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2024년 9월 고1모의고사 변형문제


by 목동미키박영어 2024. 9. 22.

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Here we go!







1. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?


Biologists distinguish two kinds of similarity. “Analogous” traits are ones that have a common function but ①arise on different branches of the evolutionary tree and are in an important sense not “the same” organ. The wings of birds and the wings of bees are both used for flight and are similar in some ways because anything used for flight ②has to be built in those ways, but they arose independently in evolution and have nothing in common beyond their use in flight. “Homologous” traits, in contrast, may or may not have a common function, but they descended from a common ancestor and hence ③have some common structure that indicates their being “the same” organ. The wing of a bat and the front leg of a horse ④have very different functions, but they are all modifications of the forelimb of the ancestor of all mammals. As a result, they share nonfunctional traits like ⑤the number of bones and the ways they are connected. To distinguish analogy from homology, biologists usually look at the overall architecture of the organs and focus on their most useless properties. 














등위접속사 but 를 활용한 병렬구문입니다. 

병렬구문의 경우 반드시 해석으로 형태를 파악해야 합니다.

본문에서는 have  ~ but arose ~ 입니다.

공통된 기능이 있지만 (have : 현재시제) ~에서 발생한(arose : 과거시제)  입니다.

병렬구문의 경우 '태와 시제'는 무관합니다.




안녕하세요 재미짐영어 미키박쌤입니다. 오늘은 등위접속사에 대해 총정리 해 드립니다. 등위? 같은 위치라는 거죠? 접속사? 연결(나열)해주는 말입니다. 즉, 등위접속사는 '같은 위치의 것들을








2 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은? (원문 일부 변형 문제입니다.)


Biologists distinguish two kinds of similarity. “Analogous” traits are ones that have a common function but arose on different ①divisions of the evolutionary tree and are in an important sense not “the same” organ. The wings of birds and the wings of bees are both used for flight and are similar in some ways because anything used for flight has to be built in those ways, but they arose ②separately in evolution and have nothing in common beyond their use in flight. “Homologous” traits, in contrast, may or may not have a common function, but they descended from a common ancestor and hence have some ③shared structure that indicates their being “the same” organ. The wing of a bat and the front leg of a horse have very different functions, but they are all modifications of the forelimb of the ancestor of all mammals. As a result, they share nonfunctional traits like the number of bones and the ways they are ④joined. To distinguish analogy from homology, biologists usually look at the overall architecture of the organs and focus on their most ⑤invaluable properties. 












⑤invaluable (매우 귀중한, 매우 소중한) -> useless 


참고 :

①branches (원문 어휘)

②independently (원문 어휘)

③common (원문 어휘)

④connected (원문 어휘)








3. 다음 문장에 이어질 글의 순서를 정하시오.


Biologists distinguish two kinds of similarity. “Analogous” traits are ones that have a common function but arose on different branches of the evolutionary tree and are in an important sense not “the same” organ.


(A) “Homologous” traits, in contrast, may or may not have a common function, but they descended from a common ancestor and hence have some common structure that indicates their being “the same” organ. The wing of a bat and the front leg of a horse have very different functions, but they are all modifications of the forelimb of the ancestor of all mammals.

(B) As a result, they share nonfunctional traits like the number of bones and the ways they are connected. To distinguish analogy from homology, biologists usually look at the overall architecture of the organs and focus on their most useless properties. 

(C) The wings of birds and the wings of bees are both used for flight and are similar in some ways because anything used for flight has to be built in those ways, but they arose independently in evolution and have nothing in common beyond their use in flight.


















4. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형 문제입니다.)


Biologists distinguish two kinds of similarity. “Analogous” traits are ones that have a common function but arose on different branches of the evolutionary tree and are in an important sense not “the same” organ. The wings of birds and the wings of bees are both used for flight and are similar in some ways because anything used for flight has to be built in those ways, but they arose independently in evolution and have nothing in common beyond their use in flight. “Homologous” traits, in contrast, may or may not have a common function, but they descended from a common ancestor and hence have some common structure that indicates their being “the same” organ. The wing of a bat and the front leg of a horse have very different functions, but they are all modifications of the forelimb of the ancestor of all mammals. As a result, they share nonfunctional traits like the number of bones and the ways they are connected. To distinguish analogy from homology, biologists usually look at the overall architecture of the organs and focus on their most useless properties.  
① Differences between analogous and homologous traits in evolutionary biology
② How biologists classify evolutionary similarities in wing structures
③ The significance of organ functionality in evolutionary development
④ Common evolutionary traits between birds and bees
⑤ Reasons for evolutionary adaptations in animals













① Differences between analogous and homologous traits in evolutionary biology

① 진화 생물학에서 유사한 형질과 상동 형질의 차이점


참고 :

② 생물학자들이 날개 구조의 진화적 유사성을 분류하는 방법
③ 진화 발달에서 장기 기능의 중요성
④ 새와 벌 사이의 일반적인 진화적 특성
⑤ 동물의 진화적 적응 이유





5. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


Biologists distinguish two kinds of similarity. “Analogous” traits are ones that have a common function but arose on different branches of the evolutionary tree and are in an important sense not “the same” organ. The wings of birds and the wings of bees are both used for flight and are similar in some ways because anything used for flight has to be built in those ways, but they arose independently in evolution and have nothing in common beyond their use in flight. “Homologous” traits, in contrast, may or may not have a common function, but they descended from a common ancestor and hence have some common structure that indicates their being “the same” organ. The wing of a bat and the front leg of a horse have very different functions, but they are all modifications of the forelimb of the ancestor of all mammals. As a result, they share nonfunctional traits like the number of bones and the ways they are connected. To distinguish analogy from homology, biologists usually look at the overall architecture of the organs and focus on their most useless properties. 

Biologists         [A]        similarities as analogous or homologous based on evolutionary        [B]       and structural traits. 
         [A]                                          [B]
① summarize                       steps

② compare                          processes

classify                            origins 

④ define                             development

⑤ demonstrate                    extinction













③ classify                            origins 

Biologists classify similarities as analogous or homologous based on evolutionary origins and structural traits. 
생물학자들은 진화적 기원과 구조적 특성에 따라 유사성을 유사하거나 상동적인 것으로 분류한다.





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