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오늘은 2022년 6월 고2 모의고사 38번 변형문제를 포스팅하겠습니다.
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'고퀄무료 변형문제'를 제공해드립니다.
그럼 시작해볼까요?
변형문제 1
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
One way of measuring temperature occurs if an object is hot enough to visibly glow, such as a metal poker that ①has been left in a fire. The color of a glowing object is related to its temperature: ②as the temperature rises, the object is first red and then orange, and finally it gets white, the “hottest” color. The relation between temperature and the color of a glowing object ③is useful to astronomers. The color of stars is related to their temperature, and since people cannot as yet travel the great distances to the stars and measure their temperature in a more precise way, astronomers ④relying on their color. This temperature is of the surface of the star, the part of the star which is emitting the light that can be seen. The interior of the star is at a much higher temperature, though it is concealed. But the information ⑤obtained from the color of the star is still useful.

④relying -> rely
, and + 완전문입니다. 그런데, since ~ way 까지는 부사절이니 빼도 나머지 문장은 완전문이어야 하죠?
따라서, astronomers 가 주어이므로 그 다음에는 동사인 rely가 옳습니다.
변형문제 2
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은?
One way of measuring temperature occurs if an object is hot enough to ①visibly glow, such as a metal poker that has been left in a fire. The color of a glowing object is related to its temperature: as the temperature ②rises, the object is first red and then orange, and finally it gets white, the “hottest” color. The ③match between temperature and the color of a glowing object is useful to astronomers. The color of stars is related to their temperature, and since people cannot as yet travel the great distances to the stars and measure their temperature in a more precise way, astronomers rely on their ④heat. This temperature is of the surface of the star, the part of the star which is emitting the light that can be seen. The interior of the star is at a much higher temperature, though it is ⑤veiled. But the information obtained from the color of the star is still useful.

④heat -> color
참고 :
①visibly (원문 그대로 출제)
②rises (원문 그대로 출제)
③match (원문 : relation )
⑤veiled (원문 : concealed )
변형문제 3
다음 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 순서를 정하시오.
One way of measuring temperature occurs if an object is hot enough to visibly glow, such as a metal poker that has been left in a fire.
(C) The color of a glowing object is related to its temperature: as the temperature rises, the object is first red and then orange, and finally it gets white, the “hottest” color. The relation between temperature and the color of a glowing object is useful to astronomers.
(A) The color of stars is related to their temperature, and since people cannot as yet travel the great distances to the stars and measure their temperature in a more precise way, astronomers rely on their color.
(B) This temperature is of the surface of the star, the part of the star which is emitting the light that can be seen. The interior of the star is at a much higher temperature, though it is concealed. But the information obtained from the color of the star is still useful.

C - A - B
변형문제 4
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은?
One way of measuring temperature occurs if an object is hot enough to visibly glow, such as a metal poker that has been left in a fire. The color of a glowing object is related to its temperature: as the temperature rises, the object is first red and then orange, and finally it gets white, the “hottest” color. The relation between temperature and the color of a glowing object is useful to astronomers. The color of stars is related to their temperature, and since people cannot as yet travel the great distances to the stars and measure their temperature in a more precise way, ______________. This temperature is of the surface of the star, the part of the star which is emitting the light that can be seen. The interior of the star is at a much higher temperature, though it is concealed. But the information obtained from the color of the star is still useful.
① Their colors suggest key information about the stars.
② Astronomers have no choice but to rely on data collected from space probes.
③ Astronomers believe the most valid hypothesis through simulations on Earth.
④ Scientists reflect the planet's size and age to determine its actual temperature.
⑤ Astronomers estimate the planet's identity by estimating what is believed to be on its surface.

① Their colors suggest key information about the stars.
그들의 색깔이 그 별들에 대한 주요 정보를 제시한다고 할 수 있다.
원문 : astronomers rely on their color
참고 :
① Their colors suggest key information about the stars.
그들의 색깔이 그 별들에 대한 주요 정보를 제시한다고 할 수 있다.
원문 : astronomers rely on their color
② Astronomers have no choice but to rely on data collected from space probes.
천문학자들은 우주탐사선으로부터 수집된 자료에 의존할 수밖에 없다.
③ Astronomers believe the most valid hypothesis through simulations on Earth.
천문학자들은 지구에서의 모의 실험을 통해 가장 타당하다고 여겨지는 가설을 믿게 된다.
④ Scientists reflect the planet's size and age to determine its actual temperature.
과학자들은 행성의 실제 온도를 파악하기 위해 행성의 크기와 나이를 반영한다.
⑤ Astronomers estimate the planet's identity by estimating what is believed to be on its surface.
천문학자들은 행성의 표면에 존재할 거라 추정되는 물질을 추정하여 행성의 정체를 추측한다.
아주 확실해졌죠?
2022년 6월 고2 모의고사 38번 변형문제와 관련된 문제들은 모두 잘 처리할 수 있는 능력이 생겼습니다!!!
한 지문을 이렇게도 저렇게도 풀어보니,
정말 이 지문에서 문제가 나오면?
천하무적이 되는 겁니다.
지금까지 목동영어 미키박 쌤이었습니다.
앞으로도 정성의 무료변형문제를 기대하세요!
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