수능감잡기 2강 변형문제(문맥상 어휘 판단 유형)가 필요하시다고요?
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오늘은 수능감잡기 2강 변형문제(문맥상 어휘 판단 유형)를 제공해 드립니다.
좋은 내신 성적은 진심에서 나오는 거 아시죠?
2강 한 줄 해석 및 어법 파악 변형문제 확인은 기본이죠?
2강 Ready
2강 Get Set
2강 1번
2강 2번
2강 3번
2강 4번
잘 이해하셨죠?
그럼 변형문제 도전 시작합니다!
Here we go!
수능감잡기 2강 [Ready] 변형문제
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은?
When ①assessing a newborn baby’s health, one of the first signs doctors look for is weight gain. If you want to ②amaze your doctor with how fast your little one can gain weight, ③include a 5- to 15-minute massage into your daily routine. Massage ④calms your baby and aids in digestion, so food is better absorbed. Better ⑤attraction gives your baby a better than average chance of gaining weight. In addition, massage ⑥triggers growth-enhancing hormones. Have you ever wondered why animals lick their young just after birth? Touch is nature’s way of stimulating ⑦growth. Remember this every time your dog starts to lick you and won’t stop: Your pet is just responding to his ⑧instinct. Maybe he thinks you could ⑨benefit to gain a few pounds!
⑤attraction (끌기, 매력) -> absorption
①assessing (원문 : gauging )
②amaze (원문 : impress )
③include (원문 : incorporate )
④calms (원문 : relaxes )
⑥triggers (원문 : stimulates )
⑦growth (원문 그대로 출제)
⑧instinct (원문 : intuition )
⑨benefit (원문 : stand )
수능감잡기 2강 [Get Set] 변형문제
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은?
In this world, being smart or competent isn't enough. People sometimes don't ①acknowledge talent when they see it. Their vision is ②obscured by the first impression we give and that can lose us the job we want, or the relationship we want. The way we present ourselves can speak more ③persuasively of the skills we bring to the table, if we actively ④foster that presentation. Nobody likes to be ⑤eliminated off the list before being given the opportunity to show others who they are. Being able to tell your story from the moment you meet other people is a skill that must be ⑥cautiously cultivated, in order to send the message that you're someone to be considered and the right person for the position. For that reason, it's important that we all learn how to say the ⑦suitable things in the right way and to ⑧showcase ourselves in a way that appeals to other people ― ⑨crafting a great first impression.
⑥cautiously (주의하며) -> actively
①acknowledge (원문 : recognize)
②obscured (원문 : clouded )
③persuasively (원문 : eloquently )
④foster (원문 : cultivate )
⑤eliminated (원문 : crossed )
⑦suitable (원문 : appropriate )
⑧showcase (원문 : present )
⑨crafting (원문 : tailoring )
수능감잡기 2강 1번 변형문제
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은?
When encounters between strangers are common, then some kind of ①regulation is necessary based not on their unique relationship as individuals, but on ②universal principles: “All are equal under the law.” Laws in the form of ③secret codes are never found in pre-civilized peoples, nor are they ④essential. It is no accident that as modern society grows increasingly ⑤anonymous, and as we pay strangers to perform more and more life functions, the reach of the law ⑥spreads further and further into every corner of life. Disputes that were settled ⑦casually a generation ago are today ⑧regularly administered according to written rules. Indeed, without some kind of formal standard we would feel ⑨vulnerable, for we would literally be at the mercy of strangers. This trend is a ⑩inevitable consequence of the alienation and depersonalization that began with agriculture.
③secret (비밀의) -> explicit
① regulation (원문 : governance )
②universal (원문 : generic )
④essential (원문 : necessary )
⑤anonymous (원문 그대로 출제)
⑥spreads (원문 : extends )
⑦casually (원문 : informally )
⑧regularly (원문 : routinely )
⑨vulnerable (원문 : insecure )
⑩inevitable (원문 : necessary )
수능감잡기 2강 2번 변형문제
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은?
Young children can be quite unforgiving because they deal in logic that is self-centered, unrealistic, and ①ruled by emotion. The same can be true of adolescents. For the first time they begin to see that the adult world is complex, imperfect, and at times ②biased ― but still a world in which they have to live. This, in large part, accounts for the ③increased levels of anger in these early years. As you grow older, forgiveness is more of an ④althernative. Child logic no longer ⑤diminishes. You have a more balanced, realistic view of yourself and your fellow human beings. You come more and more to acknowledge and accept the fact that we’re all ⑥fallible creatures. We hurt each other, ⑦deliberately or not, as we journey through life. Maybe the ability to forgive is the real ⑧benefit of age.
⑤diminishes (감소하다, 줄다) -> prevails
①ruled (원문 : dominated )
②biased (원문 : unfair )
③increased (원문 : heightened )
④althernative (원문 : option )
⑥fallible (원문 : frail )
⑦deliberately (원문 : intentionally )
⑧benefit (원문 : gift )
수능감잡기 2강 3번 변형문제
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은?
If the telephone rings in a neighboring room, we just get up and answer it. However, if the telephone rings on another floor, we shout to ask if someone else will answer it. Going up and down stairs and steps ①demands new movements, more muscle power, and walking rhythm has to be changed to climbing ②rhythm. These factors make it more ③challenging to go up and down than to move on the same plane, or ④similarly, to be ⑤transported mechanically up and down. At metro stations, in airports and department stores, people stand in line to take the escalator, while staircases next to them are almost ⑥vacant. Shopping malls and department stores built in several stories ⑦rely on escalators and elevators to move people from floor to floor. If the transport breaks down, people go home!
④similarly (마찬가지로) -> alternatively
참고 :
①demands (원문 : requires )
②rhythm (원문 그대로 출제)
③challenging (원문 : difficult )
⑤transported (원문 그대로 출제)
⑥vacant (원문 : empty )
⑦rely (원문 그대로 출제)
수능감잡기 2강 4번 변형문제
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은?
Time devoted to family responsibilities influences a woman’s opportunity for ①recreation. Care for children and older relatives are family responsibilities that are ②primarily performed by women. For example, the birth of a woman’s first child has a ③significant influence on a woman’s leisure. Often women will ④arrange their leisure around their family tasks and duties, while men are much less likely to allow family to ⑤intrude their leisure. As a result, women’s own leisure experiences may be ⑥implemented. Research studies have documented that women put much time and effort into ⑦ensuring that family leisure activities are positive experiences for their family at the ⑧expense of their own leisure desires and interests. Therefore these family leisure activities may appear to be leisure but may be experienced as ⑨uncompensated work by women.
⑥implemented (시행되다) -> constrained
참고 :
①recreation (원문 : leisure )
②primarily (원문 : mostly )
③significant (원문 : dramatic )
④arrange (원문 : organize )
⑤intrude (원문 : interfere with )
⑥implemented (원문 : constrained )
⑦ensuring (원문 : guaranteeing )
⑧expense (원문 : cost )
⑨uncompensated (원문 : unpaid )
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