2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제

2024년 6월 고1 모의고사 변형문제 (29번)

목동미키박영어 2024. 7. 18. 09:02

2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제(29번)와 정답자료가 필요하시다고요?


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2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제



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2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제



좋은 내신 성적은 진심에서 나오는 거 아시죠?


29번 지문에 대한 완벽한 이해는 기본이죠?





2024년 6월 고1 모의고사 29번 이렇게 이해하면 영어레벌 UP!

2024년 6월 고1 모의고사 29번 해설 자료가 필요하시다고요? 걱정 마세요. 재미짐영어 미키박쌤이 아주 쉽...





29번 내용 확실히 익히셨으리라 믿고,





변형문제 도전 시작합니다!





Here we go!


2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제




2024년 6월 고1모의고사 29번 변형문제

1. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?


The hunter-gatherer lifestyle, which can be described as “natural” to human beings, appears to have had much to recommend it. Examination of human remains from early hunter-gatherer societies has suggested that our ancestors enjoyed abundant food, obtainable without excessive effort, and suffered very few diseases. If this is true, it is not clear why so many humans settled in permanent villages and developed agriculture, growing crops and domesticating animals: cultivating fields was hard work, and it was in farming villages that epidemic diseases first took root. Whatever its immediate effect on the lives of humans, the development of settlements and agriculture undoubtedly led to a high increase in population density. This period, known as the New Stone Age, was a major turning point in human development, opening the way to the growth of the first towns and cities, and eventually leading to settled “civilizations.” 

① The advantages of the hunter-gatherer lifestyle
② The reasons behind the shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture
③ The impact of agriculture on human population density
④ The connection between agriculture and the rise of epidemic diseases
⑤ The role of the New Stone Age in the development of human civilizations






2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제





⑤ The role of the New Stone Age in the development of human civilizations

⑤ 신석기시대가 인류문명의 발전에 미친 역할


참고 :

① 수렵인과 채집인의 생활방식의 장점
② 수렵과 채집에서 농업으로 전환한 이유
③ 농업이 인구밀도에 미치는 영향
④ 농업과 전염병의 증가 사이의 연관성




2024년 6월 고1모의고사 29번 변형문제

2 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은? (원문 일부 변형 문제입니다.)


The hunter-gatherer lifestyle, which can be described as “natural” to human beings, appears to have had much to ①recommend it. Examination of human remains from early hunter-gatherer societies has suggested that our ancestors enjoyed ②plentiful food, obtainable without excessive effort, and suffered very few diseases. If this is true, it is not clear why so many humans settled in permanent villages and developed agriculture, growing crops and domesticating animals: cultivating fields was ③arduous work, and it was in farming villages that epidemic diseases first took root. Whatever its immediate effect on the lives of humans, the development of settlements and agriculture undoubtedly led to a high ④rise in population density. This period, known as the New Stone Age, was a major turning point in human development, opening the way to the ⑤revitalization of the first towns and cities, and eventually leading to settled “civilizations.” 






2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제




⑤revitalization (소생) -> growth 


참고 :

①recommend (원문 그대로 출제)

②abundant (원문 어휘)

③hard (원문 어휘)

④increase (원문 어휘)






2024년 6월 고1모의고사 29번 변형문제

3. 다음 문장에 이어질 글의 순서를 정하시오.


The hunter-gatherer lifestyle, which can be described as “natural” to human beings, appears to have had much to recommend it.


(A) This period, known as the New Stone Age, was a major turning point in human development, opening the way to the growth of the first towns and cities, and eventually leading to settled “civilizations.” 

(B) If this is true, it is not clear why so many humans settled in permanent villages and developed agriculture, growing crops and domesticating animals: cultivating fields was hard work, and it was in farming villages that epidemic diseases first took root. Whatever its immediate effect on the lives of humans, the development of settlements and agriculture undoubtedly led to a high increase in population density.

(C) Examination of human remains from early hunter-gatherer societies has suggested that our ancestors enjoyed abundant food, obtainable without excessive effort, and suffered very few diseases.








2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제










2024년 6월 고1모의고사 29번 변형문제


4. 다음 중 글의 흐름 상 무관한 문장은?


The hunter-gatherer lifestyle, which can be described as “natural” to human beings, appears to have had much to recommend it. ①Examination of human remains from early hunter-gatherer societies has suggested that our ancestors enjoyed abundant food, obtainable without excessive effort, and suffered very few diseases. ②Thus, it has long been questioned whether the modern society is really beneficial for all human beings in history. ③If this is true, it is not clear why so many humans settled in permanent villages and developed agriculture, growing crops and domesticating animals: cultivating fields was hard work, and it was in farming villages that epidemic diseases first took root. ④Whatever its immediate effect on the lives of humans, the development of settlements and agriculture undoubtedly led to a high increase in population density. ⑤This period, known as the New Stone Age, was a major turning point in human development, opening the way to the growth of the first towns and cities, and eventually leading to settled “civilizations.” 








2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제



②Thus, it has long been questioned whether the modern society is really beneficial for all human beings in history.

②그리하여 현대사회가 역사 속에서 과연 모든 인간에게 이로움을 주는 사회인가에 대해서는 오랫동안 의문이 제기되어 왔다.





2024년 6월 고1모의고사 29번 변형문제

5. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


The hunter-gatherer lifestyle, which can be described as “natural” to human beings, appears to have had much to recommend it. Examination of human remains from early hunter-gatherer societies has suggested that our ancestors enjoyed abundant food, obtainable without excessive effort, and suffered very few diseases. If this is true, it is not clear why so many humans settled in permanent villages and developed agriculture, growing crops and domesticating animals: cultivating fields was hard work, and it was in farming villages that epidemic diseases first took root. Whatever its immediate effect on the lives of humans, the development of settlements and agriculture undoubtedly led to a high increase in population density. This period, known as the New Stone Age, was a major turning point in human development, opening the way to the growth of the first towns and cities, and eventually leading to settled “civilizations.” 

The transition from foraging to farming marked a          [A]        era in human progress,          [B]          urban development.

       [A]                               [B]

① significant                   receding

② unique                        withholding

pivotal                        enabling 

④ controversial                supporting

⑤ popularized                 reversing








2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제





 pivotal                        enabling 

The transition from foraging to farming marked a pivotal era in human progress, enabling urban development.

수렵에서 농업으로의 전환은 인간의 진보에 중추적인 시대를 맞아 도시 발전을 가능하게 했다.



2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제


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2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제

