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오늘은 2023년 3월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 중 빈칸추론 유형 올킬자료입니다.
원문 그대로가 아닌,
전체 변형 빈칸추론이라서 실전 대비에 더욱 도움이 됩니다.

2023년 3월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 중 빈칸추론 유형 올킬자료로
완벽 시험대비 해 보실까요?
여러분의 좋은 성적을 응원합니다!
Here we go!
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형문제입니다) |
It was delightful to have met you at your gallery last week. I'm grateful for the effort you put into choosing and displaying a varied collection of artwork. During our conversation, I expressed my admiration for Robert D. Parker's paintings, which skillfully showcase the splendor of nature. In the days since our meeting, I've taken the time to explore Robert D. Parker's online viewing room on your gallery's website. I'm particularly drawn to his painting titled "Sunrise," which portrays the horizon, and I'm curious to know if it's still available for purchase. _______________ would be a great pleasure. I'm eagerly anticipating your response to this request. ① Collecting data useful for academic research ② Owning such a marvelous piece of art ③ The in-depth study of a work of art ④ Improving the commercial viability of works of art ⑤ Making future value investments in artists |

② Owning such a marvelous piece of art
이렇게 멋진 예술 작품을 소유하는 것
참고 :
① Collecting data useful for academic research
학술적 연구에 도움이 되는 자료를 수집하는 것
② Owning such a marvelous piece of art
이렇게 멋진 예술 작품을 소유하는 것
③ The in-depth study of a work of art
예술 작품을 깊이있게 연구하는 것
④ Improving the commercial viability of works of art
예술 작품의 상업성을 향상시키는 것
⑤ Making future value investments in artists
예술가에 대한 미래의 가치투자를 하는 것
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형문제입니다) |
Isabel arrives at the cafe on opening day with nervous anticipation, arriving early to prepare for the occasion. Despite her efforts to set up cups, spoons, and plates, she has a lingering feeling that something is missing. Her doubts grow as she looks around, struggling to think of ways to make the cafe perfect. However, in a sudden moment of inspiration, Isabel seizes her paintbrush and transforms the bare walls into breathtaking landscapes, complete with flowers and trees. As she paints, her doubts begin to dissipate. Admiring her impressive work, she feels confident that the cafe will be successful. While she acknowledges that success is not a _________, she is determined to achieve it nonetheless. ① certainty ② destiny ③ decision ④ rarity ⑤ quality |

① certainty
확실한 것, 특정한 것
② destiny
③ decision
④ rarity
진귀한 것
⑤ quality
속성, 특성
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형문제입니다) |
When individuals are required to engage in undesirable activities, it increases the likelihood of creating an unpleasant atmosphere for both themselves and others. If one despises a task but is obligated to complete it, there are two options: to continue hating it or to acknowledge that it must be done. In either case, the task will be completed. However, performing the task while hating it _____________. On the other hand, completing the task with acceptance will foster self-compassion and provide opportunities to discover a more suitable approach to the job. If one chooses to embrace the fact that the task must be completed, they should view the situation as a gift from life and an opportunity to learn about acceptance. ① will enable you to deal with things that were awkward at first gradually ② will breed self-hatred and animosity towards those around them ③ will help create an astonishing change that is completely unexpected ④ will encourage you to overcome difficulties ⑤ will be forced to give up their goals in the end |

