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2022년 11월 고1모의고사 변형문제

2022년 11월 고1모의 41~42번 변형문제

by 목동미키박영어 2023. 11. 14.

2022년 11월 고1모의 41~42번



안녕하세요 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박 쌤입니다.

3등급이 전교 1등으로!

(서울 영일고, 인천송도 박문여고)


6등급이 1등급으로!

(서울 진명여고)

4등급이 1등급으로!

(서울 마포고)


바로 미키박 쌤과 함께라 가능했습니다!




오늘도 방문해주신 여러분을 위해서 엄청난 자료를 모두 '무료'로 제공해드리겠습니다.


오늘은 2022년 11월 고1모의 41~42번 핵심어법자료 + 해석 + 가장 이해하기 쉬운 해설 + 변형문제 + 정답자료입니다.


2022년 11월 고1모의 41~42번


자료의 목차는 다음과 같습니다.


1. 한 줄 해석 자료로 내용 및 핵심 어법 파악하기

2. 동의어가 포함된 어휘정리자료로 어휘 익히기

3. 변형문제로 마무리하기


그럼, 모의고사변형문제월드 목동 미키박쌤과 함께  

1등급 달성을 위해 달려볼까요?


Here we go!


2022년 11월 고1모의 41~42번






1. 한 줄 해석 자료로 내용 및 핵심 어법 파악하기

Mike May lost his sight at the age of three. 
Mike May는 세 살 때 자신의 시력을 잃었다. 

Because he had spent the majority of his life adapting to being (be - X) blind—and even cultivating a skiing career in this state—his other senses compensated by growing stronger.  
그는 자신의 인생의 대부분을 보이지 않는 것에 적응하는 데, 그리고 심지어 이 상태에서 스키 경력을 쌓는 데도 보냈기 때문에, 자신의 다른 감각들은 더 강해지는 것을 통해 보충되었다. 
-> 눈이 보이지 않는 스키어. 그럼 어떻게 스키를 타죠? 그래서 다른 감각이 더 강해졌다는 겁니다.


being (be - X) : to 가 전치사의 to 입니다. 전치사 + (동)명사죠? 따라서, 동명사 being 이 옳습니다.

to 의 구분법 알아보기:


to의 구분(전치사 to Vs. 부정사 to)

안녕하세요. 재미짐영어 미키박 쌤입니다 오늘은​ 헷갈리는 문법 중 'to의 구분' 관련 내용을 포스팅하겠습니다. 제목에서 보셨듯이, 영어에서는 to 가 2가지로 쓰입니다. 아주 간단하게 정리해




However, when his sight was restored through a surgery in his forties, his entire perception of reality was (to be - X) disrupted. 
그러나 그의 시력이 40대에 수술을 통해 회복되었을 때, 그의 현실에 대한 전반적 인식은 방해받았다. 

-> 40대 때 수술받아서 시력이 회복되었더니? 대혼란이 왔다는 겁니다.


was (to be - X) : when ~ forties 까지가 부사절이죠? 부사절은 생략해도 나머지 문장은 완전문이죠? 따라서 perception 이 주어이고  was  가 동사 자리입니다. to be 는 동사가 아닌 준동사입니다.

준동사를 모르시는 분은 반드시 확인하세요!



안녕하세요 재미짐영어 미키박쌤입니다. 오늘은 준동사의 개념 및 동사와 준동사의 구분에 대해 알려드립니다. 동사가 뭔지는 아시죠? 네, 바로 '움직임'을 나타내는 말이죠? 말을 타다, 말을 하






Instead of being thrilled (thrilling - X) that he could see now, as he’d expected (expect - X), his brain was so overloaded with new visual stimuli that (where - X) the world became a frightening and overwhelming place.  
그가 예상했던 것처럼 이제 볼 수 있다는 것에 감격하는 대신, 자신의 뇌가 새로운 시각적 자극으로 너무 과부하가 걸려 세상은 두렵고 압도적인 장소가 되었다. 

