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오늘은 2023년 3월 고3 모의고사 32번 변형문제입니다.
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변형문제도 풀어서
2023년 3월 고3 모의고사 32번 변형문제는 완벽하게 맞출 수 있도록 연습해 보실까요?
단계는 다음과 같습니다.
1. 한 줄 해석 및 핵심 파악
(빨간 X표시는 시험에서 여러분을 유혹할 수 있는 어법상 틀린 선택지입니다)
2. 변형문제 풀기
이렇게 진행됩니다.
그럼, 시작해 보실까요?
Here we go!
1. 한 줄 해석 및 핵심 파악
LewisWilliams believes that the religious view of hunter groups was a contract between the hunter and the hunted.
LewisWilliams는 사냥 집단이 가진 종교관은 사냥꾼과 사냥감 간의 계약이었다고 믿는다.
LewisWilliams believes that the religious view of hunter groups is(X) a contract between the hunter and the hunted.
LewisWilliams는 사냥 집단이 가진 종교관은 사냥꾼과 사냥감 간의 계약이었다고 믿는다.
‘The powers of the underworld allowed people to kill animals, provided people responded in certain ritual ways, such as taking fragments of animals into the caves and inserting them into the “membrane”.
‘지하 세계의 신들이 사람들에게 동물을 살생하도록 허용했는데, 사람들이 동물의 작은 일부를 동굴로 가지고 들어가서 그것을 ‘지하 세계로 통하는 바위 표면’ 속에 넣는 것과 같은 특정한 의식의 방식으로 반응하는 조건에서 였다.’
‘The powers of the underworld allowed people to kill animals, provided people to respond(X) in certain ritual ways, such as taking fragments of animals into the caves and inserting them into the “membrane”.
‘지하 세계의 신들이 사람들에게 동물을 살생하도록 허용했는데, 사람들이 동물의 작은 일부를 동굴로 가지고 들어가서 그것을 ‘지하 세계로 통하는 바위 표면’ 속에 넣는 것과 같은 특정한 의식의 방식으로 반응하는 조건에서 였다.’
This is borne out in the San.
이것은 San족에서 유지된다.
This is borne out in the San.
이것은 San족에서 유지된다.
Like other shamanistic societies, they have admiring practices between human hunters and their prey, suffused with taboos derived from extensive natural knowledge.
다른 무속 사회처럼, 그들에게는 사냥하는 인간과 그들의 먹이 간의 존중하는 관습이 있는데, (그 관습은) 광범위한 자연 지식에서 유래한 금기로 가득 차 있다.
Like other shamanistic societies, they have admired(X) practices between human hunters and their prey, suffused with taboos derived from extensive natural knowledge.
다른 무속 사회처럼, 그들에게는 사냥하는 인간과 그들의 먹이 간의 존중하는 관습이 있는데, (그 관습은) 광범위한 자연 지식에서 유래한 금기로 가득 차 있다.
These practices suggest that honouring may be one method of softening the disquiet of killing.
이런 관습들은 경의를 표하기가 살생의 불안을 경감하는 한 가지 수단일 수도 있다는 것을 보여 준다.
These practices suggest that honouring should(X) be one method of softening the disquiet of killing.
이런 관습들은 경의를 표하기가 살생의 불안을 경감하는 한 가지 수단일 수도 있다는 것을 보여 준다.
It should be said that this disquiet needn’t arise because there is something fundamentally wrong with a human killing another animal, but simply because we are aware of doing the killing.
이런 불안은 인간이 다른 동물을 죽이는 것에 근본적으로 잘못된 무언가가 있기 때문에 일어날 필요는 없고, 그저 우리가 살생한다는 것을 의식하고 있어서라고 말할 수 있다.
It should be said that this disquiet needn’t arise because there is something fundamentally wrong with a human kills(X) another animal, but simply because we are aware of doing the killing.
이런 불안은 인간이 다른 동물을 죽이는 것에 근본적으로 잘못된 무언가가 있기 때문에 일어날 필요는 없고, 그저 우리가 살생한다는 것을 의식하고 있어서라고 말할 수 있다.