② will breed self-hatred and animosity towards those around them
주변 사람들에 대한 자기 혐오와 반감을 불러일으킬 것이다
참고 :
① will enable you to deal with things that were awkward at first gradually
처음엔 어색했던 일들을 점차 익숙하게 처리할 수 있게 할 것이다.
② will breed self-hatred and animosity towards those around them
주변 사람들에 대한 자기 혐오와 반감을 불러일으킬 것이다
③ will help create an astonishing change that is completely unexpected
전혀 예상치 못한 놀라운 변화를 일으키는 데 도움을 줄 것이다
④ will encourage you to overcome difficulties
매우 힘든 어려움도 이겨낼 수 있도록 격려할 것이다
⑤ will be forced to give up their goals in the end
결국 많은 사람들이 자신이 갖고 있던 목표를 포기하게 할 것이다
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형문제입니다) |
The expression "don't let the perfect become the enemy of the good" is well-known, meaning that one should not pursue perfection to the point that it prevents progress towards achieving a good outcome. If you want to overcome obstacles and turn your idea into a policy solution, you must be willing to make adjustments and accept others' input to achieve your goals. You should not expect the outcome to be exactly what you had in mind, but rather ________________. For example, if you are advocating for a clean water act, even if the resulting bill does not have as much funding as you wanted or is not exactly as you had envisioned it, you have still achieved the important goal of ensuring that children in troubled areas have access to clean water. This is the most important thing, and you should be proud of your efforts, even if there is still work to be done. In most cases, taking action and making progress is better than doing nothing at all. ① accept that it may be slightly different or less than perfect ② to accept the fact that constant challenges will lead you to a real winner ③ focus on one place until you achieve your goal ④ never give up until you produce a result ⑤ keep in mind that there is a good opportunity in the midst of a crisis |

① accept that it may be slightly different or less than perfect
그것이 약간 다르거나 불완전할 수도 있다는 것을 인정하다
참고 :
① accept that it may be slightly different or less than perfect
그것이 약간 다르거나 불완전할 수도 있다는 것을 인정하다
② to accept the fact that constant challenges will lead you to a real winner
끊임없는 도전이 당신을 진정한 승리자로 이끌 것이다라는 사실을 받아들이다
③ focus on one place until you achieve your goal
목표를 달성할 때까지 한 곳에 집중한다
④ never give up until you produce a result
결과물을 만들어낼 때까지 절대로 포기하면 안 된다.
⑤ keep in mind that there is a good opportunity in the midst of a crisis
위기 속에 좋은 기회가 있다는 것을 명심하라
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형문제입니다) |
If brands do not grow and develop, they become irrelevant. Consider the individual you once knew at your company who was previously on the fast track, but now appears to have reached a career plateau or left the company altogether. If this person did not make an ambitious move, they are likely a victim of not keeping up with industry advancements and failing to stay relevant. The emergence of personal computing technology had a significant impact on executive leadership in its first wave of exposure. Those who welcomed the new technology were able to integrate it into their work and perform well, while those who resisted it struggled to find opportunities for career advancement and were sometimes forced into early retirement ______________. ① because this is considered a natural trend of the times ② because society is not willing to accept their weakness ③ due to their inability to keep up with industry changes ④ because this is considered to be a phenomenon that lays the foundation for social integration ⑤ because they are recognized as the key to a better civilization |

③ due to their inability to keep up with industry changes
그들이 산업 변화를 따라가지 못하기 때문에
참고 :
① because this is considered a natural trend of the times
이것이 자연스러운 시대의 흐름이라고 여겨지기 때문에
② because society is not willing to accept their weakness
사회가 그들의 나약함을 받아들이려 하지 않기 때문에
③ due to their inability to keep up with industry changes
그들이 산업 변화를 따라가지 못하기 때문에
④ because this is considered to be a phenomenon that lays the foundation for social integration
이것이 사회 통합의 초석을 다지는 현상이라고 여겨지기 때문에
⑤ because they are recognized as the key to a better civilization
그들이 더 나은 문명으로 나아가는 핵심이라고 인정되기 때문에
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형문제입니다) |
Some studies have explored the effects of consuming high-sugar fruits like grapes on our brains. In one study, a higher fruit intake among older adults without cognitive issues was associated with less volume in the hippocampus, which was an unusual finding since __________. Researchers also discovered that fruit may not benefit memory centers in this study after isolating various components of subjects’ diets. Another study found that there was a similar inverse relationship between fruit intake and the volume of the cortex, the large outer layer of the brain. Researchers in this latter study noted that excessive consumption of high-sugar fruits like mangoes, bananas, and pineapples could lead to metabolic and cognitive problems similar to those caused by processed carbs. ① people who eat more fruit tend to show the benefits of a healthy diet ② some fruit-haters have bizarrely small hippocampus ③ the more fruits you eat, the higher the incidence of pesticides accumulated in your body ④ excessive food intake can cause an imbalance of organs in the body ⑤ control of food intake can cause unexpected side effects |

