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2024년 6월 고1 모의고사 변형문제 (21번)

목동미키박영어 2024. 7. 14. 22:28

2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제(21번)와 정답자료가 필요하시다고요?


걱정 마세요! 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박영어가 해결해 드립니다!




2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제



3등급도 전교 1등으로! (서울  영일고, 송도 박문여고)

3등급도 전교 2등으로! (서울  목동고)

5등급도 1등급으로! (서울  진명여고)

3등급도 1등급으로! (서울 마포고, 서울 신도림고)


모두가 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박영어와 함께 한 결과입니다.




2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제



목동 현대파리지앙 409호 미키박영어 (010 6693 6636)



오늘은 2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제(21번)와 정답자료를 제공해 드립니다.



2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제



좋은 내신 성적은 진심에서 나오는 거 아시죠?


21번 지문에 대한 완벽한 이해는 기본이죠?




2024년 6월 고1 모의고사 21번 이렇게 이해하면 영어레벌 UP!

2024년 6월 고1 모의고사 21번 해설 자료가 필요하시다고요? 걱정 마세요. 재미짐영어 미키박쌤이 아주 쉽...




21번 내용 확실히 익히셨으리라 믿고,


변형문제 도전 시작합니다!





Here we go!



2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제



2024년 6월 고1모의고사 21번 변형문제

1. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?


The soil of a farm field is forced to be the perfect environment for monoculture growth. This is achieved by adding nutrients in the form of fertilizer and water by way of irrigation. During the last fifty years, engineers and crop scientists have helped farmers become much more efficient at supplying exactly the right amount of both. World usage of fertilizer has tripled since 1969, and the global capacity for irrigation has almost doubled; we are feeding and watering our fields more than ever, and our crops are loving it. Unfortunately, these luxurious conditions have also excited the attention of certain agricultural undesirables. Because farm fields are loaded with nutrients and water relatively to the natural land that surrounds them, they are desired as luxury real estate by every random weed in the area. 








2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제








2024년 6월 고1모의고사 21번 변형문제

2 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은? (원문 일부 변형 문제입니다.)


The soil of a farm field is forced to be the perfect environment for monoculture growth. This is achieved by ①supplying nutrients in the form of fertilizer and water by way of irrigation. During the last fifty years, engineers and crop scientists have helped farmers become much more ②productive at supplying exactly the right amount of both. World usage of fertilizer has tripled since 1969, and the global ③ability for irrigation has almost doubled; we are feeding and watering our fields more than ever, and our crops are loving it. Unfortunately, these luxurious conditions have also ④distracted the attention of certain agricultural undesirables. Because farm fields are loaded with nutrients and water relative to the natural land that surrounds them, they are ⑤desired as luxury real estate by every random weed in the area. 






2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제



 ④distracted (분산시켰다) -> excited 



①adding (원문어휘)

②efficient  (원문어휘)

③capacity  (원문어휘)

⑤desired (원문 그대로 출제)






2024년 6월 고1모의고사 21번 변형문제

3. 다음 문장에 이어질 글의 순서를 정하시오.


The soil of a farm field is forced to be the perfect environment for monoculture growth.


(A) Unfortunately, these luxurious conditions have also excited the attention of certain agricultural undesirables. Because farm fields are loaded with nutrients and water relative to the natural land that surrounds them, they are desired as luxury real estate by every random weed in the area. 

(B) This is achieved by adding nutrients in the form of fertilizer and water by way of irrigation. During the last fifty years, engineers and crop scientists have helped farmers become much more efficient at supplying exactly the right amount of both.

(C) World usage of fertilizer has tripled since 1969, and the global capacity for irrigation has almost doubled; we are feeding and watering our fields more than ever, and our crops are loving it.








2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제







2024년 6월 고1모의고사 21번 변형문제

4. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?


The soil of a farm field is forced to be the perfect environment for monoculture growth. This is achieved by adding nutrients in the form of fertilizer and water by way of irrigation. During the last fifty years, engineers and crop scientists have helped farmers become much more efficient at supplying exactly the right amount of both. World usage of fertilizer has tripled since 1969, and the global capacity for irrigation has almost doubled; we are feeding and watering our fields more than ever, and our crops are loving it. Unfortunately, these luxurious conditions have also excited the attention of certain agricultural undesirables. Because farm fields are loaded with nutrients and water relative to the natural land that surrounds them, they are desired as luxury real estate by every random weed in the area. 
① Impact of increased fertilizer and irrigation on crop growth
② Challenges of managing nutrient-rich farm fields
③ Advances in agricultural technology and their benefits
④ Competition between different plant species in monoculture farming
⑤ Environmental consequences of modern farming practices






2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제




② Challenges of managing nutrient-rich farm fields

② 영양이 풍부한 논밭 관리의 과제



① 비료 및 관개량 증가가 작물 생육에 미치는 영향
③ 농업기술의 발전과 그 이점
④ 단일재배농업의 다양한 식물종간 경쟁
⑤ 현대농업의 환경적 영향



2024년 6월 고1모의고사 21번 변형문제

5. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


The soil of a farm field is forced to be the perfect environment for monoculture growth. This is achieved by adding nutrients in the form of fertilizer and water by way of irrigation. During the last fifty years, engineers and crop scientists have helped farmers become much more efficient at supplying exactly the right amount of both. World usage of fertilizer has tripled since 1969, and the global capacity for irrigation has almost doubled; we are feeding and watering our fields more than ever, and our crops are loving it. Unfortunately, these luxurious conditions have also excited the attention of certain agricultural undesirables. Because farm fields are loaded with nutrients and water relative to the natural land that surrounds them, they are desired as luxury real estate by every random weed in the area. 

Modern farming's             [A]               use of fertilizers and irrigation attracts            [B]            weeds due to nutrient-rich conditions. 

        [A]                                    [B]

① reassured                 desirous

② confirmed                unexpected

③ reconsidered             undesirable

increased                  unwanted 

⑤ considerate               limited








2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제




④ increased                  unwanted 

Modern farming's increased use of fertilizers and irrigation attracts unwanted weeds due to nutrient-rich conditions. 

현대 농업의 비료 사용 증가와 관개는 영양소가 풍부한 조건으로 인해 원치 않는 잡초를 유인한다.





지금까지 모의고사변형문제월드 목동 미키박영어

2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제(21번)와 정답자료습니다.


2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제(22번)와 정답자료도 확인해보실까요?




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구글다음네이버유튜브에서 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박영어라고 검색하시면

정말 많은 모의고사 변형문제 자료들을 무료로 활용하실 수 있습니다.



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재미짐영어 미키박쌤을 확인해보세요.