-> 감각 기관의 데이터 정보가 너무 많이 들어와서 대혼란이 왔습니다.


being thrilled (thrilling - X) : thrill 감격하게 하다, 신나게 하다 -> thrilled 신나는 느낌을 받은 /  thrilling 신나는 느낌을 주는

현재분사와 과거분사의 구분:



Instead of being thrilled (thrilling - X) that he could see now, as he’d expected (expect - X), his brain was so overloaded with new visual stimuli that (where - X) the world became a frightening and overwhelming place.  


expected (expect - X)

앞의 'd 가 had 의 줄임말입니다. had p.p. 이므로 expected 가 옳습니다.

그런데, 'd 가 would 등의 줄임말인 경우도 있죠? would + 동사원형이므로 expect 라고 유혹할 수도 있으니, 속지 마세요!



Instead of being thrilled (thrilling - X) that he could see now, as he’d expected (expect - X), his brain was so overloaded with new visual stimuli that (where - X) the world became a frightening and overwhelming place.  


that (where - X) : 앞의 so ~ that 과 한 쌍입니다. 이 경우의 that 은 '부사절 접속사'입니다. 


so ~ that 구문 설명 및 변형문제 자료(능률 김성곤 영어 6과 어법)

3등급도 전교 1등으로!! (목동 영일고, 송도 박문여고) 안녕하세요 목동 미키박 쌤입니다. 오늘은 so ~ that 구문 설명 및 변형문제 자료입니다. 어법 설명을 먼저 해드릴거구요, 잘 이해하시고 여러




미키박쌤의 so ~ that ~구문 핵심설명 및 응용문제(정답포함)

안녕하세요 재미짐영어 미키박 쌤입니다. 오늘은 여러분들의 내신 성적을 확실하게 도와드릴 so ~ that ~구문 핵심설명 및 응용문제 입니다. 이 자료 완벽하게 연습하면 so~that~구문 관련 문제는 정



After he’d learned (learn - X) to know his family through touch and smell, he found that he couldn’t recognize his children with his eyes, and this left him puzzled (puzzling - X).  
그가 만지는 것과 냄새를 통해 자신의 가족을 아는 것을 배운 후, 그는 자신의 눈으로 자신의 아이들을 알아볼 수 없다는 것을 알게 되었고 이것은 그를 혼란스러운 상태로 남겨 두었다. 

-> 눈이 보이지 않던 시절에는 만지고 냄새를 맡아 상대방을 알아봤는데, 갑자기 눈이 보입니다. 그런데, 눈으로 사람들이 보이지만, 그들인 줄 알아보지 못하는 상황에 처했습니다. 보이는 데 못알아본다... 대혼란이 왔겠군요.


learned (learn - X) : 역시 had p.p. 이므로 learned 가 옳습니다.


puzzled (puzzling - X). : puzzle 은 혼란스럽게 하다 입니다. 

puzzled 혼란스러운 느낌을 받은 /  puzzling 혼란스러운 느낌을 주는

Skiing also became a lot harder as he struggled to adapt to the visual stimulation. 
스키 또한 그가 시각적인 자극에 적응하려고 힘쓰면서 훨씬 더 어려워졌다. 

-> 스키타는 것 역시 시각적 정보에 더욱 혼란스러워졌겠죠?

This confusion occurred because his brain hadn’t yet learned to see. 
이 혼란은 그의 뇌가 아직 보는 것을 배우지 못했기 때문에 일어났다. 

-> 보는 것에 대해 익숙하지 않아서, 보는 것으로 입력되는 정보에 익숙하지 않아서 오히려 방해가 되는 상황입니다.

Though we often tend to assume our eyes function as video cameras which relay information to our brain, advances in neuroscientific research have (having - X) proven that this is actually not the case.  
비록 우리는 종종 우리의 눈이 우리의 뇌에 정보를 전달하는 비디오 카메라로서 기능한다고 가정하는 경향이 있지만, 신경 과학 연구의 발전은 이것이 실제로 그렇지 않다는 것을 증명했다. 

-> 보이니 우리 몸에 달린 비디오 카메라로 생각되겠지만, 신경 과학의 입장에서 보면 이 말은 엄밀히 틀린 말이다는 거죠.


have (having - X) : Though ~ brain까지가 부사절입니다. 따라서 이 문장의 주어는 advances 이고 동사가 have  입니다. 


Instead, sight is a collaborative effort between our eyes and our brains, and the way we process visual reality depends (to depend - X) on the way these two communicate.  

