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오늘은 2023년 3월 고1 모의고사 23번 분석 및 변형문제입니다.
분석으로 완벽하게 익히고
변형문제도 풀어서
2023년 3월 고1 모의고사 23번 분석 및 변형문제는 완벽하게 맞출 수 있도록 연습해 보실까요?
영상으로 해석 연습하기 :
단계는 다음과 같습니다.
1. 혼자 해보기
2. 원문 분석
3. 혼자 복습해보기
이 과정이 다 끝나고 나면
4. 변형문제 풀기
이렇게 진행됩니다.
그럼, 시작해 보실까요?
Here we go!
1. 혼자 해보기
As the social and economic situation of countries got better, wage levels and working conditions improved.
2. 원문 분석
As the social and economic situation / of countries / got better,
사회적, 경제적 상황이 / 국가들의 / 더 나아지면서
-> get + better(더 좋은: 형용사의 비교급) -> 더 좋아지다
더 ~하게 되다, 더 ~하게 변하다
-> As + S + V ~ : 이 때의 as 는 '부사절 접속사'라고 합니다. '~하면서'라고 해석되고, As ~ better 까지를 '부사절'이라고 합니다. '부사절'을 빼도 나머지 문장(wage ~ improved)은 완전문이 옵니다.
-> 시험에서는 improved 의 형태를 to improve 혹은 improving 이런 식으로 형태를 바꿔 출제할 수 있으니 속지 마세요!!
wage levels and working conditions / improved.
임금 수준과 근로 여건이 / 개선되었다
3. 혼자 복습해보기
As the social and economic situation of countries got better, wage levels and working conditions improved.
국가들의 사회적, 경제적 상황이 더 나아지면서, 임금 수준과 근로 여건이 개선되었다.
as ~하면서
social 사회의
economic 경제의
situation 상황
get better 더 나아지다
wage 임금, 급료
level 수준
condition 여건, 조건
improve 개선되다, 향상되다
1. 혼자 해보기
Gradually people were given more time off.
2. 원문 분석
Gradually / people were given / more time off.
점차 / 사람들은 받았다 / 더 많은 휴가를
-> give : 주다 -> be given : 받다
3. 혼자 복습해보기
Gradually people were given more time off.
점차 사람들은 더 많은 휴가를 받게 되었다.
gradually 점차
time off 휴가
1. 혼자 해보기
At the same time, forms of transport improved and it became faster and cheaper to get to places.
2. 원문 분석
At the same time, / forms of transport improved
동시에 / 운송 형태가 개선되었다
and it became faster and cheaper / to get to places.
그리고 더 빠르고 더 저렴해졌다 / 장소를 이동하는 것이
-> it (가주어) ~ to get ~ (진주어 : ~하는 것은)
3. 혼자 복습해보기
At the same time, forms of transport improved and it became faster and cheaper to get to places.
동시에, 운송 형태가 개선되었고 장소를 이동하는 것이 더 빠르고 더 저렴해졌다.
at the same time 동시에
form 형태
transport 운송
cheap 저렴한, 값이 싼
get to 장소명사 : ~에 도달하다, 도착하다
place 장소
1. 혼자 해보기
England’s industrial revolution led to many of these changes.
2. 원문 분석
England’s industrial revolution / led to many of these changes.
영국의 산업 혁명이 / 이러한 변화 중 많은 것을 일으켰다.
3. 혼자 복습해보기
England’s industrial revolution led to many of these changes.
영국의 산업 혁명이 이러한 변화 중 많은 것을 일으켰다.
industrial 산업의
revolution 혁명
lead to A :A라는 결과를 일으키다. A로 이끌다
change 변화
1. 혼자 해보기
Railways, in the nineteenth century, opened up now famous seaside resorts such as Blackpool and Brighton.
2. 원문 분석
Railways, / in the nineteenth century, / opened up now famous seaside resorts / such as Blackpool and Brighton.
철도는 / 19세기에 / 이제 유명한 해안가 리조트를 열어 주었다 / Blackpool과 Brighton 같은 (리조트)
-> 철도로 인해 도달할 수 있는 장소들이 많아졌죠? 그래서, 철도가 닿는 곳에 유명 리조트들이 생기게 된 겁니다.
3. 혼자 복습해보기
Railways, in the nineteenth century, opened up now famous seaside resorts such as Blackpool and Brighton.
19세기에, 철도로 인해 Blackpool과 Brighton 같은 현재 유명한 해안가 리조트가 들어서게 되었다.
railway 철도
century 세기
open up 열어주다
famous 유명한
seaside 해안가, 바닷가
resort 리조트, 휴양지
such as : ~와 같은
1. 혼자 해보기
With the railways came many large hotels.
