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오늘은 2023년 3월 고3 모의고사 34번 변형문제입니다.
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2023년 3월 고3 모의고사 34번 변형문제는 완벽하게 맞출 수 있도록 연습해 보실까요?
단계는 다음과 같습니다.
1. 한 줄 해석 및 핵심 파악
(빨간 X표시는 시험에서 여러분을 유혹할 수 있는 어법상 틀린 선택지입니다)
2. 변형문제 풀기
이렇게 진행됩니다.
그럼, 시작해 보실까요?
Here we go!
1. 한 줄 해석 및 핵심 파악
In A Theory of Adaptation, Linda Hutcheon argues that “An adaptation is not vampiric: it does not draw the lifeblood from its source and leave it dying or dead, nor is it paler than the adapted work. It may, on the contrary, keep that prior work alive, giving it an afterlife it would never have had otherwise.”
A Theory of Adaptation에서 Linda Hutcheon은 “각색 작품은 흡혈귀 같지 않은데, 그것은 그것의 원전에서 생명의 피를 빨아들여 그것을 죽어 가게 하거나 죽은 채로 내버려두지 않고, 또한 그것은 각색된 작품 (원전)보다 더 창백하지도 않다. 오히려 그것은 그 이전 작품을 계속 살아 있게 하면서, 그러지 않았다면 그것이 결코 가지지 못했었을 내세를 그것에게 준다.”라고 주장한다.
In A Theory of Adaptation, Linda Hutcheon argues that “An adaptation is not vampiric: it does not draw the lifeblood from its source and leave it to die(X) or dead, nor it is(X) paler than the adapted work. It may, on the contrary, keep that prior work alive, give(X) it an afterlife it would never have(X) otherwise.”
A Theory of Adaptation에서 Linda Hutcheon은 “각색 작품은 흡혈귀 같지 않은데, 그것은 그것의 원전에서 생명의 피를 빨아들여 그것을 죽어 가게 하거나 죽은 채로 내버려두지 않고, 또한 그것은 각색된 작품 (원전)보다 더 창백하지도 않다. 오히려 그것은 그 이전 작품을 계속 살아 있게 하면서, 그러지 않았다면 그것이 결코 가지지 못했었을 내세를 그것에게 준다.”라고 주장한다.
1. 한 줄 해석 및 핵심 파악
Hutcheon’s refusal to see adaptation as “vampiric” is particularly inspiring for those of us who do work on adaptations.
각색을 ‘흡혈귀 같다’라고 여기지 않는 Hutcheon의 거부는 각색 작품을 쓰는 우리 같은 사람들에게 특히 고무적이다.
Hutcheon’s refusal to see adaptation as “vampiric” is particularly inspired(X) for those of us who do work on adaptations.
각색을 ‘흡혈귀 같다’라고 여기지 않는 Hutcheon의 거부는 각색 작품을 쓰는 우리 같은 사람들에게 특히 고무적이다.
1. 한 줄 해석 및 핵심 파악
The idea of an “afterlife” of texts, of seeing what comes before as an inspiration for what comes now, is, by its very definition, keeping works “alive.”
텍스트의 ‘내세’, 즉 먼저 있는 것을 현재 생기는 것을 위한 영감으로 여기는 생각은 바로 그것의 본질상 작품을 계속 ‘살아 있게’ 한다.
The idea of an “afterlife” of texts, of seeing what comes before as an inspiration for what comes now, being(X), by its very definition, keeps(X) works “alive.”
텍스트의 ‘내세’, 즉 먼저 있는 것을 현재 생기는 것을 위한 영감으로 여기는 생각은 바로 그것의 본질상 작품을 계속 ‘살아 있게’ 한다.
1. 한 줄 해석 및 핵심 파악
Adaptations for young adults, in particular, have the added benefit of engaging the young adult reader with both then and now, past and present—functioning as both “monuments” to history and the “flesh” of the reader’s lived experience.
특히 청소년을 위한 각색 작품은 청소년 독자에게 그때와 지금, 과거와 현재 둘 다와 관계를 맺게 하는, 즉 역사의 ‘기념비’와 독자의 산 경험의 ‘살’로 기능하는 추가적인 이점을 가진다.
Adaptations for young adults, in particular, have the adding(X) benefit of engaging the young adult reader with both then and now, past and present—function(X) as both “monuments” to history and the “flesh” of the reader’s living(X) experience.
