2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제

2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제(주제 고르기 유형)

목동미키박영어 2024. 7. 1. 22:57

2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제(주제 고르기 유형)와 정답자료가 필요하시다고요?


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2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제





3등급도 전교 1등으로! (서울  영일고, 송도 박문여고)

3등급도 전교 2등으로! (서울  목동고)

5등급도 1등급으로! (서울  진명여고)

3등급도 1등급으로! (서울 마포고, 서울 신도림고)


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오늘은 2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제(주제 고르기 유형)와 정답자료를 제공해 드립니다.




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주제 관련 문제를 풀어 보실까요?



Here we go!






2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제



2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제(주제 고르기 유형)

20번. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?


Most people resist the idea of a true self­estimate, probably because they fear it might mean downgrading some of their beliefs about who they are and what they’re capable of. As Goethe’s maxim goes, it is a great failing “to see yourself as more than you are.” How could you really be considered self­aware if you refuse to consider your weaknesses? Don’t fear self­assessment because you’re worried you might have to admit some things about yourself. The second half of Goethe’s maxim is important too. He states that it is equally damaging to “value yourself at less than your true worth.” We underestimate our capabilities just as much and just as dangerously as we overestimate other abilities. Cultivate the ability to judge yourself accurately and honestly. Look inward to discern what you’re capable of and what it will take to unlock that potential. 
① The importance of recognizing personal strengths and weaknesses.
② How to achieve success without compromising personal values.
③ Why self-assessment is crucial for career advancement.
④ Strategies for improving self-esteem and confidence.
⑤ Ways to avoid moral hazards in decision-making.







2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제


① The importance of recognizing personal strengths and weaknesses.


참고 :

① 개인적인 강점과 약점을 인식하는 것의 중요성.
② 개인적 가치를 훼손하지 않고 성공하는 방법.
③ 자기평가가 진로진학에 중요한 이유는 무엇인가.
④ 자존감과 자신감 향상을 위한 전략.
⑤ 의사결정에서 도덕적 해이를 피하기 위한 방법.




2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제(주제 고르기 유형)

21번. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?


Take a look at some of the most powerful, rich, and famous people in the world. Ignore the trappings of their success and what they’re able to buy. Look instead at what they’re forced to trade in return ― look at what success has cost them. Mostly? Freedom. Their work demands they wear a suit. Their success depends on attending certain parties, kissing up to people they don’t like. It will require ― inevitably ― realizing they are unable to say what they actually think. Worse, it demands that they become a different type of person or do bad things. Sure, it might pay well — but they haven’t truly examined the transaction. As Seneca put it, “Slavery resides under marble and gold.” Too many successful people are prisoners in jails of their own making. Is that what you want? Is that what you’re working hard toward? Let’s hope not. 
① The sacrifices of personal freedom for societal success.
② How to maintain authenticity in high-profile careers.
③ The financial benefits of achieving fame and power.
④ Challenges faced by leaders in maintaining public image.
⑤ The psychological toll of social expectations on successful individuals.






2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제




① The sacrifices of personal freedom for societal success.


참고 :

① 사회적 성공을 위한 개인적 자유의 희생.
② 세간의 이목을 끄는 직업에서 진정성을 유지하는 방법.
③ 명성과 권력을 얻음으로써 얻는 재정적 이점.
④ 대중의 이미지를 유지하는 데 있어 리더가 직면한 도전.
⑤ 성공한 사람들에게 사회적 기대가 미치는 심리적 피해.




2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제(주제 고르기 유형)

22번. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?


If a firm is going to be saved by the government, it might be easier to concentrate on lobbying the government for more money rather than taking the harder decision of restructuring the company to be able to be profitable and viable in the long term. This is an example of something known as moral hazard ― when government support alters the decisions firms take. For example, if governments rescue banks who get into difficulty, as they did during the credit crisis of 2007-08, this could encourage banks to take greater risks in the future because they know there is a possibility that governments will intervene if they lose money. Although the government rescue may be well intended, it can negatively affect the behavior of banks, encouraging risky and poor decision making. 
① The impact of government intervention on corporate behavior.
② Strategies for restructuring firms to ensure long-term profitability.
③ The importance of lobbying efforts in securing government funding.
④ Ethical considerations in government support for struggling industries.
⑤ Ways to prevent moral hazard in financial markets.







① The impact of government intervention on corporate behavior.



① 정부 개입이 기업 행동에 미치는 영향.
② 구조조정 기업의 장기적인 수익성 확보를 위한 전략.
③ 정부 재원 확보를 위한 로비 노력의 중요성.
④ 어려움을 겪고 있는 산업에 대한 정부 지원에 있어 윤리적 고려 사항.
⑤ 금융시장의 도덕적 해이를 방지하기 위한 방안.