2. 원문 분석
With the railways / came / many large hotels.
철도와 함께 / 왔다 / 많은 대형 호텔들이
-> 철도들이 생기면서 많은 대형 호텔들이 들어서게 되었다라는 의미죠?
-> 문법적으로 상당히 중요한 문장입니다.
With the railways / came / many large hotels.
with(전치사) + 명사 = 부사 -> 부사가 문장 맨 앞에 왔네요?부사 + 동사(came) + 주어(many large hotels). 이런 문장을 '도치구문'이라고 합니다.'도치구문'이 생기는 원인은 '문장의 주어 자리에 주어가 될 수 없는 말이 오는 경우 발생한다'
3. 혼자 복습해보기
With the railways came many large hotels.
철도가 생기면서 많은 대형 호텔이 생겨났다.
1. 혼자 해보기
In Canada, for example, the new coast-to-coast railway system made possible the building of such famous hotels as Banff Springs and Chateau Lake Louise in the Rockies.
2. 원문 분석
In Canada, / for example, / the new coast-to-coast railway system / made possible / the building of such famous hotels / as Banff Springs and Chateau Lake Louise in the Rockies.
캐나다에서는 / 예를 들어 / 새로운 대륙 횡단 철도 시스템이 / 가능하게 만들었다 / 유명한 호텔들의 건설을 (가능하게 만들었다) / 로키산맥의 Banff Springs와 Chateau Lake Louise 같은 (유명한 호텔)
3. 혼자 복습해보기
In Canada, for example, the new coast-to-coast railway system made possible the building of such famous hotels as Banff Springs and Chateau Lake Louise in the Rockies.
예를 들어, 캐나다에서는 새로운 대륙 횡단 철도 시스템이 로키산맥의 Banff Springs와 Chateau Lake Louise 같은 유명한 호텔의 건설을 가능하게 했다.
coast-to-coast 대륙 횡단의
1. 혼자 해보기
Later, the arrival of air transport opened up more of the world and led to tourism growth.
2. 원문 분석
Later, / the arrival of air transport / opened up more of the world
이후에 / 항공 운송의 출현은 / 사계의 더 많은 곳들을 열어 주었다
and led to tourism growth.
그리고 관광 산업의 성장이라는 결과를 낳았다.
-> and led = ,leading 으로 바꿀 수 있습니다. (참고로 and + 동사 = ,~ing)
즉, Later, the arrival of air transport opened up more of the world, leading to tourism growth. 이렇게도 가능합니다.
3. 혼자 복습해보기
Later, the arrival of air transport opened up more of the world and led to tourism growth.
이후에 항공 운송의 출현은 세계의 더 많은 곳으로 가는 길을 열어 주었고 관광 산업의 성장을 이끌었다.
arrival 출현, 도래
air transport 항공 운송
tourism 관광 산업
growth 성장, 발전
와우, 여기까지 상세한 해설이었습니다.
힘들다... 휴우...
여러분도 고생하셨어요!!
그럼 2023년 3월 고1 모의고사 23번 변형문제를 풀러 가 보시죠!
변형문제 1
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?
As the social and economic situation of countries got better, wage levels and working conditions ①improved. Gradually people ②were given more time off. At the same time, forms of transport improved and it became faster and cheaper to get to places. England’s industrial revolution led to many of these changes. Railways, in the nineteenth century, opened up now famous seaside resorts such as Blackpool and Brighton. With the railways ③came many large hotels. In Canada, for example, the new coasttocoast railway system made ④possible the building of such famous hotels as Banff Springs and Chateau Lake Louise in the Rockies. Later, the arrival of air transport opened up more of the world, ⑤led to tourism growth.
⑤led -> leading (혹은 and led)
Later, the arrival of air transport opened up more of the world, ⑤led to tourism growth.
opened ~ and led 혹은
opened ~ world, leading 이 옳습니다.
변형문제 2
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은?
As the social and economic situation of countries got ①better, wage levels and working conditions improved. Gradually people were given more time off. At the same time, forms of transport ②enhanced and it became faster and cheaper to get to places. England’s industrial revolution led to many of these ③transformations. Railways, in the nineteenth century, opened up now famous seaside resorts such as Blackpool and Brighton. With the railways came many large hotels. In Canada, for example, the new coast-to-coast railway system made ④feasible the building of such famous hotels as Banff Springs and Chateau Lake Louise in the Rockies. Later, the arrival of air transport opened up more of the world and led to tourism ⑤collapse.
