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수능특강라이트 15강 변형문제(순서추론 및 문장삽입유형)

by 목동미키박영어 2023. 11. 28.

수능특강라이트 15강 변형문제



안녕하세요 모의고사변형문제월드 목동 미키박영어입니다.

3등급이 전교 1등으로!

(서울 영일고, 인천송도 박문여고)


6등급이 1등급으로!

(서울 진명여고)

4등급이 1등급으로!

(서울 마포고)


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오늘도 방문해주신 여러분을 위해서 엄청난 자료를 모두 '무료'로 제공해드리겠습니다.


오늘은 수능특강라이트 15강 순서추론 및 문장삽입 대비 변형문제 + 정답자료입니다.



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순서추론과 문장삽입 유형은 내신에서도, 수능에서도 정말 큰 비중을 차지하는 문제 유형들이죠?


내신 대비는 물론, 글의 흐름을 이해하는 능력을 평가하는 수능에서도 빠질 수 없는 매우 중요한 유형이니만큼, 


여러분들의 철저한 대비가 필요합니다.


이 문제를 시험보기 전까지 3번 연습하시면,  이 지문에서 출제되는 순서추론 및 문장삽입 유형은 정답을 맞추는 즐거움을 한껏 누릴 수 있습니다.


그럼, 모의고사변형문제월드 목동 미키박영어와 함께  

1등급 달성을 위해 달려볼까요?


Here we go!



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순서추론 및 문장삽입 대비 문제 풀고 정답 확인하기



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15강 Gateway

다음 문장에 이어질 글의 순서를 정하시오.

The idea that planting trees could have a social or political significance appears to have been invented by the English, though it has since spread widely.

1. “What can be more pleasant,” the editor of a magazine for gentlemen asked his readers, “than to have the bounds and limits of your own property preserved and continued from age to age by the testimony of such living and growing witnesses?”
2. According to Keith Thomas’s history Man and the Natural World, seventeenth- and eighteenth-century aristocrats began planting hardwood trees, usually in lines, to declare the extent of their property and the permanence of their claim to it.

3. Planting trees had the additional advantage of being regarded as a patriotic act, for the Crown had declared a severe shortage of the hardwood on which the Royal Navy depended.




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15강 1번

다음 문장에 이어질 글의 순서를 정하시오.

In an unusual brain-scanning experiment, scientists at Dartmouth College showed that adolescents use a more limited brain region and take more time than adults — about a sixth of a second more — to respond to questions about whether certain activities, like “swimming with sharks,” “setting your hair on fire,” and “jumping off a roof,” were “good” ideas or not.

1. The ability to quickly grasp the general contours of a situation and make a good judgment about costs versus benefits arises from activity in the frontal cortex, the parts of the brain that are still under construction during adolescence.
2. Adolescents, on the other hand, relied more on their ability to “reason” an answer.
3. Adults in the experiment appeared to rely on nearly automatic mental images and a visceral response to answer the questions.





목동 미키박영어






15강 2번

다음 문장에 이어질 글의 순서를 정하시오.

Children in all cultures acquire language through play.

1. But of course, their language play is influenced by culture.
2. Children everywhere play in ways that exercise the human mental capacities of imagination and reasoning, but the scenes they imagine and the ideas they rehearse in such play derive from the culture.
3. Their earliest production of language-like sounds (cooing and babbling) and first words are always playful.
4. Infants gradually restrict their babbling to the phonemes of their native language and, later, play with the words and grammatical constructions of that language.

5. Children everywhere also engage in constructive play, thereby exercising the crucial human skill of building things, but what they build depends on what they see in the world around them.
6. Later, children playfully rehearse more complex linguistic constructions, sometimes in monologue when alone.




목동 미키박영어





15강 3번

다음 문장에 이어질 글의 순서를 정하시오.

All words have to be coined by a wordsmith at some point in the mists of history.

1. The metaphorical hint allowed the listeners to understand the meaning more quickly than if they had had to rely on context alone.

2. But people are poor at recalling sounds out of the blue, and they probably wanted to ease their listeners’ understanding of the coinage rather than having to define it or illustrate it with examples.
3. So they reached for a metaphor that reminded them of the idea and that they hoped would create a similar idea in the minds of their listeners, such as band or bond for a political affiliation.
4. In principle, any sound would have done, so the first coiner of a term for a political affiliation, for instance, could have used glorg or schmendrick or mcgillicuddy.
5. The wordsmith had an idea to get across and needed a sound to express it.




목동 미키박영어







15강 4번

다음 문장에 이어질 글의 순서를 정하시오.

The status of the group members in a group can be important.

1. Because they have high status, leaders have the ability to solicit unshared information from the group members, and they must be sure to do so, for instance, by making it clear that all members should feel free to present their unique information, that each member has important information to share, and that it is important to do so.
2. Wittenbaum found that group members with higher status were, indeed, more likely to share new information.
3. However, those with higher status may dominate the discussion, even if the information that they have is not more valid or important.

4. Group members with lower status may have less confidence and thus be unlikely to express their opinions.
5. Leaders may particularly need to solicit and support opinions from low-status or socially anxious group members.



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