2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제(주제 고르기 유형)

24번. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?


We tend to break up time into units, such as weeks, months, and seasons; in a series of studies among farmers in India and students in North America, psychologists found that if a deadline is on the other side of a “break” ― such as in the New Year ― we’re more likely to see it as remote, and, as a result, be less ready to jump into action. What you need to do in that situation is find another way to think about the timeframe. For example, if it’s November and the deadline is in January, it’s better to tell yourself you have to get it done “this winter” rather than “next year.” The best approach is to view deadlines as a challenge that you have to meet within a period that’s imminent. That way the stress is more manageable, and you have a better chance of starting ― and therefore finishing ― in good time. 
① Effective strategies for time management and meeting deadlines.
② Psychological barriers to productivity and proactive behavior.
③ Cultural differences in perceptions of time and planning.
④ The impact of seasonal changes on human motivation.
⑤ How to overcome procrastination through mindset shifts.









① Effective strategies for time management and meeting deadlines.


참고 :

① 시간 관리 및 마감일 준수를 위한 효과적인 전략입니다.
② 생산성과 적극적인 행동에 대한 심리적 장벽.
③ 시간과 계획에 대한 인식의 문화적 차이.
④ 계절적 변화가 인간의 동기에 미치는 영향.
⑤ 마음가짐 전환을 통해 미루기를 극복하는 방법.



2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제(주제 고르기 유형)

29번. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?


The built­in capacity for smiling is proven by the remarkable observation that babies who are congenitally both deaf and blind, who have never seen a human face, also start to smile at around months. However, smiling in blind babies eventually disappears if nothing is done to reinforce it. Without the right feedback, smiling dies out. But here’s a fascinating fact: blind babies will continue to smile if they are cuddled, bounced, nudged, and tickled by an adult ― anything to let them know that they are not alone and that someone cares about them. This social feedback encourages the baby to continue smiling. In this way, early experience operates with our biology to establish social behaviors. In fact, you don’t need the cases of blind babies to make the point. Babies with sight smile more at you when you look at them or, better still, smile back at them. 
① The physiological basis of infant behavior and social development.
② How sensory deprivation impacts emotional expression in infants.
③ Effective techniques for communicating with blind infants.
④ The role of adult interaction in fostering infantile smiling behavior.
⑤ Cultural differences in parenting practices and their effects on infant development.








④ The role of adult interaction in fostering infantile smiling behavior.


참고 :

① 유아의 행동과 사회적 발달의 생리적 기초.
② 감각박탈이 유아의 정서표현에 어떤 영향을 미치는가.
③ 시각장애 유아와의 의사소통을 위한 효과적인 기술입니다.
④ 유아미소행동 함양을 위한 성인 상호작용의 역할.
⑤ 양육관행의 문화적 차이와 유아발달에 미치는 영향.




2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제(주제 고르기 유형)

30번. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?


Because people tend to adapt, interrupting positive things with negative ones can actually increase enjoyment. Take commercials. Most people hate them, so removing them should make shows or other entertainment more enjoyable. But the opposite is true. Shows are actually more enjoyable when they’re broken up by annoying commercials. Because these less enjoyable moments break up adaptation to the positive experience of the show. Think about eating chocolate chips. The first chip is delicious: sweet, melt­in­your­mouth goodness. The second chip is also pretty good. But by the fourth, fifth, or tenth chip in a row, the goodness is no longer as pleasurable. We adapt. Interspersing positive experiences with less positive ones, however, can slow down adaptation. Eating a Brussels sprout between chocolate chips or viewing commercials between parts of TV shows disrupts the process. The less positive moment makes the following positive one new again and thus more enjoyable. 
① The psychology of advertising and its impact on consumer behavior.
② Strategies for enhancing the enjoyment of television programming.
③ The role of interruptions in enhancing the pleasure of experiences.
④ The effects of adaptation on sensory perception and satisfaction.
⑤ Techniques for managing negative emotions during positive experiences.






③ The role of interruptions in enhancing the pleasure of experiences.



① 광고의 심리와 소비자 행동에 미치는 영향.
② 텔레비전 프로그래밍의 즐거움을 높이기 위한 전략.
③ 경험의 즐거움을 높이는 방해의 역할.
④ 적응이 감각지각과 만족도에 미치는 영향.
⑤ 긍정적인 경험 중 부정적인 감정을 관리하기 위한 기술.




2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제(주제 고르기 유형)

31번. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?