특히 청소년을 위한 각색 작품은 청소년 독자에게 그때와 지금, 과거와 현재 둘 다와 관계를 맺게 하는, 즉 역사의 ‘기념비’와 독자의 산 경험의 ‘살’로 기능하는 추가적인 이점을 가진다.
1. 한 줄 해석 및 핵심 파악
While this is true for adaptations in general, it is especially important for those written with young adults in mind.
이것이 각색 작품 전반에 해당하긴 하지만, 청소년을 염두에 두고 쓰인 각색 작품에 특히 중요하다.
While this is true for adaptations in general, it is especially important for those to write(X) with young adults in mind.
이것이 각색 작품 전반에 해당하긴 하지만, 청소년을 염두에 두고 쓰인 각색 작품에 특히 중요하다.
1. 한 줄 해석 및 핵심 파악
Such adaptations allow young readers to make personal connections with texts that might otherwise come across as oldfashioned or irrelevant.
그런 각색 작품은 어린 독자들이 그러지 않았다면 구식이거나 무관한 것으로 보일 수 있었을 텍스트와 개인적인 관계를 맺게 해 준다.
Such adaptations allow young readers to make personal connections with texts that might otherwise have come(X) across as old-fashion(X) or irrelevant.
그런 각색 작품은 어린 독자들이 그러지 않았다면 구식이거나 무관한 것으로 보일 수 있었을 텍스트와 개인적인 관계를 맺게 해 준다.
여기까지 한 줄 해석 연습 및 핵심 파악이었습니다.
그럼 2023년 3월 고3 모의고사 34번 변형문제를 풀러 가 보시죠!
변형문제 1
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?
In A Theory of Adaptation, Linda Hutcheon argues that “An adaptation is not vampiric: it does not draw the lifeblood from its source and leave it ①dying or dead, nor is it paler than the adapted work. It may, on the contrary, keep that prior work alive, giving it an afterlife it would never ②have otherwise.” Hutcheon’s refusal to see adaptation as “vampiric” is particularly inspiring for those of us who do work on adaptations. The idea of an “afterlife” of texts, of seeing what comes before as an inspiration for what comes now, ③is, by its very definition, keeping works “alive.” Adaptations for young adults, in particular, have the added benefit of engaging the young adult reader with both then and now, past and present — ④functioning as both “monuments” to history and the “flesh” of the reader’s lived experience. While this is true for adaptations in general, it is especially important for those written with young adults in mind. Such adaptations allow young readers to make personal connections with texts that might otherwise ⑤come across as oldfashioned or irrelevant.
②have -> have had
It may, on the contrary, keep that prior work alive, giving it an afterlife it would never ②have otherwise.”
'그것이 그렇지 않았다면 결코 가지지 못했을 내세'라는 의미입니다. 과거의 의미를 나타내는 가정법 과거완료(would have p.p.)의 형식이 옳습니다.
변형문제 2
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은? (원문 변형 어휘 문제입니다)
In A Theory of Adaptation, Linda Hutcheon argues that “An adaptation is not vampiric: it does not ①suck the lifeblood from its source and leave it dying or dead, nor is it paler than the adapted work. It may, on the contrary, keep that prior work alive, ②granting it an afterlife it would never have had otherwise.” Hutcheon’s ③hesitancy to see adaptation as “vampiric” is particularly inspiring for those of us who do work on adaptations. The idea of an “afterlife” of texts, of seeing what comes before as an inspiration for what comes now, is, by its very definition, keeping works “alive.” Adaptations for young adults, in particular, have the added benefit of ④captivating the young adult reader with both then and now, past and present — functioning as both “monuments” to history and the “flesh” of the reader’s lived experience. While this is true for adaptations in general, it is especially important for those written with young adults in mind. Such adaptations ⑤permit young readers to make personal connections with texts that might otherwise come across as oldfashioned or irrelevant.
③hesitancy (주저, 망설임) -> refusal
①suck (원문 : draw )
②granting (원문 : giving )
④captivating (원문 : engaging )
⑤permit (원문 : allow )
변형문제 3
다음 중 글의 흐름과 무관한 문장은?