And perhaps, too, because in some sense we ‘know’ what we are killing.
그리고 또한 어쩌면 어떤 의미에서는 우리가 무엇을 살생하고 있는지 ‘알기’ 때문일 수도 있다.
And perhaps, too, because of(X) in some sense we ‘know’ what we are killing.
그리고 또한 어쩌면 어떤 의미에서는 우리가 무엇을 살생하고 있는지 ‘알기’ 때문일 수도 있다.
We make sound guesses that the pain and desire for life we feel — our worlds of experience — have a counterpart in the animal we kill.
우리가 느끼는 고통과 살고자 하는 욕망은 — 우리의 경험의 세계는 — 우리가 살생하는 동물에게 상응하는 것이 있다고 우리는 타당한 추측을 한다.
We make sound guesses which(X) the pain and desire for life we feel — our worlds of experience — having(X) a counterpart in the animal we kill.
우리가 느끼는 고통과 살고자 하는 욕망은 — 우리의 경험의 세계는 — 우리가 살생하는 동물에게 상응하는 것이 있다고 우리는 타당한 추측을 한다.
As predators, this can create problems for us. One way to smooth those edges, then, is to view that prey with respect.
포식자로서, 이것은 우리에게 문제를 만들어 낼 수 있다. 그렇다면, 그런 문제를 완화하는 한 가지 방법은 그 먹이를 존중하면서 바라보는 것이다.
As predators, this can create problems for us. One way to smooth those edges, then, being(X) to view that prey with respect.
포식자로서, 이것은 우리에게 문제를 만들어 낼 수 있다. 그렇다면, 그런 문제를 완화하는 한 가지 방법은 그 먹이를 존중하면서 바라보는 것이다.
여기까지 한 줄 해석 연습 및 핵심 파악이었습니다.
그럼 2023년 3월 고3 모의고사 32번 변형문제를 풀러 가 보시죠!
변형문제 1
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?
LewisWilliams believes that the religious view of hunter groups ①was a contract between the hunter and the hunted. ‘The powers of the underworld allowed people to kill animals, provided people ②responded in certain ritual ways, such as taking fragments of animals into the caves and inserting them into the “membrane”.’ This is borne out in the San. Like other shamanistic societies, they have ③admiring practices between human hunters and their prey, suffused with taboos derived from extensive natural knowledge. These practices suggest that honouring ④may be one method of softening the disquiet of killing. It should be said that this disquiet needn’t arise because there is something fundamentally wrong with a human killing another animal, but simply because we are aware of doing the killing. And perhaps, too, because in some sense we ‘know’ what we are killing. We make sound guesses ⑤which the pain and desire for life we feel — our worlds of experience — have a counterpart in the animal we kill. As predators, this can create problems for us. One way to smooth those edges, then, is to view that prey with respect.
⑤which -> that
We make sound guesses ⑤which the pain and desire for life we feel — our worlds of experience — have a counterpart in the animal we kill.
guesses that(동격의 접속사 that) 입니다.
동격의 접속사 that + 완전문입니다.
참고로, which + 불완전문입니다.
변형문제 2
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은? (원문 변형 어휘 문제입니다)
LewisWilliams believes that the religious view of hunter groups was an ①agreement between the hunter and the hunted. ‘The powers of the underworld allowed people to kill animals, provided people responded in certain ritual ways, such as taking fragments of animals into the caves and inserting them into the “membrane”.’ This is borne out in the San. Like other shamanistic societies, they have ②respectful practices between human hunters and their prey, suffused with taboos derived from extensive natural knowledge. These practices suggest that ③commemorating may be one method of softening the disquiet of killing. It should be said that this disquiet needn’t arise because there is something fundamentally wrong with a human killing another animal, but simply because we are aware of doing the killing. And perhaps, too, because in some sense we ‘know’ what we are killing. We make sound guesses that the pain and desire for life we feel — our worlds of experience — have a counterpart in the animal we kill. As predators, this can ④prevent problems for us. One way to ⑤soften those edges, then, is to view that prey with respect.
