2024년 9월 고2모의고사 변형문제

2024년9월고2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)

목동미키박영어 2024. 9. 23. 18:24

2024년9월고2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)와 정답자료가 필요하시다고요?


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오늘은 2024년9월고2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)와 정답자료를 제공해 드립니다.





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Here we go!







2024년9월2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)


20번. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.


Merely ①convince your children that worry is senseless and that they would be more content if they didn’t worry ②isn’t going to stop them from worrying. For some reason, young people seem to believe that worry is a fact of life over ③what they have little or no control. Consequently, they don’t even try ④to stop. Therefore, you need to convince them that worry, like guilt and fear, ⑤being nothing more than an emotion, and like all emotions, ⑥being subject to the power of the will. Tell them that they can eliminate worry from their lives by simply refusing to attend to ⑦it. Explain to them that if they refuse to act ⑧worried regardless of how they feel, they will eventually stop ⑨feeling worried and will begin to experience the contentment that accompanies a worry­-free life. 















2024년9월2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)

21번. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.


In today’s information age, in many companies and on many teams, the objective ①is no longer error prevention and replicability. On the contrary, it’s creativity, speed, and keenness. In the industrial era, the goal was to minimize variation. But in creative companies today, ②maximizing variation is more essential. In these situations, the biggest risk isn’t making a mistake or losing consistency; it’s failing to attract top talent, to invent new products, or to change direction ③quickly when the environment shifts. Consistency and repeatability are more likely to suppress fresh thinking than ④bringing your company profit. A lot of little mistakes, ⑤during sometimes painful, ⑥helping the organization learn quickly and ⑦be a critical part of the innovation cycle. In these situations, rules and process are no longer the best answer. A symphony isn’t ⑧what you’re going for. Leave the conductor and the sheet music behind. Build a jazz band instead. 












to bring







2024년9월2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)

22번. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.


Any new or ①threatened situation may require us to make decisions and this requires information. So important is communication during a disaster ②when normal social barriers are often lowered. We will talk to strangers in a way we would never consider ③normal. Even relatively low grade disruption of our life such as a fire drill or a very late train ④seeming to give us the permission to break normal etiquette and ⑤talk to strangers. The more ⑥important an event to a particular public, the more detailed and urgent the requirement for news ⑦to become. Without an authoritative source of facts, ⑧whether that is a newspaper or trusted broadcast station, rumours often ⑨running riot. Rumours start because people believe their group to be in danger and so, although the rumour is unproven, ⑩feeling they should pass it on. For example, if a worker heard that their employer’s business was doing ⑪bad and people were going to be made ⑫redundantly, they would ⑬pass that information on to colleagues. 




















2024년9월2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)

23번. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.


People seem to recognize that the arts are cultural activities that draw on (or react against) certain cultural traditions, certain ①shared understanding, and certain values and ideas that are characteristic of the time and place in ②what the art is created. In the case of science, however, opinions differ. Some scientists, like the great biologist J. B. S. Haldane, ③seeing science in a similar light ― as a historical activity that occurs in a particular time and place, and that needs to ④understand within that context. Others, however, see science as a ⑤purely “objective” pursuit, uninfluenced by the cultural viewpoint and values of those who create it. In describing this view of science, philosopher Hugh Lacey speaks of the belief ⑥which there is an underlying order of the world which is simply there to ⑦discover ― the world of pure “fact” stripped of any link with value. The aim of science according to this view is to represent this world of pure “fact”, ⑧independent of any relationship it might bear ⑨contingently to human practices and experiences. 















be understood


be discovered





2024년9월2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)

24번. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.


