2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제(33번)와 정답자료가 필요하시다고요?
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오늘은 2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제(33번)와 정답자료를 제공해 드립니다.
좋은 내신 성적은 진심에서 나오는 거 아시죠?
33번 지문에 대한 완벽한 이해는 기본이죠?
2024년 6월 고1 모의고사 33번 이렇게 이해하면 영어레벌 UP!
2024년 6월 고1 모의고사 33번 해설 자료가 필요하시다고요? 걱정 마세요. 재미짐영어 미키박쌤이 아주 쉽...
33번 내용 확실히 익히셨으리라 믿고,
변형문제 도전 시작합니다!
Here we go!
2024년 6월 고1모의고사 33번 변형문제
1. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?
How did the human mind evolve? One possibility is that competition and conflicts with other human tribes caused our brains to evolve the way they ①did. A human tribe that could out-think its enemies, even slightly, ②possessed a vital advantage. The ability of your tribe to imagine and predict where and when a hostile enemy tribe might strike, and plan accordingly, ③giving your tribe a significant military advantage. The human mind became a weapon in the struggle for survival, a weapon far more decisive than any before it. And this mental advantage was applied, over and over, within each ④succeeding generation. The tribe that could out-think its opponents was more likely to succeed in battle and would then pass on the genes ⑤responsible for this mental advantage to its offspring. You and I are the descendants of the winners.
주어가 The ability이고 이에 대한 동사가 없습니다.
따라서, ③ 번은 준동사가 아닌 동사 gives 가 옳습니다.
안녕하세요 재미짐영어 미키박쌤입니다. 오늘은 준동사의 개념 및 동사와 준동사의 구분에 대해 알려드립니다. 영상으로 확인하기 : 준동사와 동사, 연결사 개념 동사가 뭔지는 아시죠? 네, 바
2024년 6월 고1모의고사 33번 변형문제
2 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은? (원문 일부 변형 문제입니다.)
How did the human mind evolve? One possibility is that competition and conflicts with other human tribes caused our brains to ①develop the way they did. A human tribe that could out-think its enemies, even slightly, possessed a vital ②edge. The ability of your tribe to imagine and predict where and when a hostile enemy tribe might strike, and plan accordingly, gives your tribe a significant ③sensitive advantage. The human mind became a weapon in the struggle for survival, a weapon far more decisive than any before it. And this mental advantage was applied, over and over, within each ④subsequent generation. The tribe that could out-think its opponents was more likely to succeed in battle and would then pass on the genes ⑤accountable for this mental advantage to its offspring. You and I are the descendants of the winners.
③sensitive (민감한) -> military
참고 :
①evolve (원문 어휘)
②advantage (원문 어휘)
④succeeding (원문 어휘)
⑤responsible (원문 어휘)
2024년 6월 고1모의고사 33번 변형문제
3. 다음 문장에 이어질 글의 순서를 정하시오.
How did the human mind evolve? One possibility is that competition and conflicts with other human tribes caused our brains to evolve the way they did.
(A) The human mind became a weapon in the struggle for survival, a weapon far more decisive than any before it. And this mental advantage was applied, over and over, within each succeeding generation.
(B) The tribe that could out-think its opponents was more likely to succeed in battle and would then pass on the genes responsible for this mental advantage to its offspring. You and I are the descendants of the winners.
(C) A human tribe that could out-think its enemies, even slightly, possessed a vital advantage. The ability of your tribe to imagine and predict where and when a hostile enemy tribe might strike, and plan accordingly, gives your tribe a significant military advantage.
2024년 6월 고1모의고사 33번 변형문제
4. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?
How did the human mind evolve? One possibility is that competition and conflicts with other human tribes caused our brains to evolve the way they did. A human tribe that could out-think its enemies, even slightly, possessed a vital advantage. The ability of your tribe to imagine and predict where and when a hostile enemy tribe might strike, and plan accordingly, gives your tribe a significant military advantage. The human mind became a weapon in the struggle for survival, a weapon far more decisive than any before it. And this mental advantage was applied, over and over, within each succeeding generation. The tribe that could out-think its opponents was more likely to succeed in battle and would then pass on the genes responsible for this mental advantage to its offspring. You and I are the descendants of the winners.
① The evolution of the human brain through competition
② The role of imagination in predicting enemy movements
③ The importance of military strategies in tribal conflicts
④ How genetic advantages are passed through generations
⑤ The significance of mental capabilities in human survival
① The evolution of the human brain through competition
① 경쟁을 통한 인간 뇌의 진화
② 적의 움직임을 예측하는 상상력의 역할
③ 부족간 분쟁에서 군사전략의 중요성
④ 유전적 이점이 세대를 통해 전달되는 방법
⑤ 인간 생존에 있어서 정신적 역량의 중요성
2024년 6월 고1모의고사 33번 변형문제
5. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
How did the human mind evolve? One possibility is that competition and conflicts with other human tribes caused our brains to evolve the way they did. A human tribe that could out-think its enemies, even slightly, possessed a vital advantage. The ability of your tribe to imagine and predict where and when a hostile enemy tribe might strike, and plan accordingly, gives your tribe a significant military advantage. The human mind became a weapon in the struggle for survival, a weapon far more decisive than any before it. And this mental advantage was applied, over and over, within each succeeding generation. The tribe that could out-think its opponents was more likely to succeed in battle and would then pass on the genes responsible for this mental advantage to its offspring. You and I are the descendants of the winners.
Human intellect likely developed due to tribal [A] , providing a strategic [B] in survival and warfare.
[A] [B]
① support advantage
② competition balance
③ development method
④ abundance complexity
⑤ rivalry edge
⑤ rivalry edge
Human intellect likely developed due to tribal rivalry, providing a strategic edge in survival and warfare.
인간의 지성은 부족 간의 경쟁으로 인해 발전했을 가능성이 높으며, 생존과 전쟁에서 전략적 우위를 제공한다.
지금까지 모의고사변형문제월드 목동 미키박영어의
2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제(33번)와 정답자료였습니다.
2024년 6월 고1모의고사 변형문제(34번)와 정답자료도 확인해보실까요?
이 외에도
구글, 다음, 네이버, 유튜브에서 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박영어라고 검색하시면
정말 많은 모의고사 변형문제 자료들을 무료로 활용하실 수 있습니다.
그리고, 영문법에 대한 유용한 자료는
재미짐영어 미키박쌤을 확인해보세요.
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