We collect stamps, coins, vintage cars even when they serve no practical purpose. The post office doesn’t accept the old stamps, the banks don’t take old coins, and the vintage cars are no longer allowed on the road. These are all side issues; the attraction is that they are in short supply. In one study, students were asked to arrange ten posters in order of attractiveness ― with the agreement that afterward they could keep one poster as a reward for their participation. Five minutes later, they were told that the poster with the third highest rating was no longer available. Then they were asked to judge all ten from scratch. The poster that was no longer available was suddenly classified as the most beautiful. In psychology, this phenomenon is called reactance: when we are deprived of an option, we suddenly deem it more attractive. 
① The psychology of collecting and its impact on behavior.
② Techniques for organizing and preserving collectibles.
③ The economic value of rare and limited items.
④ Methods for evaluating aesthetic preferences in research.
⑤ Strategies for enhancing the attractiveness of obsolete items.







① The psychology of collecting and its impact on behavior.


참고 :

① 수집의 심리와 그것이 행동에 미치는 영향.
② 수집품을 정리하고 보존하기 위한 기술.
③ 희귀하고 한정된 품목의 경제적 가치.
④ 연구에서 미적 선호도를 평가하는 방법.
⑤ 구식 아이템의 매력을 높이기 위한 전략.



2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제(주제 고르기 유형)

32번. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?


If we’ve invested in something that hasn’t repaid us ― be it money in a failing venture, or time in an unhappy relationship ― we find it very difficult to walk away. This is the sunk cost fallacy. Our instinct is to continue investing money or time as we hope that our investment will prove to be worthwhile in the end. Giving up would mean acknowledging that we’ve wasted something we can’t get back, and that thought is so painful that we prefer to avoid it if we can. The problem, of course, is that if something really is a bad bet, then staying with it simply increases the amount we lose. Rather than walk away from a bad five­year relationship, for example, we turn it into a bad 10­year relationship; rather than accept that we’ve lost a thousand dollars, we lay down another thousand and lose that too. In the end, by delaying the pain of admitting our problem, we only add to it. Sometimes we just have to cut our losses. 
① The psychology behind the fear of wasting resources.
② Effective strategies for long-term investment planning.
③ How to recover from failed business ventures.
④ Ways to assess the value of personal investments.
⑤ The importance of perseverance in challenging relationships.








① The psychology behind the fear of wasting resources.


참고 :

① 자원 낭비에 대한 두려움 뒤에 숨겨진 심리.
② 장기적인 투자 계획을 위한 효과적인 전략.
③ 실패한 비즈니스 벤처를 복구하는 방법.
④ 개인 투자의 가치를 평가하는 방법.
⑤ 도전적인 관계에서 인내의 중요성.




2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제(주제 고르기 유형)

33번. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?


On our little world, light travels, for all practical purposes, instantaneously. If a lightbulb is glowing, then of course it’s physically where we see it, shining away. We reach out our hand and touch it: It’s there all right, and unpleasantly hot. If the filament fails, then the light goes out. We don’t see it in the same place, glowing, illuminating the room years after the bulb breaks and it’s removed from its socket. The very notion seems nonsensical. But if we’re far enough away, an entire sun can go out and we’ll continue to see it shining brightly; we won’t learn of its death, it may be, for ages to come ― in fact, for how long it takes light, which travels fast but not infinitely fast, to cross the intervening vastness. The immense distances to the stars and the galaxies mean that we see everything in space in the past. 
① The concept of time and space in relation to the speed of light.
② How lightbulbs work and their impact on daily life.
③ Challenges of maintaining illumination in distant galaxies.
④ The invention and evolution of lightbulb technology.
⑤ The impact of celestial events on Earth's natural light sources.







① The concept of time and space in relation to the speed of light.


참고 :

① 빛의 속도와 관련된 시간과 공간의 개념.
② 전구의 작동 방식과 일상 생활에 미치는 영향.
③ 먼 은하계에서 조명을 유지하는 것에 대한 도전.
④ 전구 기술의 발명과 진화.
⑤ 천체의 사건이 지구의 자연광원에 미치는 영향.





2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제(주제 고르기 유형)

34번. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?


Financial markets do more than take capital from the rich and lend it to everyone else. They enable each of us to smooth consumption over our lifetimes, which is a fancy way of saying that we don’t have to spend income at the same time we earn it. Shakespeare may have admonished us to be neither borrowers nor lenders; the fact is that most of us will be both at some point. If we lived in an agrarian society, we would have to eat our crops reasonably soon after the harvest or find some way to store them. Financial markets are a more sophisticated way of managing the harvest. We can spend income now that we have not yet earned ― as by borrowing for college or a home ― or we can earn income now and spend it later, as by saving for retirement. The important point is that earning income has been divorced from spending it, allowing us much more flexibility in life. 
① The history of financial markets and their role in economic development.
② The impact of Shakespearean quotes on modern financial practices.
③ Strategies for managing personal finances effectively.
④ The challenges of storing agricultural produce in ancient societies.
⑤ The benefits of borrowing and saving in modern economies.








