2020년 9월 고2모의고사 변형문제

2020년 9월 고2모의고사 21번 해설 및 변형문제

목동미키박영어 2024. 3. 15. 19:05

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2020년 9월 고2모의고사 21번


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3등급도 전교 2등으로! (서울  목동고)

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오늘은 2020년 9월 고2모의고사 21번 해설 및 변형문제를 제공해 드립니다.


정말 상세한 미키박쌤의 해설영상으로 핵심포인트 모두 잡으신 후에, 변형문제까지 풀어보실까요?



Here we go!







2020년 9월 고2모의고사 21번 해설영상

2020년 9월 고2모의고사 21번



핵심 완벽히 파악하셨죠?

잘 하셨습니다.

그럼 변형문제를 풀어야죠?



Here we go!








2020년 9월 고2모의고사 21번 변형문제


1. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?

If creators knew when they were on their way to ①fashioning a masterpiece, their work would progress only forward: they would halt their idea‑generation efforts as they struck gold. But in fact, they backtrack, returning to versions that they had earlier discarded as ②inadequate. In Beethoven’s most celebrated work, the Fifth Symphony, he scrapped the conclusion of the first movement because it felt too ③short, only to come back to it later. Had Beethoven been able to distinguish an extraordinary from an ordinary work, he ④would accept his composition immediately as a hit. When Picasso was painting his famous Guernica in protest of fascism, he produced 79 different drawings. Many of the images in the painting were based on his early sketches, not the later variations. If Picasso could judge his creations as he produced them, he would get consistently “warmer” and use the later drawings. But in reality, it was just as ⑤common that he got “colder.”  














④ would accept  -> would have accepted

앞의 Had Beethoven been ~ 으로 보아, 가정법 과거완료임을 알 수 있습니다. 따라서, 주절의 동사의 형태는 would have p.p. 의 형태인 would have accepted가 옳습니다.


가정법 확인하기 :


가정법 - 영어로 정신건강 200세까지!

가정법이 궁금하시다고요? 재미짐영어 목동 미키박쌤이 가정법에 대해 자세히 알려드립니다. 가정법을 잘 활용하여, 현실과 비현실의 세계를 넘나드는 엄청난 영어 표현 능력을 키우실 수 있습






2. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은? (원문 일부 변형 문제입니다.)

If creators knew when they were on their way to fashioning a masterpiece, their work would progress only forward: they would halt their idea‑generation efforts as they struck gold. But in fact, they backtrack, returning to versions that they had earlier ①dismissed as inadequate. In Beethoven’s most celebrated work, the Fifth Symphony, he ②abandoned the conclusion of the first movement because it felt too short, only to come back to it later. Had Beethoven been able to distinguish an extraordinary from an ordinary work, he would have ③acknowledged his composition immediately as a hit. When Picasso was painting his famous Guernica in protest of fascism, he produced 79 different drawings. Many of the images in the painting were based on his early sketches, not the ④later variations. If Picasso could judge his creations as he produced them, he would get consistently “warmer” and ⑤revise the later drawings. But in reality, it was just as common that he got “colder.”  













⑤ revise -> use (revise 는 수정하다, 고치다)



①dismissed (원문 : discarded)

②abandoned  (원문 : scrapped)

③acknowledged  (원문 : accepted)

④later  (원문 그대로 출제) 





3. 다음 글에 이어질 순서로 가장 알맞은 것은?

If creators knew when they were on their way to fashioning a masterpiece, their work would progress only forward: they would halt their idea‑generation efforts as they struck gold.


(A) Had Beethoven been able to distinguish an extraordinary from an ordinary work, he would have accepted his composition immediately as a hit. When Picasso was painting his famous Guernica in protest of fascism, he produced 79 different drawings.

(B) But in fact, they backtrack, returning to versions that they had earlier discarded as inadequate. In Beethoven’s most celebrated work, the Fifth Symphony, he scrapped the conclusion of the first movement because it felt too short, only to come back to it later.

(C) Many of the images in the painting were based on his early sketches, not the later variations. If Picasso could judge his creations as he produced them, he would get consistently “warmer” and use the later drawings. But in reality, it was just as common that he got “colder.”  
(A) → (C) → (B)
② (B) → (A) → (C)  
③ (B) → (C) → (A)  
(C) → (A) → (B)
(C) → (B) → (A)














 (B) → (A) → (C)  





4. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 다음 주어진 문장이 들어갈 가장 알맞은 곳은?