Mental development consists of individuals increasingly mastering social codes and signals themselves, ①when they can master only in social situations with the support of more competent individuals, ②typically adults. In this sense, mental development consists of internalizing social patterns and gradually ③becoming a responsible actor among other responsible actors. In Denmark, the age of criminal responsibility is 15 years, which ④mean that we then say that people have developed sufficient mental maturity to be accountable for their actions at this point. And at the age of 18 people are ⑤giving the right to vote and are thereby formally included in the basic democratic process. I do not know ⑥whether these age boundaries are optimal, but it is clear that mental development takes place at different rates for different individuals, and ⑦depends especially on the social and family environment they have ⑧given. Therefore, having formal limits for responsibility from a specific age that apply to everyone ⑨being a somewhat questionable practice. But the question, of course, is ⑩if it can be done any ⑪difference









been given







2024년9월2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)

29번. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.


One well­known shift took place when the accepted view ― that the Earth was the center of the universe — ①changing to one ②which we understood that we are only inhabitants on one planet ③orbits the Sun. With each person who grasped the solar system view, it became easier for the next person ④to do so. So it is with the notion ⑤which the world revolves around the human economy. This is slowly being replaced by the view ⑥that the economy is a part of the larger system of material flows that connect all living things. When this perspective shifts into place, it will be obvious that our economic well­being requires ⑦what we account for, and respond to, factors of ecological health. Unfortunately we do not have a century or two ⑧make the change. By clarifying the nature of the old and new perspectives, and by identifying actions on ⑨what we might cooperate to move the process along, we can help ⑩accelerate the shift. 














to make






2024년9월2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)

30번. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.


The first human beings probably evolved in tropical regions ①which survival was possible without clothing. It is likely that they had very dark skin because light skin would ②give little protection against the ③burnt rays of the sun. There is a debate about ④whether these people spread into other parts of the world or, instead, whether people developed ⑤independently in various parts of the world. ⑥Which the case, it is believed that in time they became capable of spreading out from Africa, eventually to most of the world. This was probably ⑦because their physical characteristics changed. For instance, early hominids probably did not walk upright, but when they developed that ability, they could travel more ⑧efficiently. More ⑨importance, perhaps, was their development of tool making. With tools, they could hunt other animals, so they could consume more protein and fat than their low­-energy vegetarian diet would ⑩provide. Not only their bodies but also their brains would have ⑪changed with more energy. The brain needs lots of energy to grow. ⑫As their diet expanded, hominids could physically and intellectually expand their territory. 










have given




have provided

been changed




2024년9월2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)

31번. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.


When we get an unfavorable outcome, in some ways the last thing we want to hear ①being that the process was fair. As ②outraged as the combination of an unfavorable outcome and an unfair process ③to be, this combination also brings with it a consolation prize: the possibility of attributing the bad outcome to something other than ④us. We may reassure ourselves by believing that our bad outcome ⑤had little to do with us and everything to do with the unfair process. If the process is fair, however, we cannot nearly as ⑥easy externalize the outcome; we got ⑦that we got “fair and square.” When the process is fair we believe that our outcome is deserved, ⑧this is another way of saying that there must ⑨be something about ⑩us (what we did or who we are) that caused the outcome.  















have been





2024년9월2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)

32번. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.

The well­known American ethnologist Alfred Louis Kroeber made a rich and in­depth study of women’s evening dress in the West, ①stretching back about three centuries and using reproductions of engravings. ②Adjusting the dimensions of these plates due to their diverse origins, he was able to analyse the constant elements in fashion features and ③comes up with a study that was neither intuitive nor approximate, but precise, mathematical and statistical. He reduced women’s clothing to ④a certain number of features: length and size of the skirt, size and depth of the neckline, height of the waistline. He demonstrated unambiguously that fashion ⑤was a profoundly regular phenomenon which is not located at the level of annual variations but on the scale of history. For ⑥practical 300 years, women’s dress was subject to a very precise periodic cycle: forms reach the ⑦furthest point in their variations every fifty years. If, at any one moment, skirts are at their longest, fifty years later they will be at their shortest; thus skirts ⑧becoming long again fifty years after being short and a hundred years after ⑨being long.  








Having adjusted
to come







2024년9월2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)

33번. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.