대신, 시각은 우리의 눈과 뇌 사이의 협력적인 노력이며, 우리가 시각적 현실을 처리하는 방법은 이 두 가지가 소통하는 방식에 달려 있다.

-> 시각 혼자 정보를 처리하는 건 아니죠? 당연히 시각 정보가 뇌에서 처리가 되어야 제대로 우리가 인지하게 되죠?

즉, 눈(시각)과 뇌가 서로 소통이 잘 되어야 제대로 된 정보를 인지하고 받아들인다는 겁니다.


depends (to depend - X) : and 뒤에 완전문입니다. 따라서 the way 가 주어,  depends  가 동사입니다.

(the way 뒤에 관계부사 how 는 쓸 수 없어서 생략되었죠?)



If communication between our eyes and our brains is disturbed, our perception of reality is altered accordingly (according - X)
만약 우리의 눈과 뇌 사이의 의사소통이 방해된다면, 현실에 대한 우리의 인식은 그에 따라 바뀐다. 

-> 눈과 뇌가 소통을 제대로 못하면, 현실에 대해 제대로 인지하지 못한다!


accordingly (according - X). : accordingly 그에 따라, 따라서 (부사) / according 일치하는 (형용사)

And because other areas of May’s brain had adapted to process information primarily through his other senses, the process of learning how to see was (being - X) more difficult than he’d anticipated (anticipate - X).  

그리고 May의 뇌의 다른 부분들은 주로 그의 다른 감각을 통해 정보를 처리하는 것에 적응했었기 때문에, 보는 방법을 배우는 과정은 그가 예상했던 것보다 더 어려웠다. 

-> 이미 다른 감각 기관들의 입력 정보로 적응한 상태라, 추가적인 시각정보가 오히려 그에게는 더 혼란을 주었다.


was (being - X) : because ~ senses 까지가 부사절이므로, 주어는 process 이고 동사가 was  입니다. 

anticipated (anticipate - X).: 역시 'd 가 had 이므로 뒤에 p.p. 인  anticipated 가 옳습니다. 



2. 동의어가 포함된 어휘정리자료로 어휘 익히기



영어 (English) 한국어 (Korean) Synonym (동의어)
lose 잃다 misplace
sight 시력, 눈앞 vision
age 나이 years
majority 대다수, 대부분 most
adapting 적응하는 adjusting
blind 맹인의, 눈이 보이지 않는 visually impaired
cultivating 기르는, 육성하는 nurturing
skiing 스키를 타는 snowboarding
career 경력, 직업 profession
state 상태 condition
senses 감각, 감지 perception
compensated 보상받은 balanced
growing stronger 강해지는 increasing
restored 회복된, 복구된 recovered
surgery 수술 operation
forties 40대 the age of forty
perception 지각, 인식 awareness
disrupted 방해받은 disturbed
thrilled 기뻐하는, 흥분하는 excited
overloaded 과부하된 overwhelmed
stimuli 자극, 자극물 stimuli
frightening 무서운, 겁나는 scary
overwhelming 압도적인, 지치게 overpowering
learned 배운, 알게 된 acquired
touch 만짐, 접촉 feel
smell 냄새 aroma
recognize 인식하다, 알아보다 identify
puzzled 헷갈리는, 당황한 confused
struggled 힘들게 노력하다 wrestled
adapt 적응하다 adjust
confusion 혼란, 난잡 bewilderment
occurred 발생했음 happened
assume 가정하다 presume
function 기능, 작용 operate
video cameras 비디오 카메라 recording devices
relay 전달하다 transmit
information 정보 data
advances 발전, 진보 progress
neuroscientific 신경과학의 neurological
research 연구, 조사 investigation
proven 입증된 demonstrated
collaborative 협력적인 cooperative
effort 노력, 노사 endeavor
process 과정, 처리 procedure
communicate 의사소통하다 interact
disturbed 혼란스러워진 perturbed
altered 변경된 changed
accordingly 그에 따라서 correspondingly
adapted 적응한 adjusted
primarily 주로, 주관적으로 mainly
anticipated 예상된, 예견된 expected










3. 변형문제로 마무리하기







변형문제 1번

다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?

