise I will say NO to this crazy color!”
“네가 파란 머리를 원한다면 학교에서 평균 평점 3.8점을 받아야 한다. 그렇지 않으면 나는 이 말도 안 되는 색은 절대로 안 된다고 말할 것이다!”의 줄임말이었다.
Mary Pat saw her grandson a few months later sporting (to sport - X) bright yellow hair.
Mary Pat은 몇 달 후 그녀의 손자가 밝은 노란색 머리를 뽐내고 있는 것을 보았다.
“I thought you were going to dye your hair blue,” she said quizzically (quizzical - X).
“나는 네가 머리를 파랗게 염색할 거라고 생각했어.”라고 그녀가 약간 놀란 듯이 말했다.
Greg’s answer was short: “3.5.”
Greg의 대답은 짧게, “3.5.”였다.
When Greg and his mom realized a 3.8 grade point average wasn’t going to happen they adjusted his goal to one more attainable, and everyone was (to be - X) happy.
Greg와 그의 엄마가 평균 평점 3.8점을 받을 수 없을 것임을 알아차렸을 때, 그들은 그의 목표를 달성 가능성이 더 많은 것으로 조정했고, 모두가 만족스러워 했다.
Goals motivate only when they are attainable.
목표는 성취할 수 있을 때에만 동기를 부여한다.
Sometimes they need to change to fit the individual and the circumstances.
때때로 목표는 개인과 상황에 맞게 바뀔 필요가 있다.
영어 어휘 | 한국어 뜻 |
smart | 똑똑한 |
capable | 능력있는 |
dismay | 실망 |
dye | 염색하다 |
enthusiasm | 열의 |
earn | 얻다 |
grade point average | 평균 평점 |
otherwise | 그렇지 않으면 |
sporting | 자랑스럽게 보여주는 |
quizzically | 의아한 |
attainable | 달성 가능한 |
motivate | 동기를 부여하다 |
circumstances | 상황 |
2. 혼자 연습해오기
My friend Mary Pat has a smart and capable 16-year-old grandson.
He was not doing his best in school, much to his parents’ dismay.
One day he asked his mother if he could dye his light brown hair.
“What color?” she asked. “Bright blue!” he said with enthusiasm.
Sensing an opportunity here, Mom replied only with a number. “3.8.”
Shorthand for, “If you want blue hair you must earn a 3.8 grade point average in school. Otherwise I will say NO to this crazy color!”
Mary Pat saw her grandson a few months later sporting bright yellow hair.
“I thought you were going to dye your hair blue,” she said quizzically.
Greg’s answer was short: “3.5.”
When Greg and his mom realized a 3.8 grade point average wasn’t going to happen they adjusted his goal to one more attainable, and everyone was happy.
Goals motivate only when they are attainable.
Sometimes they need to change to fit the individual and the circumstances.
3. 어법변형문제 풀어보기
1강 10번
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것을 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.
My friend Mary Pat has a smart and capable ①16-year-old grandson. He was not doing his best in school, much to his parents’ dismay. One day he asked his mother ②that he could dye his light brown hair. “What color?” she asked. “Bright blue!” he said with enthusiasm. ③Sensed an opportunity here, Mom replied only with a number. “3.8.” Shorthand for, “If you want blue hair you must earn a 3.8 grade point average in school. Otherwise I will say NO to this crazy color!” Mary Pat saw her grandson a few months later ④sporting bright yellow hair. “I thought you were going to dye your hair blue,” she said ⑤quizzically. Greg’s answer was short: “3.5.” When Greg and his mom realized a 3.8 grade point average wasn’t going to happen they adjusted his goal to one more attainable, and everyone ⑥being happy. Goals motivate only when they are attainable. Sometimes they need to change to fit the individual and the circumstances.
지금까지 수능특강 라이트 영어독해연습 1강 10번 한 줄 해석 및 어법 연습문제를 연습하셨습니다.
아주 확실해졌죠?
아주 잘 하셨습니다.
반드시 도움이 되셨을거라 확신합니다.
다음 자료인 수능특강 라이트 영어독해연습 5강 1번 한 줄 해석 및 어법 연습문제도 기대해주세요.
지금까지 목동 영어 미키박 쌤이었습니다.
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