① people who eat more fruit tend to show the benefits of a healthy diet
과일을 더 많이 먹는 사람들은 건강한 식단의 이점을 보여주는 경향이 있다
참고 :
① people who eat more fruit tend to show the benefits of a healthy diet
과일을 더 많이 먹는 사람들은 건강한 식단의 이점을 보여주는 경향이 있다
② some fruit-haters have bizarrely small hippocampus
과일을 싫어하는 사람들 중에도 기이할 정도로 작은 해마를 가진 사람들도 있다
③ the more fruits you eat, the higher the incidence of pesticides accumulated in your body
과일을 먹을 수록 체내에 쌓인 농약으로 인한 발병률이 높아질 수 있다
④ excessive food intake can cause an imbalance of organs in the body
과도한 음식물 섭취는 신체 내의 장기의 불균형 현상을 일으킬 수 있다
⑤ control of food intake can cause unexpected side effects
음식 섭취의 조절로 인해 예상치 못한 부작용이 발생할 수 있다
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형문제입니다) |
Winning is dependent on the ____________. It is much simpler to remain unnoticed when nobody is paying attention. This provides you with the freedom to make mistakes and be yourself without any judgement. However, once you start achieving success and others begin to take notice, you become conscious of being observed and evaluated. This creates a fear of exposing your flaws and weaknesses, which may lead you to conceal your true personality in order to be a good role model, citizen, and leader. While there is nothing wrong with this, if you sacrifice your authenticity to please others, you won't be able to maintain your position for long. Apologizing for who you are halts your growth and success permanently. ① seeking ways not to be jealous of other people's success ② learning to respect other people's opinions ③ developing the ability to disagree with other people's opinions ④ realization that others are watching you ⑤ a sense of mental security gained through meditation |

④ realization that others are watching you
다른 사람들이 당신을 지켜보고 있다는 것을 깨닫기
① seeking ways not to be jealous of other people's success
타인의 성공을 질투하지 않는 방법 추구
② learning to respect other people's opinions
다른 사람의 의견을 존중하는 법을 익히기
③ developing the ability to disagree with other people's opinions
타인의 의견에 반대할 수 있는 능력 키우기
④ realization that others are watching you
다른 사람들이 당신을 지켜보고 있다는 것을 깨닫기
⑤ a sense of mental security gained through meditation
명상을 통해 얻는 정신적 안정감
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형문제입니다) |
Human beings have a natural affinity for certainty, which can be traced back to our ancient ancestors who had to navigate a hazardous world with the constant threat of danger. To survive, our brains evolved to be constantly vigilant for potential threats and to label new or unpredictable experiences as uncertain. This labeling triggers a danger alert system that activates whenever we encounter something unfamiliar or potentially risky, prompting us to take necessary precautions to stay safe. In fact, the more certain we are about something, the more likely we are to make the right choice, as our brains use certainty as a signal that it's safe to proceed. This dependence on certainty ensured the survival of our species to the present day, and our brains' danger-alert system continues to protect us from harm by generating sensations, thoughts, and action plans to keep us safe from uncertain elements. While this natural affinity for certainty can be helpful in some situations, it's important to recognize that _____________, and we must learn to tolerate some level of uncertainty in order to adapt and thrive in a complex, ever-changing world. ① reliance on certainty taught mankind how to reconcile with nature ② the right choice determines the success of life ③ not all aspects of life can be controlled or predicted with certainty ④ all uncertainty must be eliminated in order to survive ⑤ the cornerstone of modern society stems from the proper handling of all uncertainties |