Many of the images in the painting were based on his early sketches, not the later variations.

If creators knew when they were on their way to fashioning a masterpiece, their work would progress only forward: they would halt their idea‑generation efforts as they struck gold. But in fact, they backtrack, returning to versions that they had earlier discarded as inadequate. ( ① )  In Beethoven’s most celebrated work, the Fifth Symphony, he scrapped the conclusion of the first movement because it felt too short, only to come back to it later. ( ② )  Had Beethoven been able to distinguish an extraordinary from an ordinary work, he would have accepted his composition immediately as a hit. ( ③ )  When Picasso was painting his famous Guernica in protest of fascism, he produced 79 different drawings.  ( ④ ) If Picasso could judge his creations as he produced them, he would get consistently “warmer” and use the later drawings. ( ⑤ ) But in reality, it was just as common that he got “colder.”  















5. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형 문제입니다.)

If artists could recognize when they were creating a masterpiece, their progress would be straightforward: they would __________. However, in reality, they often backtrack, revisiting versions they previously dismissed as inadequate. For instance, Beethoven revised the conclusion of the first movement in his renowned Fifth Symphony because it felt too short, only to return to it later. Had he been able to distinguish between extraordinary and ordinary works, he would have immediately recognized his composition as a success. Similarly, Picasso produced 79 different drawings while painting his famous Guernica as a protest against fascism, with many of the painting's images stemming from his early sketches rather than later variations. If Picasso could evaluate his creations as he made them, he would consistently improve and favor the later drawings. However, the reality was that he often found himself less satisfied with his progress.
① stop generating ideas upon hitting success
② be free from comparison with other artists
③ learn to draw out a piece’s hidden potential
④ maximize their artistic capacities in a moment
⑤ understand their artistic perspectives naturally














① stop generating ideas upon hitting success

① 성공하면 아이디어를 내는 것을 중지한다


참고 :

② 다른 예술가들과 비교가 되지 않는다
③ 작품의 숨은 잠재력을 끌어내는 법을 배운다
④ 그들의 예술적 역량을 일순간에 극대화한다
⑤ 그들의 예술적 관점을 자연스럽게 이해한다





6. 다음 글을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 할 때, 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말로 짝지어진 것은?

If creators knew when they were on their way to fashioning a masterpiece, their work would progress only forward: they would halt their idea‑generation efforts as they struck gold. But in fact, they backtrack, returning to versions that they had earlier discarded as inadequate. In Beethoven’s most celebrated work, the Fifth Symphony, he scrapped the conclusion of the first movement because it felt too short, only to come back to it later. Had Beethoven been able to distinguish an extraordinary from an ordinary work, he would have accepted his composition immediately as a hit. When Picasso was painting his famous Guernica in protest of fascism, he produced 79 different drawings. Many of the images in the painting were based on his early sketches, not the later variations. If Picasso could judge his creations as he produced them, he would get consistently “warmer” and use the later drawings. But in reality, it was just as common that he got “colder.”  

Creators often go through a process of revisiting and reevaluating their work rather than consistently producing hits, as they lack the ability to instantly recognize a masterpiece ______ [A]_______ and tend to alternate between getting "warmer" and "colder" in their assessments as they move ______ [B]_______.
① [A] instantly, [B] upward
② [A] immediately, [B] downward
③ [A] promptly, [B] inward
④ [A] spontaneously, [B] sideward
⑤ [A] suddenly, [B] outward














① [A] instantly, [B] upward

Creators often go through a process of revisiting and reevaluating their work rather than consistently producing hits, as they lack the ability to instantly recognize a masterpiece instantly and tend to alternate between getting "warmer" and "colder" in their assessments as they move upward.

창작자들은 명작을 즉각적으로 인지할 수 있는 능력이 부족하고, 위로 올라갈수록 평가가 "더 따뜻해지고" "더 차가워지는" 경향이 있기 때문에 꾸준히 히트작을 내기보다는 작품을 다시 보고 재평가하는 과정을 거치는 경우가 많다.





목동 미키박영어



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2020년 9월 고2모의고사 21번

