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오늘은 2023년 5월 고3 모의고사 23번 해설, 어휘정리,변형문제입니다.
한 줄 해석 및 중요 문법 사항을 확인하시고, 23번 변형문제를 풀어보시겠습니다.
Here we go!
한 줄 해석 및 중요 문법사항 확인
Facing large-scale, long-term change can seem overwhelming (overwhelmed - X).
대규모의 장기적인 변화에 직면하는 것은 대응할 수 없는 것처럼 보인다.
overwhelming (overwhelmed - X) : 감정동사의 분사형태입니다.
overwhelm 압도적인 느낌을 주다 -> overwhelming : 압도감을 주는 / overwhelmed : 압도감을 받은
분사의 구분에 대한 개념 : https://jammygymenglish.tistory.com/entry/%EB%B6%84%EC%82%AC
Problems like global contagion or economic inequality are (to be - X) so complex that it can be hard to believe any intervention might make a difference.
세계적인 전염이나 경제적 불평등 같은 문제는 너무 복잡해서 어떠한 개입이 변화를 가져올 것이라고 믿기가 어려울 수 있다.
Working through fears of what could be depends (depending - X) on connecting with the abstract.
무슨 일이 있을지에 대한 두려움을 극복하는 것은 추상적인 것과 연결하는 것에 달려 있다.
Linking issues like climate change, for example, with the realities of our own neighborhoods, jobs, and relationships, translates (translating - X) conceptual ideas into concrete emotions.
예를 들어 기후 변화와 같은 문제를 우리 자신의 이웃, 직업 그리고 관계와 연결하는 것은 개념적인 생각을 구체적인 감정으로 바꾼다.
translates (translating - X) : 동사와 준동사의 구분 개념
Thinking of how the beaches we love might disappear, how more frequent (frequently - X) floods might destroy our homes, or how we might have to move to flee mounting wildfire risk, evokes (evoking - X) feelings like anger, sadness, or guilt — feelings that inspire us to act.
우리가 사랑하는 해변이 어떻게 사라질 것인지, 더 빈번한 홍수가 어떻게 우리의 집을 파괴할 것인지 혹은 증가하는 산불 위험에서 달아나기 위해 어떻게 우리가 이동해야 할지에 대해 생각하는 것은 분노, 슬픔 혹은 죄책감 같은 감정, 즉 우리가 행동하도록 자극하는 감정을 불러일으킨다.
frequent (frequently - X) : 형용사와 부사 구분하기
A recent study found that when people feel personally (personal - X) affected by potential climatic change, they are more likely to support carbon reduction efforts and push for proactive policies.
최근의 한 연구는 사람들이 잠재적인 기후 변화에 의해 개인적으로 영향을 받는다고 느낄 때 그들이 탄소 감소 노력을 지지하고 예방적인 정책을 요구할 가능성이 더 높다는 점을 발견했다.
personally (personal - X) : 형용사와 부사 구분하기
Forming emotional connections to potential futures helps (help - X) us move from denial and despair to action.
잠재적인 미래와의 감정적인 연결을 형성하는 것은 우리가 부정과 절망에서 행동으로 이동하도록 도와준다.
helps (help - X) : 명사구에 대한 이해
다음은 어휘 정리입니다.
