2024년10월고1모의고사변형문제(37번)와 정답자료가 필요하시다고요?
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오늘은 2024년10월고1모의고사변형문제(37번)와 정답자료를 제공해 드립니다.
좋은 내신 성적은 진심에서 나오는 거 아시죠?
37번 지문에 대한 완벽한 이해는 기본이죠?
2024년10월고1모의고사37번 이렇게 이해하면 영어레벌 UP!
2024년10월고1모의고사37번 해설 자료가 필요하시다고요? 걱정 마세요. 재미짐영어 미키박쌤이 아주 쉽게 ...
37번 내용 확실히 익히셨으리라 믿고,
변형문제 도전 시작합니다!
Here we go!
1. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?
Conventional medicine has long believed that depression is caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. However, there is a major problem with this explanation. This is ①because the imbalance of substances in the brain is a consequence of depression, not its cause. In other words, depression causes a decrease in brain substances such as serotonin and noradrenaline, not a decrease in brain substances ②causing depression. In this revised cause-and-effect, the key is to reframe depression as a problem of consciousness. Our consciousness is a more fundamental entity ③that goes beyond the functioning of the brain. The brain is no more than an organ of consciousness. If it is not consciousness itself, then the root cause of depression is also a distortion of our state of consciousness: a consciousness that ④has lost its sense of self and the meaning of life. Such a disease of consciousness may manifest ⑤itself in the form of depression.
주어가 not 뒤의 a decrease입니다.
이 문장은 not A but B 구문의 변형 구문으로
B~, not A 의 형태로 바뀐 구문입니다.
B가 절이므로 not A부분도 절입니다.
따라서, 연결사가 보이지 않는 것처럼 보이지만, 상관접속사 not A but B가 사용된 것으로 이해해야 합니다.
따라서, not A 부분 역시 절이므로 not 뒤의 a decrease가 주어이고, 이에 대한 동사가 causes입니다.
causing 은 동사가 아닌 준동사입니다.
안녕하세요 재미짐영어 미키박쌤입니다. 오늘은 준동사의 개념 및 동사와 준동사의 구분에 대해 알려드립니다. 영상으로 확인하기 : 준동사와 동사, 연결사 개념 동사가 뭔지는 아시죠? 네, 바
2 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은? (원문 일부 변형 문제입니다.)
Conventional medicine has long believed that depression is caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. However, there is a major problem with this explanation. This is because the ①disproportion of substances in the brain is a consequence of depression, not its cause. In other words, depression ②triggers a decrease in brain substances such as serotonin and noradrenaline, not a decrease in brain substances causes depression. In this revised cause-and-effect, the key is to reframe depression as a problem of consciousness. Our consciousness is a more ③foundational entity that goes beyond the functioning of the brain. The brain is no more than an organ of consciousness. If it is not consciousness itself, then the root cause of depression is also a ④representation of our state of consciousness: a consciousness that has lost its sense of self and the meaning of life. Such a disease of consciousness may ⑤manifest itself in the form of depression.
④representation (표현, 대표) -> distortion
참고 :
①imbalance (원문 어휘)
②causes (원문 어휘)
③fundamental (원문 어휘)
⑤manifest (원문 그대로 출제)
3. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?
Conventional medicine has long believed that depression is caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. However, there is a major problem with this explanation. This is because the imbalance of substances in the brain is a consequence of depression, not its cause. In other words, depression causes a decrease in brain substances such as serotonin and noradrenaline, not a decrease in brain substances causes depression. In this revised cause-and-effect, the key is to reframe depression as a problem of consciousness. Our consciousness is a more fundamental entity that goes beyond the functioning of the brain. The brain is no more than an organ of consciousness. If it is not consciousness itself, then the root cause of depression is also a distortion of our state of consciousness: a consciousness that has lost its sense of self and the meaning of life. Such a disease of consciousness may manifest itself in the form of depression.
① The traditional view of neurotransmitter imbalance in depression
② Why depression should be understood as a problem of consciousness
③ The relationship between brain function and consciousness in mental health
④ How neurotransmitters influence emotional states
⑤ Methods to treat depression by targeting consciousness
② Why depression should be understood as a problem of consciousness
② 우울증을 의식의 문제로 이해해야 하는 이유
참고 :
① 우울증의 신경전달물질 불균형에 대한 전통적인 견해
③ 정신 건강에서 뇌 기능과 의식 사이의 관계
④ 신경 전달 물질이 감정 상태에 미치는 영향
⑤ 의식을 표적으로 삼아 우울증을 치료하는 방법
4. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형 문제입니다.)
Traditional medicine has long attributed depression to an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. However, this explanation has a significant flaw: the imbalance of these substances is a result of depression, not its origin. In other words, depression leads to reduced levels of substances like serotonin and noradrenaline, rather than the reduction of these substances causing depression. With this revised understanding of cause and effect, depression should be viewed as an issue rooted in consciousness. Consciousness, as a deeper and more essential aspect of existence, extends beyond mere brain function. The brain serves as an organ of consciousness but is not synonymous with consciousness itself. Thus, the true cause of depression lies in a distorted state of consciousness—a state where one loses a sense of self and the meaning of life. This can then manifest outwardly as depression.
① mental and physical imbalance
② deterioration of physical health
③ disruption in consciousness
④ questions about one's self-identity
⑤ a collapse of self-esteem
③ disruption in consciousness
의식의 붕괴
참고 :
① 정신과 신체의 불균형
② 육체 건강의 악화
④ 자아 정체성에 대한 의문
⑤ 자존감의 붕괴
5. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Conventional medicine has long believed that depression is caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. However, there is a major problem with this explanation. This is because the imbalance of substances in the brain is a consequence of depression, not its cause. In other words, depression causes a decrease in brain substances such as serotonin and noradrenaline, not a decrease in brain substances causes depression. In this revised cause-and-effect, the key is to reframe depression as a problem of consciousness. Our consciousness is a more fundamental entity that goes beyond the functioning of the brain. The brain is no more than an organ of consciousness. If it is not consciousness itself, then the root cause of depression is also a distortion of our state of consciousness: a consciousness that has lost its sense of self and the meaning of life. Such a disease of consciousness may manifest itself in the form of depression.
Depression may stem from a/an [A] consciousness rather than brain chemistry, suggesting it’s a consciousness issue involving self and life meaning [B] .
[A] [B]
① developed assurance
② distorted loss
③ unbalanced confusion
④ restricted misinterpretation
⑤ uncertain gain
② distorted loss
Depression may stem from a distorted consciousness rather than brain chemistry, suggesting it’s a consciousness issue involving self and life meaning loss.
우울증은 뇌 화학이 아닌 왜곡된 의식에서 비롯된 것일 수 있으며, 이는 상실을 의미하는 자아와 생명과 관련된 의식 문제임을 시사한다.
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