2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 24번 변형문제가 필요하시다고요?
걱정 마세요! 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박영어가 해결해 드립니다!
3등급도 전교 1등으로! (서울 영일고, 송도 박문여고)
3등급도 전교 2등으로! (서울 목동고)
5등급도 1등급으로! (서울 진명여고)
3등급도 1등급으로! (서울 마포고, 서울 신도림고)
모두가 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박영어와 함께 한 결과입니다.
목동 현대파리지앙 409호 미키박영어 (010 6693 6636)
오늘은 2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 24번 변형문제를 제공해 드립니다.
좋은 내신 성적은 진심에서 나오는 거 아시죠?
23번 지문에 대한 완벽한 이해는 기본이죠?
확실히 하기 위해서 다음 영상을 활용하실까요?
잘 이해하셨죠?
그럼 변형문제 도전 시작합니다!
Here we go!
2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 24번 변형문제 1번
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 것은?
The most prevalent problem kids report ①to be that they feel like they need to be accessible at all times. Because technology allows for it, they feel an obligation. It’s easy for most of us to relate — you probably feel the same pressure in your own life! It is really challenging to deal with the fact ②that we’re human and can’t always respond instantly. For a teen or tween who’s still learning the ins and outs of social interactions, it’s even worse. Here’s ③how this behavior plays out sometimes: Your child texts one of his friends, and the friend doesn’t text back right away. Now it’s easy for your child to think, “This person doesn’t want to be my friend anymore!” So he texts again, and again, and again — “blowing up their phone.” This can be ④stress-inducing and even read as aggressive. But you can see how ⑤easily this could happen.

2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 24번 변형문제 2번
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은? (원문 일부 변형 문제입니다.)
The most prevalent problem kids report is that they feel like they need to be ①available at all times. Because technology allows for it, they feel a ②duty. It’s easy for most of us to relate — you probably feel the same pressure in your own life! It is really ③demanding to deal with the fact that we’re human and can’t always respond instantly. For a teen or tween who’s still learning the ins and outs of social interactions, it’s even ④worse. Here’s how this behavior plays out sometimes: Your child texts one of his friends, and the friend doesn’t text back right away. Now it’s easy for your child to think, “This person doesn’t want to be my friend anymore!” So he texts again, and again, and again — “blowing up their phone.” This can be stress-inducing and even read as ⑤indifferent. But you can see how easily this could happen.

⑤indifferent(무관심한) -> aggressive
참고 :
①available (원문 : accessible )
②duty (원문 : obligation )
③demanding (원문 : challenging )
④worse (원문 그대로 출제)
2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 24번 변형문제 3번
다음 글에 이어질 글의 순서를 정하시오.
The most prevalent problem kids report is that they feel like they need to be accessible at all times. Because technology allows for it, they feel an obligation.
(A) Here’s how this behavior plays out sometimes: Your child texts one of his friends, and the friend doesn’t text back right away. Now it’s easy for your child to think, “This person doesn’t want to be my friend anymore!”
(B) It’s easy for most of us to relate — you probably feel the same pressure in your own life! It is really challenging to deal with the fact that we’re human and can’t always respond instantly. For a teen or tween who’s still learning the ins and outs of social interactions, it’s even worse.
(C) So he texts again, and again, and again — “blowing up their phone.” This can be stressinducing and even read as aggressive. But you can see how easily this could happen.

2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 24번 변형문제 4번
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형 문제입니다.)
The primary issue frequently reported by children is the pressure to be constantly available, driven by the accessibility technology provides, which creates a sense of duty. This experience is relatable for many, as managing the expectation of immediate responses is particularly challenging in light of our human limitations. This challenge is ___________ for teenagers navigating social interactions, as illustrated by scenarios where perceived delayed responses from friends can lead to anxiety and excessive messaging, potentially causing stress and misunderstandings.
① conclusive
② exacerbated
③ reduced
④ specified
⑤ universal

② exacerbated
참고 :
① conclusive (결정적이다)
③ reduced (감소된다)
④ specified (구체화된다)
⑤ universal (보편적이다)
2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 24번 변형문제 5번
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
The most prevalent problem kids report is that they feel like they need to be accessible at all times. Because technology allows for it, they feel an obligation. It’s easy for most of us to relate — you probably feel the same pressure in your own life! It is really challenging to deal with the fact that we’re human and can’t always respond instantly. For a teen or tween who’s still learning the ins and outs of social interactions, it’s even worse. Here’s how this behavior plays out sometimes: Your child texts one of his friends, and the friend doesn’t text back right away. Now it’s easy for your child to think, “This person doesn’t want to be my friend anymore!” So he texts again, and again, and again — “blowing up their phone.” This can be stressinducing and even read as aggressive. But you can see how easily this could happen.
Constant [A] , driven by technology, presents challenges for youth in social interactions, causing stress due to perceived [B] in responses.
[A] [B]
① challenge emotions
② demand excellence
③ attention procrastination
④ connectivity delays
⑤ research tardiness

④ connectivity delays
Constant connectivity, driven by technology, presents challenges for youth in social interactions, causing stress due to perceived delays in responses.
기술에 의해 주도되는 끊임없는 연결성은 사회적 상호 작용에서 청소년들에게 도전을 제시하며, 지각된 응답 지연으로 인한 스트레스를 유발한다.
지금까지 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박영어의
2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 24번 변형문제였습니다.
29번 자료도 확인해보실까요?
2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 29번 변형문제
2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 29번 변형문제가 필요하시다고요? 걱정 마세요! 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박영어가 해결해 드립니다! 3등급도 전교 1등으로! (서울 영일고, 송도 박문여고) 3등급도 전교
이 블로그 외에도
구글, 다음, 네이버, 유튜브에서 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박영어라고 검색하시면
정말 많은 모의고사 변형문제 자료들을 무료로 활용하실 수 있습니다.
그리고, 영문법에 대한 유용한 자료는
재미짐영어 미키박쌤을 확인해보세요.
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