⑤ collapse(붕괴) -> growth
①better (원문 그대로 출제)
②enhanced (원문 : improved )
③transformations (원문 : changes )
④feasible (원문 : possible )
변형문제 3
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형 문제입니다)
The improvement of social and economic conditions in countries led to various positive developments, such as better wage levels, working conditions, and increased leisure time. Simultaneously, advancements in transportation made travel faster and more affordable. The industrial revolution in England played a significant role in these transformations, with the development of railways opening up popular seaside destinations like Blackpool and Brighton, and leading to the construction of large hotels. In Canada, the new coast-to-coast railway system facilitated the building of renowned hotels such as Banff Springs and Chateau Lake Louise in the Rockies. Later, the advent of air travel enabled people to explore more parts of the world, thus _________________.
① fostering growth in the tourism industry
② causing unexpected environmental pollution
③ prompting many explorers to explore
④ hindering the growth of the emerging powers
⑤ greatly helping the development of the railway industry
① fostering growth in the tourism industry
관광 산업의 성장을 촉진했다
① fostering growth in the tourism industry
관광 산업의 성장을 촉진했다
② causing unexpected environmental pollution
예기치 못한 환경 오염을 초래했다
③ prompting many explorers to explore
수많은 탐험가들이 탐험을 하도록 자극했다
④ hindering the growth of the emerging powers
신흥 세력의 성장을 방해했다
⑤ greatly helping the development of the railway industry
철도 산업의 발전에 큰 도움을 주었다
변형문제 4
다음 글에 이어질 순서를 정하시오.
As the social and economic situation of countries got better, wage levels and working conditions improved. Gradually people were given more time off.
(A) Railways, in the nineteenth century, opened up now famous seaside resorts such as Blackpool and Brighton. With the railways came many large hotels.
(B) In Canada, for example, the new coasttocoast railway system made possible the building of such famous hotels as Banff Springs and Chateau Lake Louise in the Rockies. Later, the arrival of air transport opened up more of the world and led to tourism growth.
(C) At the same time, forms of transport improved and it became faster and cheaper to get to places. England’s industrial revolution led to many of these changes.
변형문제 5
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어갈 가장 알맞은 곳은?
With the railways came many large hotels.
As the social and economic situation of countries got better, wage levels and working conditions improved. Gradually people were given more time off. ① At the same time, forms of transport improved and it became faster and cheaper to get to places. ② England’s industrial revolution led to many of these changes. ③ Railways, in the nineteenth century, opened up now famous seaside resorts such as Blackpool and Brighton. ④ In Canada, for example, the new coasttocoast railway system made possible the building of such famous hotels as Banff Springs and Chateau Lake Louise in the Rockies. ⑤ Later, the arrival of air transport opened up more of the world and led to tourism growth.
변형문제 6
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
As the social and economic situation of countries got better, wage levels and working conditions improved. Gradually people were given more time off. At the same time, forms of transport improved and it became faster and cheaper to get to places. England’s industrial revolution led to many of these changes. Railways, in the nineteenth century, opened up now famous seaside resorts such as Blackpool and Brighton. With the railways came many large hotels. In Canada, for example, the new coasttocoast railway system made possible the building of such famous hotels as Banff Springs and Chateau Lake Louise in the Rockies. Later, the arrival of air transport opened up more of the world and led to tourism growth.
_____(A)___ in society and economy allowed for better work conditions, more leisure time, improved transport, and the growth of tourism with notable resorts and hotels _____(B)_____ as a result.
(A) (B)
① Publicity loosening
② Popularity disappearing
③ Degradation developing
④ Conflicts progressing
⑤ Progress emerging
⑤ Progress emerging
Progress in society and economy allowed for better work conditions, more leisure time, improved transport, and the growth of tourism with notable resorts and hotels emerging as a result.
사회와 경제의 발전은 더 나은 근무 조건, 더 많은 여가 시간, 향상된 교통 수단, 그리고 결과적으로 주목할 만한 리조트와 호텔들과 함께 관광의 등장을 허용했습니다.
① Publicity 홍보 loosening 느슨해지는
② Popularity 인기 disappearing 사라지는
③ Degradation 퇴화 developing 발달하는
④ Conflicts 갈등 progressing 진보하는
⑤ Progress 발전 emerging 나타나는
지금까지 2023년 3월 고1 모의고사 23번 분석 및 변형문제를 연습하셨습니다.
아주 확실해졌죠?
아주 잘 하셨습니다.
반드시 도움이 되셨을거라 확신합니다.
다음 자료인 2023년 3월 고1 모의고사 24번 분석 및 변형문제도 기대해주세요.
지금까지 목동 영어 미키박 쌤이었습니다.
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