③ not all aspects of life can be controlled or predicted with certainty
삶의 모든 측면이 확실하게 통제되거나 예측될 수 있는 것은 아니다
참고 :
① reliance on certainty taught mankind how to reconcile with nature
확실성에 대한 의존은 인류가 자연과 화합하는 법을 가르쳤다
② the right choice determines the success of life
올바른 선택이 인생의 성공 여부를 결정짓는다
③ not all aspects of life can be controlled or predicted with certainty
삶의 모든 측면이 확실하게 통제되거나 예측될 수 있는 것은 아니다
④ all uncertainty must be eliminated in order to survive
생존하기 위해서는 모든 불확실성을 제거해야 한다
⑤ the cornerstone of modern society stems from the proper handling of all uncertainties
현대 사회의 초석은 모든 불확실성에 대한 적절한 대처에서 비롯되었다
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형문제입니다) |
Robert Blattberg and Steven Hoch observed that ____________. They noted that one of the benefits of human judgment is the ability to detect changes, so in such changing circumstances, it could be advantageous to combine human judgment with statistical models. To test this theory, Blattberg and Hoch had supermarket managers predict the demand for specific products and then combined these judgments with statistical models based on past data to create a composite forecast. They argued that statistical models only account for stable conditions and cannot factor in the impact of new events such as competition or the introduction of new products on demand, but humans can incorporate these factors into their judgments. The composite, or the average of human judgments and statistical models, proved to be more precise than either the statistical models or the managers working individually. ① the only way to overcome human limitations is to collaborate with artificial intelligence ② a society that cannot sense change is in danger of collapsing ③ human decisions have limitations in many ways ④ human dogmatic thinking may have undesirable consequences ⑤ consistency may not always be beneficial in a constantly changing environment |

⑤ consistency may not always be beneficial in a constantly changing environment
지속적으로 변화하는 환경에서 일관성이 항상 유익한 것은 아니다
① the only way to overcome human limitations is to collaborate with artificial intelligence
인간의 한계를 극복할 수 있는 유일한 방법은 인공지능과 협업하는 것이다
② a society that cannot sense change is in danger of collapsing
변화를 감지하지 못하는 사회는 붕괴될 위험에 처해 있다
③ human decisions have limitations in many ways
인간에 의한 결정은 여러 면에서 한계를 지니고 있다
④ human dogmatic thinking may have undesirable consequences
인간의 독단적 사고는 바람직하지 못한 결과를 가져올 수도 있다
⑤ consistency may not always be beneficial in a constantly changing environment
지속적으로 변화하는 환경에서 일관성이 항상 유익한 것은 아니다
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형문제입니다) |
In comparison to rational processes, human processes have different outcomes as __________________. A rational process is one that consistently makes the correct decisions based on the available information and ideal performance standards, adhering strictly to established guidelines. Conversely, human processes are less predictable, often taking into account various variables that may not conform to established norms or even account for current data. For example, driving a car rationally would involve strictly following traffic laws, but this may not always be practical or effective due to the unpredictable nature of traffic. Therefore, to succeed in a real-world scenario, a self-driving car must act more like a human driver, rather than strictly following predetermined rules. ① human instinct is a unique ability that cannot be explained by any theory presented so far. ② when human beings decide something, there needs to be a coordination between rational and emotional faculties. ③ a person's ability to make decisions is nurtured by thoroughly excluding one's own irrational thoughts. ④ they involve instinct, intuition, and other factors that may not necessarily align with established norms or current data ⑤ it turns out that human decisions can have different consequences depending on one's mood |

④ they involve instinct, intuition, and other factors that may not necessarily align with established norms or current data
그들은 본능, 직관 및 확립된 규범이나 현재 데이터와 반드시 일치하지 않을 수 있는 기타 요소를 포함한다
참고 :
① human instinct is a unique ability that cannot be explained by any theory presented so far.
인간의 본능은 지금까지 제시된 어떠한 이론으로도 설명될 수 없는 독특한 능력이다
② when human beings decide something, there needs to be a coordination between rational and emotional faculties.
인간이 무언가를 결정할 때, 이성적인 능력과 감정적인 능력 사이의 조율이 필요하다
③ a person's ability to make decisions is nurtured by thoroughly excluding one's own irrational thoughts.
인간의 결정 능력은 자신의 비이성적인 생각을 철저히 배재함으로써 키워진다
④ they involve instinct, intuition, and other factors that may not necessarily align with established norms or current data
그들은 본능, 직관 및 확립된 규범이나 현재 데이터와 반드시 일치하지 않을 수 있는 기타 요소를 포함한다
⑤ it turns out that human decisions can have different consequences depending on one's mood
인간의 결정은 자신의 기분에 따라 다른 결과를 가져올 수 있다는 것이 밝혀졌다
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형문제입니다) |
Just like positive habits, negative habits also fall on a scale ranging from easy-to-change to hard-to-change. As you approach the difficult end of the spectrum, you may come across phrases such as "breaking bad habits" and "battling addiction", which present the unwanted behavior as a villain that needs to be aggressively defeated. However, such language and approaches are not very helpful or effective in dealing with these challenges. In particular, the phrase "break a habit" is problematic because it misguides people. The use of the word "break" suggests that a lot of force applied once can eliminate a bad habit, which is rarely the case. Instead, ________________. ① Rather than being forced to change habits, the willingness to actively improve habits is more important ② In order not to get used to bad habits, it is important that you know your strengths and weaknesses ③ Consistently working on good habits can ensure a better future for you ④ Proper vocabulary choice can go a long way in breaking your bad habits ⑤ getting rid of an unwanted habit usually requires a more gradual and sustained effort over time |

