안녕하세요 모의고사변형문제월드 목동 미키박 쌤입니다.
3등급이 전교 1등으로!
(목동 영일고, 송도 박문여고)
바로 목동 영어 미키박 쌤과 함께라 가능했습니다!
오늘은 2022년 6월 고1 모의고사 36번 분석 및 변형문제입니다.
분석으로 완벽하게 익히고
변형문제도 풀어서
2022년 6월 고1 모의고사 36번 분석 및 변형문제는 완벽하게 맞출 수 있도록 연습해 보실까요?
단계는 다음과 같습니다.
1. 혼자 해보기
2. 원문 분석
3. 혼자 복습해보기
이 과정이 다 끝나고 나면
4. 변형문제 풀기
이렇게 진행됩니다.
그럼, 시작해 보실까요?
Here we go!
1. 혼자 해보기
Mrs. Klein told her first graders to draw a picture of something to be thankful for.
2. 원문 분석
Mrs. Klein told her first graders / to draw a picture / of something / to be thankful for.
Klein 선생님은 학생들에게 말했다 / 그림을 그려보라고 / 무언가에 대해 / 감사히 여기는
-> something to be thankful for
명사 + to V : V할 명사
3. 혼자 복습해보기
Mrs. Klein told her first graders to draw a picture of something to be thankful for.
Klein 선생님은 1학년 학생들에게 감사히 여기는 것을 그려보라고 말했다.
first grader 1학년생
draw a picture 그림을 그리다
be thankful for 감사히 여기다
1. 혼자 해보기
She thought that most of the class would draw turkeys or Thanksgiving tables.
2. 원문 분석
She thought / that most of the class / would draw turkeys or Thanksgiving tables.
그녀는 생각했다 / 반 아이들 대부분이 / 칠면조나 추수감사절 식탁을 그릴 것으로 (생각했다)
-> 마음 속으로 생각나는 '감사할 것'이면 '칠면조' 아니면 '추수감사절 식탁'..... -> 어른들의 생각으로 본 것일 뿐이라는 것을 암시합니다.
3. 혼자 복습해보기
She thought that most of the class would draw turkeys or Thanksgiving tables.
그녀는 반 아이들 대부분이 칠면조나 추수감사절 식탁을 그릴 것으로 생각했다.
turkey 칠면조
thanksgiving 추수감사절
1. 혼자 해보기
But Douglas drew something different.
2. 원문 분석
But / Douglas drew something different.
하지만 Douglas는 그렸다 / 색다른 것을
-> something different
-thing + 형용사 입니다. -> -thing, -body, -one + 형용사
원래, 형용사 + 명사 의 어순이죠? 예를 들어, a cute(귀여운 : 형용사) puppy(강아지 : 명사) 처럼 말이죠.
3. 혼자 복습해보기
But Douglas drew something different.
하지만 Douglas는 색다른 것을 그렸다.
drew : draw 의 과거형
1. 혼자 해보기
Douglas was a boy who usually spent time alone and stayed around her while his classmates went outside together during break time.
2. 원문 분석
Douglas was a boy who usually spent time alone / and stayed around her
Douglas는 소년이었다 / 보통 혼자 시간을 보냈던 / 그리고 그녀의 주변에 머물렀던(소년이었다)
while his classmates went outside / together / during break time.
그의 반 친구들이 밖으로 나가 있는 동안 / 함께 / 쉬는 시간동안
-> Douglas의 특이한 점이군요. 그럼 왜 하필 Douglas를 언급했을까를 생각해볼까요?
3. 혼자 복습해보기
Douglas was a boy who usually spent time alone and stayed around her while his classmates went outside together during break time.
그의 반 친구들이 쉬는 시간에 함께 밖으로 나가 있는 동안, 보통 Douglas는 혼자 시간을 보내고 그녀 주변에 머무르는 소년이었다.
usually 보통
stay around ~의 주변에 머무르다
classmate 반 친구
break time 쉬는 시간
1. 혼자 해보기
What the boy drew was a hand. But whose hand?
2. 원문 분석
What the boy drew / was a hand. But whose hand?
그 소년이 그린 것은 / 손이었다. 하지만, 누구의 손?
-> 감사 하면 떠오르는 것은 바로 '손"??
-> what : 무엇, 무슨, 것 으로 해석합니다. 여기서는 '것'이라는 관계대명사 what 으로 쓰였습니다.
-> what I want : 내가 원하는 것 / what the boy drew : 그 소년이 그린 것
3. 혼자 복습해보기
What the boy drew was a hand. But whose hand?
그 소년이 그린 것은 손이었다. 그런데 누구의 손일까?
1. 혼자 해보기
His image immediately attracted the other students’ interest.
2. 원문 분석
His image immediately / attracted / the other students’ interest.