⑤ The benefits of borrowing and saving in modern economies.


참고 :

① 금융 시장의 역사와 경제 발전에서의 역할.
② 셰익스피어의 인용이 현대 금융 관행에 미친 영향.
③ 개인 재정을 효과적으로 관리하기 위한 전략.
④ 고대 사회에서 농산물을 저장하는 데 어려움이 있습니다.
⑤ 현대 경제에서 차입 및 저축의 이점.



2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제(주제 고르기 유형)

35번. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?


As the old joke goes: “Software, free. User manual, $10,000.” But it’s no joke. A couple of high-profile companies make their living selling instruction and paid support for free software. The copy of code, being mere bits, is free. The lines of free code become valuable to you only through support and guidance. A lot of medical and genetic information will go this route in the coming decades. Right now getting a full copy of all your DNA is very expensive ($10,000), but soon it won’t be. The price is dropping so fast, it will be $100 soon, and then the next year insurance companies will offer to sequence you for free. When a copy of your sequence costs nothing, the interpretation of what it means, what you can do about it, and how to use it ― the manual for your genes ― will be expensive. 
① The future of medical and genetic information accessibility.
② The rising costs of genetic testing and sequencing.
③ The importance of user manuals for software products.
④ Strategies for lowering the costs of DNA sequencing.
⑤ The challenges of selling free software in the marketplace.







① The future of medical and genetic information accessibility.


참고 :

① 의료 및 유전 정보 접근성의 미래.
② 유전자 검사 및 시퀀싱 비용 상승.
③ 소프트웨어 제품에 대한 사용자 매뉴얼의 중요성.
④ DNA 시퀀싱 비용을 낮추기 위한 전략입니다.
⑤ 시장에서 무료 소프트웨어를 판매하는 것의 어려움.




2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제(주제 고르기 유형)

36번. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?


Brains are expensive in terms of energy. Twenty percent of the calories we consume are used to power the brain. So brains try to operate in the most energy-efficient way possible, and that means processing only the minimum amount of information from our senses that we need to navigate the world. Neuroscientists weren’t the first to discover that fixing your gaze on something is no guarantee of seeing it. Magicians figured this out long ago. By directing your attention, they perform tricks with their hands in full view. Their actions should give away the game, but they can rest assured that your brain processes only small bits of the visual scene. This all helps to explain the prevalence of traffic accidents in which drivers hit pedestrians in plain view, or collide with cars directly in front of them. In many of these cases, the eyes are pointed in the right direction, but the brain isn’t seeing what’s really out there. 
① The efficiency of brain processing in navigating the world.
② How magicians manipulate human visual perception.
③ The energy costs associated with brain function.
④ Factors contributing to traffic accidents involving pedestrians.
⑤ Strategies for improving attention span and focus.








② How magicians manipulate human visual perception.



① 세상을 탐색하는 데 있어 뇌 처리의 효율성.
② 마술사들이 인간의 시각적 인식을 조작하는 방법.
③ 뇌 기능과 관련된 에너지 비용입니다.
④ 보행자 교통사고의 원인이 되는 요인.
⑤ 주의 집중 시간 및 집중력 향상을 위한 전략.





2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제(주제 고르기 유형)

37번. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?


Buying a television is current consumption. It makes us happy today but does nothing to make us richer tomorrow. Yes, money spent on a television keeps workers employed at the television factory. But if the same money were invested, it would create jobs somewhere else, say for scientists in a laboratory or workers on a construction site, while also making us richer in the long run. Think about college as an example. Sending students to college creates jobs for professors. Using the same money to buy fancy sports cars for high school graduates would create jobs for auto workers. The crucial difference between these scenarios is that a college education makes a young person more productive for the rest of his or her life; a sports car does not. Thus, college tuition is an investment; buying a sports car is consumption. 
① The economic impact of consumer spending on different industries.
② The benefits of investing money in long-term assets versus short-term purchases.
③ The role of education in enhancing long-term productivity.
④ Comparison of job creation in various sectors of the economy.
⑤ Strategies for maximizing personal happiness through financial decisions.








② The benefits of investing money in long-term assets versus short-term purchases.