Mike May lost his sight at the age of three. Because he had spent the majority of his life adapting to being blind—and even cultivating a skiing career in this state—his other senses compensated by growing stronger. However, when his sight was restored through a surgery in his forties, his entire perception of reality was disrupted. Instead of being thrilled that he could see now, as he’d expected, his brain was so overloaded with new visual stimuli that the world became a frightening and overwhelming place. After he’d learned to know his family through touch and smell, he found that he couldn’t recognize his children with his eyes, and this left him puzzled. Skiing also became a lot harder as he struggled to adapt to the visual stimulation. This confusion occurred because his brain hadn’t yet learned to see. Though we often tend to assume our eyes function as video cameras which relay information to our brain, advances in neuroscientific research have proven that this is actually not the case. Instead, sight is a collaborative effort between our eyes and our brains, and the way we process visual reality to depend on the way these two communicate. If communication between our eyes and our brains is disturbed, our perception of reality is altered accordingly. And because other areas of May’s brain had adapted to process information primarily through his other senses, the process of learning how to see was more difficult than he’d anticipated.  


















변형문제 2번

다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형문제입니다.)

Mike May lost his vision when he was three years old. Having dedicated most of his life to adapting to blindness and even building a skiing career in this condition, his other senses strengthened as a compensation. However, when a surgery in his forties restored his sight, it disrupted his entire perception of reality. Contrary to his expectations of being thrilled about regaining sight, his brain became overwhelmed with new visual stimuli, turning the world into a frightening and overwhelming place. Despite learning to recognize his family through touch and smell, he discovered a puzzling difficulty in recognizing his children with his eyes. Skiing also became significantly more challenging as he struggled to adapt to the visual input. The confusion arose because his brain had not yet learned to interpret visual information. Contrary to the common assumption that eyes function like video cameras relaying information to the brain, recent advances in neuroscientific research have debunked this idea. __________ Due to other areas of May's brain adapting to process information primarily through his other senses, the process of learning how to see proved to be more challenging than anticipated. 
① Our perception of reality is often too complex to be completely understood by scientists.
② Sight is a collaborative effort between the eyes and the brain, and the way we process visual reality depends on the communication between these two.
③ The surgery made it possible for May to see and understand the world from various perspectives.
④ Our sense of sight often distorts our sense of smell due to the intense stimulation in the frontal lobe.
⑤ As a result, May’s perception of time has changed and he has become more sensitive to new visual information as well as other senses.














② Sight is a collaborative effort between the eyes and the brain, and the way we process visual reality depends on the communication between these two. 

② 시력은 눈과 뇌의 공동 노력이며, 우리가 시각적 현실을 처리하는 방식은 이 둘 사이의 의사소통에 달려 있습니다.


참고 :

① Our perception of reality is often too complex to be completely understood by scientists.

① 현실에 대한 우리의 인식은 과학자들이 완전히 이해하기에는 종종 너무 복잡합니다.

③ The surgery made it possible for May to see and understand the world from various perspectives.

③ 수술을 통해 메이는 다양한 관점에서 세상을 보고 이해할 수 있게 되었습니다.

④ Our sense of sight often distorts our sense of smell due to the intense stimulation in the frontal lobe.

④ 시각은 전두엽의 강렬한 자극으로 인해 후각을 왜곡하는 경우가 많습니다.

⑤ As a result, May’s perception of time has changed and he has become more sensitive to new visual information as well as other senses.

⑤ 그 결과, 메이의 시간에 대한 인식이 바뀌었고, 그는 새로운 시각적 정보와 다른 감각에 더욱 민감해졌습니다.




변형문제 3번

다음 글에 이어질 순서를 정하시오.

Mike May lost his sight at the age of three. Because he had spent the majority of his life adapting to being blind—and even cultivating a skiing career in this state—his other senses compensated by growing stronger. However, when his sight was restored through a surgery in his forties, his entire perception of reality was disrupted.


(A) This confusion occurred because his brain hadn’t yet learned to see. Though we often tend to assume our eyes function as video cameras which relay information to our brain, advances in neuroscientific research have proven that this is actually not the case. Instead, sight is a collaborative effort between our eyes and our brains, and the way we process visual reality depends on the way these two communicate. 

(B) Instead of being thrilled that he could see now, as he’d expected, his brain was so overloaded with new visual stimuli that the world became a frightening and overwhelming place. After he’d learned to know his family through touch and smell, he found that he couldn’t recognize his children with his eyes, and this left him puzzled. Skiing also became a lot harder as he struggled to adapt to the visual stimulation.