Over the last few centuries, humanity’s collective prosperity ①skyrocketed, as technological progress has made us ②far wealthier than ever before. To share out those riches, almost all societies have settled upon the market mechanism, ③rewarded people in various ways for the work that they do and the things that they own. But rising inequality, itself often driven by technology, ④having started to put that mechanism under strain. Today, markets already provide immense rewards to some people but ⑤leave many others with very ⑥few. And now, technological unemployment ⑦threatens to become a more radical version of the same story, ⑧taken place in the particular market we rely upon the most: the labor market. ⑨As that market begins to break down, more and more people will be in danger of not receiving a share of society’s prosperity at all. 









has skyrocketed






2024년9월2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)

34번. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.


It’s often said that those who can’t do, ①teaching. It would be more accurate to say that those who can do, can’t teach the basics. A great deal of expert knowledge is implicit, not explicit. The ②farther you progress toward mastery, the less conscious awareness you often have of the fundamentals. Experiments show that ③skilled golfers and wine aficionados have a hard time ④to describe their putting and tasting techniques — even asking them to explain their approaches ⑤to be enough to interfere with their performance, so they often stay on autopilot. When I first saw an elite diver ⑥to do four and a half somersaults, I asked how he managed to spin so fast. His answer: “Just go up in a ball.” Experts often have an intuitive understanding of a route, but they struggle to ⑦clearly express all the steps to take. Their brain dump is ⑧partially filled with garbage. 




















2024년9월2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)

35번. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.



Minimal processing can be one of the best ①way to keep original flavors and taste, without any need to add artificial flavoring or additives, or too much salt. This would also be the efficient way to keep most nutrients, especially the most sensitive ②one such as many vitamins and anti­oxidants. Milling of cereals is one of the most harsh ③processes which dramatically ④affect nutrient content. While grains are naturally very rich in micronutrients, anti­oxidants and fiber (i.e. in wholemeal flour or flakes), milling usually ⑤removing the vast majority of minerals, vitamins and fibers to raise white flour. Such a spoilage of key nutrients and fiber ⑥is no longer acceptable in the context of a sustainable diet ⑦aimed at an optimal nutrient density and health protection. In contrast, fermentation of various foodstuffs or germination of grains are traditional, ⑧locally accessible, low­energy and highly nutritious processes of sounded interest. 


















2024년9월2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)

36번. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.


It would seem obvious that the more competent someone ①is, the more we will like that person. By “competence,” I mean a cluster of qualities: smartness, the ability to get things ②to do, wise decisions, etc. We stand a better chance of doing well at our life tasks if we surround ourselves with people who know ③that they’re doing and ④having a lot to teach us. But the research evidence is paradoxical: In problem­-solving groups, the participants who are considered the most ⑤competently and ⑥had the best ideas ⑦to tend not to be the ones who are best liked. Why? One possibility is ⑧that, although we like to be around competent people, those who are too competent ⑨to make us uncomfortable. They may seem unapproachable, distant, superhuman ― and make us look ⑩bad (and feel worse) by comparison. If this were true, we might ⑪like people more if they reveal some evidence of fallibility. For example, if your friend is a brilliant mathematician, superb athlete, and gourmet cook, you might like him or her better if, every once in a while, they ⑫screw up. 


















2024년9월2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)

37번. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.


A computational algorithm that takes input data and generates some output from it ①doesn’t really embody any notion of meaning. Certainly, such a computation does not generally have as its purpose its own survival and well­being. It does not, in general, ②assign value to the inputs. Compare, for example, a computer algorithm with the waggle dance of the honeybee, by ③this means a foraging bee ④conveys to others in the hive information about the source of food (such as nectar) it has located. The “dance” ― a series of ⑤stylizing movements on the comb ― ⑥showing the bees how far away the food is and in which direction. But this input does not ⑦simple program other bees to go out and look for it. Rather, they evaluate this information, ⑧comparing it with their own knowledge of the surroundings. Some bees might not bother to make the journey, ⑨considering it not worthwhile. The input, such as it is, ⑩being processed in the light of the organism’s own internal states and history; there is nothing prescriptive about its effects. 













is processed




2024년9월2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)

38번. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.