영어 | 한국어 | 동의어 |
large-scale | 대규모의 | extensive, massive |
long-term | 장기적인 | extended, prolonged |
overwhelming | 압도적인, 마음을 뒤흔드는 | crushing, staggering |
problems | 문제들 | issues, difficulties |
global contagion | 전 세계적 전염병 | worldwide epidemic |
economic inequality | 경제적 불평등 | financial disparity |
complex | 복잡한 | complicated, intricate |
intervention | 개입, 중재 | involvement, interference |
difference | 차이, 변화 | distinction, variation |
fears | 두려움, 불안감 | apprehensions, anxieties |
connecting | 연결, 관련시키는 | linking, associating |
abstract | 추상적인 | theoretical, conceptual |
Linking | 연결, 관계짓는 | connecting, associating |
climate change | 기후변화 | global warming |
realities | 현실, 실제 사실 | actualities, facts |
neighborhoods | 동네, 지역사회 | local communities |
jobs | 일자리, 직업 | employment, occupation |
relationships | 관계, 인간관계 | connections, interactions |
translates | 번역하다, 해석하다 | converts, interprets |
conceptual | 개념상의, 이론적인 | abstract, theoretical |
concrete | 구체적인, 실제적인 | specific, tangible |
emotions | 감정, 정서 | feelings, sentiments |
beaches | 해변 | seashores, coasts |
disappear | 사라지다, 없어지다 | vanish, fade away |
frequent floods | 빈번한 홍수 | recurring floods |
destroy | 파괴하다, 망치다 | devastate, ruin |
homes | 집, 주택 | houses, residences |
move | 이동하다, 옮겨가다 | relocate, transfer |
flee | 도망치다, 피하다 | escape, run away |
mounting wildfire risk | 산불 위험의 증가 | increasing wildfire risk |
evokes | 불러일으키다, 자아내다 | elicits, arouses |
anger | 분노, 화 | rage, fury |
sadness | 슬픔, 비애 | sorrow, grief |
guilt | 유죄감, 죄책감 | remorse, regret |
inspire | 영감을 주다, 고무하다 | motivate, encourage |
recent study | 최근 연구 | recent research |
혼자 해보기
Facing large-scale, long-term change can seem overwhelming.
Problems like global contagion or economic inequality are so complex that it can be hard to believe any intervention might make a difference.
Working through fears of what could be depends on connecting with the abstract.
Linking issues like climate change, for example, with the realities of our own neighborhoods, jobs, and relationships, translates conceptual ideas into concrete emotions.
Thinking of how the beaches we love might disappear, how more frequent floods might destroy our homes, or how we might have to move to flee mounting wildfire risk, evokes feelings like anger, sadness, or guilt — feelings that inspire us to act.
A recent study found that when people feel personally affected by potential climatic change, they are more likely to support carbon reduction efforts and push for proactive policies.
Forming emotional connections to potential futures helps us move from denial and despair to action.
자, 이제 변형문제를 풀어보실까요?
변형문제 1 |
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은? |
Facing large-scale, long-term change can seem overwhelming. Problems like global contagion or economic inequality are so complex that it can be hard to believe any intervention might make a difference. Working through fears of what could be ①depending on connecting with the abstract. Linking issues like climate change, for example, with the realities of our own neighborhoods, jobs, and relationships, ②translates conceptual ideas into concrete emotions. Thinking of how the beaches we love might disappear, how more ③frequent floods might destroy our homes, or how we might have to move to flee mounting wildfire risk, ④evokes feelings like anger, sadness, or guilt — feelings that inspire us to act. A recent study found that when people feel ⑤personally affected by potential climatic change, they are more likely to support carbon reduction efforts and push for proactive policies. Forming emotional connections to potential futures helps us move from denial and despair to action. |
Working through fears of what could be ①depending on connecting with the abstract.
주어가 Workinig(동명사) 이고 동사가 ①번 자리입니다. 동명사구(명사구)가 주어이므로 단수동사인 depends가 옳습니다.
