2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 31번 변형문제가 필요하시다고요?
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3등급도 전교 1등으로! (서울 영일고, 송도 박문여고)
3등급도 전교 2등으로! (서울 목동고)
5등급도 1등급으로! (서울 진명여고)
3등급도 1등급으로! (서울 마포고, 서울 신도림고)
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오늘은 2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 31번 변형문제를 제공해 드립니다.
좋은 내신 성적은 진심에서 나오는 거 아시죠?
31번 지문에 대한 완벽한 이해는 기본이죠?
확실히 하기 위해서 다음 영상을 활용하실까요?
잘 이해하셨죠?
그럼 변형문제 도전 시작합니다!
Here we go!
2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 31번 변형문제 1번
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 것은?
Dancers often push themselves to the limits of their physical capabilities. But that push is ①misguided if it is directed toward accomplishing something physically impossible. For instance, a tall dancer with long feet may wish to perform repetitive vertical jumps to fast music, pointing his feet ②while in the air and lowering his heels to the floor between jumps. That may be impossible no matter how strong the dancer is. But a shortfooted dancer may have no trouble! Another dancer may be ③struggling to complete a halfturn in the air. Understanding the connection between a rapid turn rate and the alignment of the body close to the rotation axis ④telling her how to accomplish her turn successfully. In both of these cases, understanding and working within the constraints imposed by nature and described by physical laws ⑤allows dancers to work efficiently, minimizing potential risk of injury.

2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 31번 변형문제 2번
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은? (원문 일부 변형 문제입니다.)
Dancers often push themselves to the limits of their physical capabilities. But that push is misguided if it is directed toward accomplishing something ①physiologically impossible. For instance, a tall dancer with long feet may wish to perform repetitive vertical jumps to fast music, pointing his feet while in the air and lowering his heels to the floor between jumps. That may be ②unattainable no matter how strong the dancer is. But a shortfooted dancer may have no ③trouble! Another dancer may be struggling to complete a halfturn in the air. Understanding the connection between a rapid turn rate and the alignment of the body close to the rotation axis tells her how to accomplish her turn ④efficiently. In both of these cases, understanding and working within the constraints imposed by nature and described by physical laws allows dancers to work efficiently, ⑤mitigating potential risk of injury.

①physiologically (생리학적으로) -> physically
참고 :
②unattainable (원문 : impossible )
③trouble (원문 그대로 출제)
④efficiently (원문 : successfully)
⑤mitigating (원문 : minimizing )
2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 31번 변형문제 3번
다음 글에 이어질 글의 순서를 정하시오.
Dancers often push themselves to the limits of their physical capabilities. But that push is misguided if it is directed toward accomplishing something physically impossible.
(A) In both of these cases, understanding and working within the constraints imposed by nature and described by physical laws allows dancers to work efficiently, minimizing potential risk of injury.
(B) But a shortfooted dancer may have no trouble! Another dancer may be struggling to complete a halfturn in the air. Understanding the connection between a rapid turn rate and the alignment of the body close to the rotation axis tells her how to accomplish her turn successfully.
(C) For instance, a tall dancer with long feet may wish to perform repetitive vertical jumps to fast music, pointing his feet while in the air and lowering his heels to the floor between jumps. That may be impossible no matter how strong the dancer is.

2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 31번 변형문제 4번
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 알맞은 것은?
Dancers often push themselves to the limits of their physical capabilities. But that push is misguided if it is directed toward accomplishing something physically impossible. For instance, a tall dancer with long feet may wish to perform repetitive vertical jumps to fast music, pointing his feet while in the air and lowering his heels to the floor between jumps. That may be impossible no matter how strong the dancer is. But a shortfooted dancer may have no trouble! Another dancer may be struggling to complete a halfturn in the air. Understanding the connection between a rapid turn rate and the alignment of the body close to the rotation axis tells her how to accomplish her turn successfully. In both of these cases, understanding and working within the constraints imposed by nature and described by physical laws allows dancers to work efficiently, minimizing potential risk of injury.
① Optimizing Dance Performance: Working within Physical Limits
② Overcoming the Body's Limits: Challenges Only Humans Can Do
③ Physical Activity Applying Physics: The Stepping Stone of Historical Discovery
④ Best Dance Performance: The Myth of Overcoming Body Limits
⑤ Dancer as an Artist: An Artist Through Another Body Use

① Optimizing Dance Performance: Working within Physical Limits
무용공연의 최적화: 물리적 한계 내에서의 작업
② Overcoming the Body's Limits: Challenges Only Humans Can Do
신체의 한계 극복:인간만이 할 수 있는 도전
③ Physical Activity Applying Physics: The Stepping Stone of Historical Discovery
물리학을 적용한 신체 활동: 역사적 발견의 디딤돌
④ Best Dance Performance: The Myth of Overcoming Body Limits
최상의 무용공연: 신체 한계 극복의 신화
⑤ Dancer as an Artist: An Artist Through Another Body Use
예술가로서의 무용수: 또 다른 신체 활용을 통한 예술가
2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 31번 변형문제 5번
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Dancers often push themselves to the limits of their physical capabilities. But that push is misguided if it is directed toward accomplishing something physically impossible. For instance, a tall dancer with long feet may wish to perform repetitive vertical jumps to fast music, pointing his feet while in the air and lowering his heels to the floor between jumps. That may be impossible no matter how strong the dancer is. But a shortfooted dancer may have no trouble! Another dancer may be struggling to complete a halfturn in the air. Understanding the connection between a rapid turn rate and the alignment of the body close to the rotation axis tells her how to accomplish her turn successfully. In both of these cases, understanding and working within the constraints imposed by nature and described by physical laws allows dancers to work efficiently, minimizing potential risk of injury.
Dancers strive for [A] feats, but must acknowledge [B] to avoid injury.
[A] [B]
① mental cautions
② moral intelligence
③ visual restrictions
④ physical limitations
⑤ unexpected performance

④ physical limitations
Dancers strive for physical feats, but must acknowledge limitations to avoid injury.
무용수는 신체적 위업을 위해 노력하지만, 부상을 피하기 위해서는 한계를 인정해야 한다.
지금까지 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박영어의
2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 31번 변형문제였습니다.
32번 자료도 확인해보실까요?
2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 32번 변형문제
2024년 3월 고2 모의고사 32번 변형문제가 필요하시다고요? 걱정 마세요! 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박영어가 해결해 드립니다! 3등급도 전교 1등으로! (서울 영일고, 송도 박문여고) 3등급도 전교
이 블로그 외에도
구글, 다음, 네이버, 유튜브에서 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박영어라고 검색하시면
정말 많은 모의고사 변형문제 자료들을 무료로 활용하실 수 있습니다.
그리고, 영문법에 대한 유용한 자료는
재미짐영어 미키박쌤을 확인해보세요.
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