(C) If communication between our eyes and our brains is disturbed, our perception of reality is altered accordingly. And because other areas of May’s brain had adapted to process information primarily through his other senses, the process of learning how to see was more difficult than he’d anticipated.  

① (A) → (C) → (B)
② (B) → (A) → (C)
③ (B) → (C) → (A)
④ (C) → (A) → (B)
⑤ (C) → (B) → (A)
















② (B) → (A) → (C)





변형문제 4번

글의 흐름으로 보아, 다음 주어진 문장이 들어갈 가장 알맞은 곳은?

 Instead of being thrilled that he could see now, as he’d expected, his brain was so overloaded with new visual stimuli that the world became a frightening and overwhelming place. 


Mike May lost his sight at the age of three. Because he had spent the majority of his life adapting to being blind—and even cultivating a skiing career in this state—his other senses compensated by growing stronger. However, when his sight was restored through a surgery in his forties, his entire perception of reality was disrupted. After he’d learned to know his family through touch and smell, he found that he couldn’t recognize his children with his eyes, and this left him puzzled. Skiing also became a lot harder as he struggled to adapt to the visual stimulation. This confusion occurred because his brain hadn’t yet learned to see. Though we often tend to assume our eyes function as video cameras which relay information to our brain, advances in neuroscientific research have proven that this is actually not the case. Instead, sight is a collaborative effort between our eyes and our brains, and the way we process visual reality depends on the way these two communicate. If communication between our eyes and our brains is disturbed, our perception of reality is altered accordingly. And because other areas of May’s brain had adapted to process information primarily through his other senses, the process of learning how to see was more difficult than he’d anticipated.  





















변형문제 5번

다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Mike May lost his sight at the age of three. Because he had spent the majority of his life adapting to being blind—and even cultivating a skiing career in this state—his other senses compensated by growing stronger. However, when his sight was restored through a surgery in his forties, his entire perception of reality was disrupted. Instead of being thrilled that he could see now, as he’d expected, his brain was so overloaded with new visual stimuli that the world became a frightening and overwhelming place. After he’d learned to know his family through touch and smell, he found that he couldn’t recognize his children with his eyes, and this left him puzzled. Skiing also became a lot harder as he struggled to adapt to the visual stimulation. This confusion occurred because his brain hadn’t yet learned to see. Though we often tend to assume our eyes function as video cameras which relay information to our brain, advances in neuroscientific research have proven that this is actually not the case. Instead, sight is a collaborative effort between our eyes and our brains, and the way we process visual reality depends on the way these two communicate. If communication between our eyes and our brains is disturbed, our perception of reality is altered accordingly. And because other areas of May’s brain had adapted to process information primarily through his other senses, the process of learning how to see was more difficult than he’d anticipated.  


Mike May found it difficult to adapt to restored sight due to the overwhelming influx of visual stimuli and the challenge in [A]                      between the eyes and the brain and due to his brain's prior adaptation to primarily rely on other [B]       
① [A] communication, [B] senses
② [A] distance, [B] qualities
③ [A] relationship, [B] attributes
④ [A] coordination, [B] faculties
⑤ [A] conflict, [B] judgments











① [A] communication, [B] senses

Mike May found it difficult to adapt to restored sight due to the overwhelming influx of visual stimuli and the challenge in communication between the eyes and the brain and due to his brain's prior adaptation to primarily rely on other senses


Mike May는 시각적 자극의 압도적인 유입과 눈과 뇌 사이의 의사소통 문제, 그리고 주로 다른 감각에 의존하는 뇌의 사전 적응으로 인해 회복된 시력에 적응하는 데 어려움을 겪었습니다. 



2022년 11월 고1 모의고사 41~42번



지금까지 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박쌤

2022년 11월 고1 모의고사 41~42번 해설 및 변형문제를 연습하셨습니다.


다음 자료인  2023년 12월 고1 모의고사 20번 해설 및 변형문제도 확인해보실까요?


2022년 11월 고1 모의고사 41~42번



이 외에도

구글다음네이버유튜브에서 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박쌤이라고 검색하시면

정말 많은 모의고사 변형문제 자료들을 무료로 활용하실 수 있습니다.



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