In A Theory of Adaptation, Linda Hutcheon argues that “An adaptation is not vampiric: it does not draw the lifeblood from its source and leave it dying or dead, nor is it paler than the adapted work. It may, on the contrary, keep that prior work alive, giving it an afterlife it would never have had otherwise.” Hutcheon’s refusal to see adaptation as “vampiric” is particularly inspiring for those of us who do work on adaptations. ①The idea of an “afterlife” of texts, of seeing what comes before as an inspiration for what comes now, is, by its very definition, keeping works “alive.” ②When it comes to comparing adaptation with revision, the latter has less significant meaning than the former because of its originality. ③Adaptations for young adults, in particular, have the added benefit of engaging the young adult reader with both then and now, past and present — functioning as both “monuments” to history and the “flesh” of the reader’s lived experience. ④While this is true for adaptations in general, it is especially important for those written with young adults in mind. ⑤Such adaptations allow young readers to make personal connections with texts that might otherwise come across as oldfashioned or irrelevant.
②When it comes to comparing adaptation with revision, the latter has less significant meaning than the former because of its originality.
② 각색과 개작을 비교할 때, 각색의 독창성 때문에 후자가 전자보다 덜 중요한 의미를 지닌다.
변형문제 4
다음 글에 이어질 순서를 정하시오.
In A Theory of Adaptation, Linda Hutcheon argues that “An adaptation is not vampiric: it does not draw the lifeblood from its source and leave it dying or dead, nor is it paler than the adapted work.
(A) Adaptations for young adults, in particular, have the added benefit of engaging the young adult reader with both then and now, past and present — functioning as both “monuments” to history and the “flesh” of the reader’s lived experience.
(B) It may, on the contrary, keep that prior work alive, giving it an afterlife it would never have had otherwise.” Hutcheon’s refusal to see adaptation as “vampiric” is particularly inspiring for those of us who do work on adaptations. The idea of an “afterlife” of texts, of seeing what comes before as an inspiration for what comes now, is, by its very definition, keeping works “alive.”
(C) While this is true for adaptations in general, it is especially important for those written with young adults in mind. Such adaptations allow young readers to make personal connections with texts that might otherwise come across as oldfashioned or irrelevant.
변형문제 5
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
In A Theory of Adaptation, Linda Hutcheon argues that “An adaptation is not vampiric: it does not draw the lifeblood from its source and leave it dying or dead, nor is it paler than the adapted work. It may, on the contrary, keep that prior work alive, giving it an afterlife it would never have had otherwise.” Hutcheon’s refusal to see adaptation as “vampiric” is particularly inspiring for those of us who do work on adaptations. The idea of an “afterlife” of texts, of seeing what comes before as an inspiration for what comes now, is, by its very definition, keeping works “alive.” Adaptations for young adults, in particular, have the added benefit of engaging the young adult reader with both then and now, past and present — functioning as both “monuments” to history and the “flesh” of the reader’s lived experience. While this is true for adaptations in general, it is especially important for those written with young adults in mind. Such adaptations allow young readers to make personal connections with texts that might otherwise come across as oldfashioned or irrelevant.
Linda Hutcheon argues that adaptations do not ____(A)____the life from the source material but rather keep it alive and give it a new afterlife, which is particularly ____(B)____ for young adults to connect with old-fashioned texts.
(A) (B)
① drain beneficial
② protect controversial
③ enlighten delicate
④ insure dissatisfying
⑤ evade stimulating
① drain beneficial
Linda Hutcheon argues that adaptations do not drain the life from the source material but rather keep it alive and give it a new afterlife, which is particularly beneficial for young adults to connect with old-fashioned texts.
Linda Hutcheon은 각색이 원본 자료에서 생명을 빼앗는 것이 아니라 오히려 살아 있게 유지하고 새로운 내세를 제공한다고 주장합니다. 이는 젊은 성인이 구식 텍스트와 연결하는 데 특히 유익합니다.
참고 :
② protect 보호하다 controversial 논란이 많은
③ enlighten 계몽하다 delicate 미묘한
④ insure 보장하다 dissatisfying 불만족스러운
⑤ evade 피하다 stimulating 자극하는

지금까지 2023년 3월 고3 모의고사 34번 변형문제를 연습하셨습니다.
아주 확실해졌죠?
아주 잘 하셨습니다.
반드시 도움이 되셨을거라 확신합니다.
다음 자료인 2023년 3월 고3 모의고사 20번 변형문제도 기대해주세요.
지금까지 목동 영어 미키박 쌤이었습니다.

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