참고 :

① 소비자 지출이 다양한 산업에 미치는 경제적 영향.
② 단기 구매 대비 장기 자산에 돈을 투자하면 얻을 수 있는 이점.
③ 장기적인 생산성 향상을 위한 교육의 역할.
④ 경제 각 부문의 일자리 창출 비교.
⑤ 재무적 결정을 통해 개인의 행복을 극대화하기 위한 전략.




2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제(주제 고르기 유형)

38번. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?


The Net differs from most of the mass media it replaces in an obvious and very important way: it’s bidirectional. We can send messages through the network as well as receive them, which has made the system all the more useful. The ability to exchange information online, to upload as well as download, has turned the Net into a thoroughfare for business and commerce. With a few clicks, people can search virtual catalogues, place orders, track shipments, and update information in corporate databases. But the Net doesn’t just connect us with businesses; it connects us with one another. It’s a personal broadcasting medium as well as a commercial one. Millions of people use it to distribute their own digital creations, in the form of blogs, videos, photos, songs, and podcasts, as well as to critique, edit, or otherwise modify the creations of others. 
① The evolution of mass media from unidirectional to bidirectional communication.
② The impact of online platforms on personal and commercial interactions.
③ The role of digital content creation in shaping modern communication.
④ The advantages of virtual catalogues over traditional shopping methods.
⑤ The dangers of excessive internet use on mental health.








② The impact of online platforms on personal and commercial interactions.


참고 :

① 단방향 통신에서 양방향 통신으로의 대중매체의 진화.
② 온라인 플랫폼이 개인적, 상업적 상호작용에 미치는 영향.
③ 현대 커뮤니케이션을 형성하는 디지털 콘텐츠 제작의 역할.
④ 전통적인 쇼핑 방법에 비해 가상 카탈로그의 장점.
⑤ 과도한 인터넷 사용이 정신 건강에 미치는 위험.




2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제(주제 고르기 유형)

39번. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?


Imagine that seven out of ten working Americans got fired tomorrow. What would they all do? It’s hard to believe you’d have an economy at all if you gave pink slips to more than half the labor force. But that is what the industrial revolution did to the workforce of the early 19th century. Two hundred years ago, 70 percent of American workers lived on the farm. Today automation has eliminated all but 1 percent of their jobs, replacing them with machines. But the displaced workers did not sit idle. Instead, automation created hundreds of millions of jobs in entirely new fields. Those who once farmed were now manning the factories that manufactured farm equipment, cars, and other industrial products. Since then, wave upon wave of new occupations have arrived — appliance repair person, food chemist, photographer, web designer — each building on previous automation. Today, the vast majority of us are doing jobs that no farmer from the 1800s could have imagined. 
① The impact of automation on historical and contemporary job markets.
② The evolution of American labor from agriculture to industrialization.
③ The challenges faced by displaced workers in the modern economy.
④ The role of technology in creating new job opportunities.
⑤ The comparison between traditional farming and modern industrial practices.








① The impact of automation on historical and contemporary job markets.



① 자동화가 역사적, 현대적 고용 시장에 미치는 영향.
② 농업에서 산업화로 미국 노동의 진화.
③ 현대 경제에서 실향민 노동자들이 직면한 도전.
④ 새로운 취업 기회를 창출하는 기술의 역할.
⑤ 전통적인 농업과 현대 산업 관행의 비교.





2024년 6월 고2모의고사 변형문제(주제 고르기 유형)

40번. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?


Many things spark envy: ownership, status, health, youth, talent, popularity, beauty. It is often confused with jealousy because the physical reactions are identical. The difference: the subject of envy is a thing (status, money, health etc.). The subject of jealousy is the behaviour of a third person. Envy needs two people. Jealousy, on the other hand, requires three: Peter is jealous of Sam because the beautiful girl next door rings him instead. Paradoxically, with envy we direct resentments toward those who are most similar to us in age, career and residence. We don’t envy businesspeople from the century before last. We don’t envy millionaires on the other side of the globe. As a writer, I don’t envy musicians, managers or dentists, but other writers. As a CEO you envy other, bigger CEOs. As a supermodel you envy more successful supermodels. Aristotle knew this: ‘Potters envy potters.’ 
① The psychological differences between envy and jealousy.
② How envy affects individuals' perceptions of success.
③ Strategies to overcome envy in competitive environments.
④ Comparison of envy in different professions.
⑤ The historical roots of envy in human societies.







① The psychological differences between envy and jealousy.



① 질투와 질투의 심리적 차이.
② 부러움이 성공에 대한 개인의 인식에 얼마나 영향을 미치는지.
③ 경쟁 환경에서 시기심을 극복하기 위한 전략.
④ 다른 직업에서의 부러움의 비교.
⑤ 인류 사회에서 선망의 역사적 뿌리.







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