그의 그림은 즉시 끌었다 / 다른 학생들의 관심을(끌었다)
3. 혼자 복습해보기
His image immediately attracted the other students’ interest.
그의 그림은 즉시 다른 학생들의 관심을 끌었다.
image 그림
immediately 즉시
attract 끌다
interest 관심
1. 혼자 해보기
So, everyone rushed to talk about whose hand it was.
2. 원문 분석
So, / everyone rushed to talk / about whose hand it was.
그래서 / 모두들 앞다투어 말하려 했다 / 그것이 누구의 손인지에 관해
-> 감사..... 손 그림... 그럼 과연 누구의 손인가?
3. 혼자 복습해보기
So, everyone rushed to talk about whose hand it was.
그래서, 모두들 그것이 누구의 손인지에 관해 앞다투어 말하려 했다.
rush to ~하려고 앞다투다
1. 혼자 해보기
“It must be the hand of God that brings us food,” said one student.
2. 원문 분석
“It must be the hand of God / that brings us food,” / said one student.
그것은 신의 손이 틀림없어 / 우리에게 음식을 가져다주는 / 라고 한 학생이 말했다.
-> " 대사 ~~~ " + say + 주어 -> 이렇게 표현하기도 합니다.
3. 혼자 복습해보기
“It must be the hand of God that brings us food,” said one student.
“그것은 우리에게 음식을 가져다주는 신의 손이 틀림없어.”라고 한 학생이 말했다.
bring 가져다주다
1. 혼자 해보기
“A farmer’s,” said a second student, “because they raise the turkeys.”
2. 원문 분석
“A farmer’s,” said a second student, / “because they raise the turkeys.”
“농부의 손이야" 이라고 두 번째 학생이 말했다 / "왜냐하면 그들은 칠면조를 기르거든"
-> 시험에서 A farmer 라고 출제되어도 속지 마세요.(어법 주의)
-> A farmer 농부 / a farmer's 농부의 / 농부의 것 -> 본문에서는 '농부의 손'을 뜻하는 a farmer's 가 옳습니다.
3. 혼자 복습해보기
“A farmer’s,” said a second student, “because they raise the turkeys.”
“농부의 손이야, 왜냐하면 그들은 칠면조를 기르거든.”이라고 두 번째 학생이 말했다.
raise 기르다
1. 혼자 해보기
“It looks more like a police officer’s,” added another, “they protect us.”
2. 원문 분석
“It looks more like a police officer’s,” / added another, / “they protect us.”
“경찰관의 손과 더 비슷해 보여" / 또 다른 학생이 덧붙였다 / "그들은 우리를 보호해 줘"
-> 역시 a police officer 라고 출제되어도 속지 마세요.
3. 혼자 복습해보기
“It looks more like a police officer’s,” added another, “they protect us.”
“경찰관의 손과 더 비슷해 보여, 그들은 우리를 보호해 줘.”라고 또 다른 학생이 덧붙였다.
add 덧붙이다
protect 보호하다
1. 혼자 해보기
The class was so responsive that Mrs. Klein had almost forgotten about Douglas.
2. 원문 분석
The class was so responsive / that Mrs. Klein had almost forgotten / about Douglas.
반 아이들이 무척 호응적이어서(서로 대답하려 할 정도로 반응이 뜨거워서) / Klein 선생님은 거의 잊을 뻔했다 / Douglas에 대해
-> 그렇죠. 손을 그린 사람이 Douglas인데 .....
3. 혼자 복습해보기
The class was so responsive that Mrs. Klein had almost forgotten about Douglas.
반 아이들의 호응에 Klein 선생님은 Douglas에 대해 하마터면 잊어버릴 뻔했다.
so ~that ~ 너무 ~해서 ~하다
responsive 호응하는
forgot 잊다
1. 혼자 해보기
After she had the others at work on another project, she asked Douglas whose hand it was.
2. 원문 분석
After she had the others at work on another project, / she asked / Douglas / whose hand it was.
그녀는 나머지 아이들에게 다른 과제를 하도록 지도한 후, / 그녀는 물었다 / Douglas에게 / 그 손이 누구의 것인지
3. 혼자 복습해보기
After she had the others at work on another project, she asked Douglas whose hand it was.
그녀는 나머지 아이들에게 다른 과제를 하도록 지도한 후, Douglas에게 그 손이 누구의 것인지 물었다.
1. 혼자 해보기
He answered softly, “It’s yours. Thank you, Mrs. Klein.”
2. 원문 분석
He answered softly, / “It’s yours. Thank you, Mrs. Klein.”
그는 조용히 대답했다 / “선생님 손이에요. 고마워요, Klein 선생님.”
-> 역시, you 라고 출제되어도 속지 마세요.
3. 혼자 복습해보기
He answered softly, “It’s yours. Thank you, Mrs. Klein.”