There are deep similarities between viral contagion and behavioral contagion. For example, people in ①closed or extended proximity to others infected by a virus ②being themselves more likely to become infected, just as people are more likely to drink ③excessively when they spend more time in the company of heavy drinkers. But there are also important differences between the two types of contagion. One is ④what visibility promotes behavioral contagion but inhibits the spread of infectious diseases. Solar panels that are visible from the street, for instance, ⑤being more likely to stimulate ⑥neighbored installations. In contrast, we try to avoid others who are visibly ill. Another important difference is ⑦that whereas viral contagion is almost always a bad thing, behavioral contagion ⑧is sometimes negative ― as in the case of smoking ― but sometimes ⑨positive, as in the case of solar installations. 





















2024년9월2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)

39번. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.


Sleep is ①clear about more than just resting. One curious fact is ②that animals that are hibernating also ③to have periods of sleep. It comes as a surprise to most of us, but hibernation and sleep are not the same thing at all, at least not from a neurological and metabolic perspective. Hibernating is more like ④being anesthetized: the subject is unconscious but not ⑤actual asleep. So a hibernating animal needs to get a few hours of conventional sleep each day within the larger unconsciousness. A ⑥further surprise to most of us is ⑦what bears, the most famous of wintry sleepers, don’t actually hibernate. Real hibernation involves profound unconsciousness and a dramatic fall in body temperature ― often to around 32 degrees Fahrenheit. By this definition, bears don’t hibernate, because their body temperature stays ⑧nearly normal and they are easily awakened. Their winter sleeps are more ⑨accurately called a state of torpor. 

















2024년9월2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)

40번. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.


The concern about how we appear to others can ①be seen in children, ②despite work by the psychologist Ervin Staub suggests that the effect ③should vary with age. In a study ④which children heard another child in distress, young children (kindergarten through second grade) ⑤were more likely to help the child in distress when with another child than ⑥when alone. But for older children ― in fourth and sixth grade ― the effect ⑦reversed: they were less likely to help a child in distress when they were with a peer ⑧than when they were alone. Staub suggested that younger children ⑨might feel more comfortable ⑩to act when they have the company of a peer, whereas older children might feel more concern about ⑪being judged by their peers and ⑫feared feeling embarrassed by overreacting. Staub noted that “older children seemed to discuss the distress sounds less and ⑬reacted to them less ⑭open than younger children.” In other words, the older children were ⑮deliberately putting on a poker face in front of their peers. 














to react 





2024년9월2모의고사변형문제(어법성 판단 유형)

41~42번. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 고치시오.


What makes questioning authority so ①hard? The difficulties start in childhood, when parents — the first and most powerful authority figures — ②showing children “the way things are.” This is a necessary element of learning language and socialization, and certainly most things learned in early childhood ③being noncontroversial: the English alphabet starts with A and ends with Z, the numbers 1 through 10 come before the numbers 11 through 20, and so on. Children, however, will ④spontaneously question things that are quite obvious to adults and even to older kids. The word “why?” becomes a challenge, as in, “Why is the sky blue?” Answers such as “because it just is” or “because I say so” ⑤to tell children that they must unquestioningly accept ⑥that authorities say “just because,” and children who persist in their questioning ⑦to be likely to find ⑧them dismissed or yelled at for “bothering” adults with “meaningless” or “unimportant” questions. But these questions are in fact ⑨perfectly reasonable. Why is the sky blue? Many adults do not themselves know the answer. And who says the sky’s color needs to ⑩call “blue,” anyway? How do we know that what one person calls “blue” ⑪to be the same color that another calls “blue”? The scientific answers come from physics, but those are not the answers that children are seeking. They are trying to understand the world, and no matter how ⑫irritated the repeated questions may become to stressed and time­pressed parents, it is important to take them ⑬serious to encourage kids to question authority to think for ⑭them





















be called










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