④prevent (막다, 예방하다)-> create
①agreement (원문 : contract )
②respectful (원문 : admiring )
③commemorating (원문 : honouring )
⑤soften (원문 : smooth )
변형문제 3
글의 흐름으로 보아, 다음 문장이 들어갈 가장 알맞은 곳은?
And perhaps, too, because in some sense we ‘know’ what we are killing.
LewisWilliams believes that the religious view of hunter groups was a contract between the hunter and the hunted. ‘The powers of the underworld allowed people to kill animals, provided people responded in certain ritual ways, such as taking fragments of animals into the caves and inserting them into the “membrane”.’ This is borne out in the San. ① Like other shamanistic societies, they have admiring practices between human hunters and their prey, suffused with taboos derived from extensive natural knowledge. ② These practices suggest that honouring may be one method of softening the disquiet of killing. ③ It should be said that this disquiet needn’t arise because there is something fundamentally wrong with a human killing another animal, but simply because we are aware of doing the killing. ④ We make sound guesses that the pain and desire for life we feel — our worlds of experience — have a counterpart in the animal we kill. ⑤ As predators, this can create problems for us. One way to smooth those edges, then, is to view that prey with respect.
변형문제 4
다음 글에 이어질 순서를 정하시오.
LewisWilliams believes that the religious view of hunter groups was a contract between the hunter and the hunted.
(A) These practices suggest that honouring may be one method of softening the disquiet of killing. It should be said that this disquiet needn’t arise because there is something fundamentally wrong with a human killing another animal, but simply because we are aware of doing the killing.
(B) And perhaps, too, because in some sense we ‘know’ what we are killing. We make sound guesses that the pain and desire for life we feel — our worlds of experience — have a counterpart in the animal we kill. As predators, this can create problems for us. One way to smooth those edges, then, is to view that prey with respect.
(C) ‘The powers of the underworld allowed people to kill animals, provided people responded in certain ritual ways, such as taking fragments of animals into the caves and inserting them into the “membrane”.’ This is borne out in the San. Like other shamanistic societies, they have admiring practices between human hunters and their prey, suffused with taboos derived from extensive natural knowledge.
변형문제 5
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
LewisWilliams believes that the religious view of hunter groups was a contract between the hunter and the hunted. ‘The powers of the underworld allowed people to kill animals, provided people responded in certain ritual ways, such as taking fragments of animals into the caves and inserting them into the “membrane”.’ This is borne out in the San. Like other shamanistic societies, they have admiring practices between human hunters and their prey, suffused with taboos derived from extensive natural knowledge. These practices suggest that honouring may be one method of softening the disquiet of killing. It should be said that this disquiet needn’t arise because there is something fundamentally wrong with a human killing another animal, but simply because we are aware of doing the killing. And perhaps, too, because in some sense we ‘know’ what we are killing. We make sound guesses that the pain and desire for life we feel — our worlds of experience — have a counterpart in the animal we kill. As predators, this can create problems for us. One way to smooth those edges, then, is to view that prey with respect.
Honoring and admiring practices can ____(A)___the discomfort of killing, as per the hunter groups' _____(B)____contract between hunter and hunted.
(A) (B)
① ease religious
② extinguish vital
③ stimulate imminent
④ release hostile
⑤ restrict inseparate
① ease religious
Honoring and admiring practices can ease the discomfort of killing, as per the hunter groups' religious contract between hunter and hunted.
사냥꾼과 사냥감 사이의 사냥꾼 그룹의 종교적 계약에 따라 관행을 존중하고 감탄하면 살인의 불편함을 완화할 수 있습니다.
참고 :
① ease 완화하다 religious 종교적인
② extinguish 끄다 vital 매우 중요한
③ stimulate 자극하다 imminent 임박한
④ release 풀어주다 hostile 적대적인
⑤ restrict 제한하다 inseparate 분리되지 않은
지금까지 2023년 3월 고3 모의고사 32번 변형문제를 연습하셨습니다.
아주 확실해졌죠?
아주 잘 하셨습니다.
반드시 도움이 되셨을거라 확신합니다.
다음 자료인 2023년 3월 고3 모의고사 33번 변형문제도 기대해주세요.
지금까지 목동 영어 미키박 쌤이었습니다.
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