변형문제 2 |
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은? (원문 변형 문제입니다.) |
Facing large-scale, long-term change can seem ①intimidating. Problems like global contagion or economic inequality are so complex that it can be hard to believe any intervention might make a difference. Working through fears of what could be depends on connecting with the ②conceptual. Linking issues like climate change, for example, with the realities of our own neighborhoods, jobs, and relationships, translates conceptual ideas into ③real emotions. Thinking of how the beaches we love might disappear, how more frequent floods might destroy our homes, or how we might have to move to flee mounting wildfire risk, ④suppresses feelings like anger, sadness, or guilt — feelings that inspire us to act. A recent study found that when people feel personally affected by potential climatic change, they are more likely to support carbon reduction efforts and push for proactive policies. Forming ⑤affective connections to potential futures helps us move from denial and despair to action. |
④suppresses (억누르다) -> evokes
참고 :
①intimidating (원문 : overwhelming )
②conceptual (원문 : abstract )
③real (원문 : concrete )
⑤affective (원문 : emotional )
변형문제 3 |
다음 글에 이어질 순서를 정하시오. |
Facing large-scale, long-term change can seem overwhelming. Problems like global contagion or economic inequality are so complex that it can be hard to believe any intervention might make a difference. |
(A) Thinking of how the beaches we love might disappear, how more frequent floods might destroy our homes, or how we might have to move to flee mounting wildfire risk, evokes feelings like anger, sadness, or guilt — feelings that inspire us to act. (B) Working through fears of what could be depends on connecting with the abstract. Linking issues like climate change, for example, with the realities of our own neighborhoods, jobs, and relationships, translates conceptual ideas into concrete emotions. (C) A recent study found that when people feel personally affected by potential climatic change, they are more likely to support carbon reduction efforts and push for proactive policies. Forming emotional connections to potential futures helps us move from denial and despair to action. |
변형문제 4 |
글의 흐름으로 보아, 다음 문장이 들어갈 가장 알맞은 곳은? |
Linking issues like climate change, for example, with the realities of our own neighborhoods, jobs, and relationships, translates conceptual ideas into concrete emotions. |
Facing large-scale, long-term change can seem overwhelming. ① Problems like global contagion or economic inequality are so complex that it can be hard to believe any intervention might make a difference. ② Working through fears of what could be depends on connecting with the abstract. ③ Thinking of how the beaches we love might disappear, how more frequent floods might destroy our homes, or how we might have to move to flee mounting wildfire risk, evokes feelings like anger, sadness, or guilt — feelings that inspire us to act. ④ A recent study found that when people feel personally affected by potential climatic change, they are more likely to support carbon reduction efforts and push for proactive policies. ⑤ Forming emotional connections to potential futures helps us move from denial and despair to action. |
변형문제 5 |
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |
Facing large-scale, long-term change can seem overwhelming. Problems like global contagion or economic inequality are so complex that it can be hard to believe any intervention might make a difference. Working through fears of what could be depends on connecting with the abstract. Linking issues like climate change, for example, with the realities of our own neighborhoods, jobs, and relationships, translates conceptual ideas into concrete emotions. Thinking of how the beaches we love might disappear, how more frequent floods might destroy our homes, or how we might have to move to flee mounting wildfire risk, evokes feelings like anger, sadness, or guilt — feelings that inspire us to act. A recent study found that when people feel personally affected by potential climatic change, they are more likely to support carbon reduction efforts and push for proactive policies. Forming emotional connections to potential futures helps us move from denial and despair to action. |
↓ |
Connecting emotionally to local realities ___(A)____action towards ____(B)____policies for large-scale problems, such as climate change. |
(A) (B)
① prevents stimulating
② detects monotonous
③ eliminates activated
④ deters inactive
⑤ inspires proactive
⑤ inspires proactive
Connecting emotionally to local realities inspires action towards proactive policies for large-scale problems, such as climate change.
지역 현실에 감정적으로 연결하면 기후 변화와 같은 대규모 문제에 대한 선제적 정책을 향한 행동을 고무합니다.
참고 :
① prevents 막는다 stimulating 자극하는
② detects 탐지하다 monotonous 단조로운
③ eliminates 없애다 activated 활성화된
④ deters 저지하다 inactive 비활동적인
지금까지 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박쌤의
2023년 5월 고3 모의고사 23번 해설 및 변형문제를 연습하셨습니다.
다음 자료인 2023년 5월 고3 모의고사 24번 해설 및 변형문제도 확인해보실까요?
24번 확인하러 가기 : https://mickeypark999.tistory.com/273
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