“선생님 손이에요. 고마워요, Klein 선생님.”이라고 그는 조용히 대답했다.
softly 조용히, 나지막히
와우, 여기까지 상세한 해설이었습니다.
힘들다... 휴우...
여러분도 고생하셨어요!!
그럼 2022년 6월 고1 모의고사 36번 변형문제를 풀러 가 보시죠!
변형문제 1
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?
Mrs. Klein told her first graders ①to draw a picture of something to be thankful for. She thought that most of the class would draw turkeys or Thanksgiving tables. But Douglas drew something ②different. Douglas was a boy who usually spent time alone and stayed around her while his classmates went outside together during break time. What the boy drew was a hand. But whose hand? His image immediately attracted the other students’ interest. So, everyone rushed to talk about whose hand it was. “It must be the hand of God that brings us food,” said one student. “③A farmer’s,” said a second student, “because they raise the turkeys.” “It looks more like a police officer’s,” ④added another, “they protect us.” The class was so responsive that Mrs. Klein had almost forgotten about Douglas. After she had the others at work on another project, she asked Douglas whose hand it was. He answered softly, “It’s ⑤you. Thank you, Mrs. Klein.”
He answered softly, “It’s ⑤you. Thank you, Mrs. Klein.”
-> 선생님의 손을 뜻하기 때문에 yours(your hand)가 옳습니다.
변형문제 2
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은?
Mrs. Klein told her first graders to draw a picture of something to be ①grateful for. She thought that most of the class would draw turkeys or Thanksgiving tables. But Douglas drew something ②distinct. Douglas was a boy who usually spent time alone and stayed around her while his classmates went outside together during break time. What the boy drew was a hand. But whose hand? His image immediately ③repelled the other students’ interest. So, everyone rushed to talk about whose hand it was. “It must be the hand of God that brings us food,” said one student. “A farmer’s,” said a second student, “because they raise the turkeys.” “It looks more like a police officer’s,” added another, “they protect us.” The class was so ④receptive that Mrs. Klein had almost forgotten about Douglas. After she had the others at work on another project, she asked Douglas whose hand it was. He answered ⑤quietly, “It’s yours. Thank you, Mrs. Klein.”
③repelled (쫓아버리다, 내쫓다) -> attracted
①grateful (원문 : thankful )
②distinct. (원문 : different )
④receptive (원문 : responsive )
⑤quietly (원문 : softly )
변형문제 3
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형 문제입니다.)
Mrs. Klein instructed her first-grade students to draw a picture of something they were ________ for. She expected the majority of the class to draw turkeys or Thanksgiving tables, but Douglas drew something unique. Douglas, a boy who typically kept to himself and remained near Mrs. Klein during recess, drew an image of a hand. The other students were immediately intrigued by the drawing and began speculating whose hand it could be. One student suggested it might be God's hand, while another thought it could belong to a farmer who raises turkeys. A third student believed it looked like the hand of a police officer who protects them. The students' interest in the drawing was so strong that Mrs. Klein almost forgot about Douglas. Once the class moved on to a new project, Mrs. Klein asked Douglas whose hand he drew. He responded in a soft voice, "It's yours. Thank you, Mrs. Klein."
① passionate
② pleased
③ repsonbible
④ ready
⑤ grateful
⑤ grateful (감사하는)
① passionate 열정적인
② pleased 기쁜
③ repsonbible 책임이 있는
④ ready 준비된
변형문제 4
글의 흐름으로 보아, 다음 주어진 문장이 들어갈 가장 알맞은 곳은?
His image immediately attracted the other students’ interest.
Mrs. Klein told her first graders to draw a picture of something to be thankful for. She thought that most of the class would draw turkeys or Thanksgiving tables. But Douglas drew something different. Douglas was a boy who usually spent time alone and stayed around her while his classmates went outside together during break time. ① What the boy drew was a hand. But whose hand? ② So, everyone rushed to talk about whose hand it was. “It must be the hand of God that brings us food,” said one student. ③ “A farmer’s,” said a second student, “because they raise the turkeys.” “It looks more like a police officer’s,” added another, “they protect us.” ④ The class was so responsive that Mrs. Klein had almost forgotten about Douglas. ⑤ After she had the others at work on another project, she asked Douglas whose hand it was. He answered softly, “It’s yours. Thank you, Mrs. Klein.”
지금까지 2022년 6월 고1 모의고사 36번 분석 및 변형문제를 연습하셨습니다.
아주 확실해졌죠?
아주 잘 하셨습니다.
반드시 도움이 되셨을거라 확신합니다.
다음 자료인 2022년 6월 고1 모의고사 37번 분석 및 변형문제도 기대해주세요.
지금까지 목동 영어 미키박 쌤이었습니다.
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