⑤ getting rid of an unwanted habit usually requires a more gradual and sustained effort over time
원치 않는 습관을 없애려면 일반적으로 시간이 지남에 따라 보다 점진적이고 지속적인 노력이 필요하다
참고 :
① Rather than being forced to change habits, the willingness to actively improve habits is more important
습관을 고치도록 강요받기 보다는, 능동적인 습관 개선에 대한 의지가 더 중요하다
② In order not to get used to bad habits, it is important that you know your strengths and weaknesses
나쁜 습관에 익숙해지지 않기 위해서는, 당신은 자신의 장단점을 잘 파악하는 것이 중요하다
③ Consistently working on good habits can ensure a better future for you
좋은 습관을 들이도록 꾸준히 노력하는 것이 당신에게 더 나은 미래를 보장할 수 있다
④ Proper vocabulary choice can go a long way in breaking your bad habits
적절한 어휘 선택이 당신의 나쁜 습관을 없애는 데 큰 도움을 줄 수 있다
⑤ getting rid of an unwanted habit usually requires a more gradual and sustained effort over time
원치 않는 습관을 없애려면 일반적으로 시간이 지남에 따라 보다 점진적이고 지속적인 노력이 필요하다
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형문제입니다) |
It is a commonly held belief, although incorrect, that we are solely rational beings. The truth is that _____________. Reason alone is insufficient, as any reasoning inevitably leads to an emotional response. For example, when deciding between a wholegrain or chocolate cereal, I can provide a list of reasons to justify my decision, but these reasons must be based on something deeper. If my goal is to maintain a healthy diet, then I would choose the wholegrain cereal, but why do I value good health? I could provide more reasons such as wanting to live longer or spend quality time with loved ones, but what motivates these reasons? It becomes clear that our reasons are ultimately rooted in non-rational factors such as values, feelings, and emotions. These values, feelings, and emotions are usually formed prior to any reasoning, and are strongly influenced by our reasoning. They are a part of us long before we become capable of reasoning effectively. ① we are beings that experience both reason and emotion ② We must be seen as beings with emotions that surpass reason. ③ We must be rational beings who make decisions based on rational judgment. ④ We are beings that are overly influenced by our emotional decisions. ⑤ Most of our life experiences are the result of conflict and harmony between rational judgment and emotional intuition. |

① we are beings that experience both reason and emotion
우리는 이성과 감성을 동시에 경험하는 존재이다
참고 :
① we are beings that experience both reason and emotion
우리는 이성과 감성을 동시에 경험하는 존재이다
② We must be seen as beings with emotions that surpass reason.
우리는 이성을 능가하는 감성을 지닌 존재로 여겨져야 한다.
③ We must be rational beings who make decisions based on rational judgment.
우리는 이성적 판단에 근거하여 결정을 내리는 합리적인 존재임이 틀림없다.
④ We are beings that are overly influenced by our emotional decisions.
우리는 감정적 결정에 지나칠 정도로 많은 영향을 받는 존재이다.
⑤ Most of our life experiences are the result of conflict and harmony between rational judgment and emotional intuition.
우리 삶의 경험은 대부분 이성적 판단과 감성적 직관이 충돌과 조화를 이루는 것의 결과물이다.
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형문제입니다) |
Fish use electric signals for communication, which is mainly produced in special electric organs. When the fish sends out the signal, an electric field is created around it due to the negative loading of the electric organ compared to the head. Additionally, ordinary muscle cells also produce a weak electric current when they contract. In the electric organ, the muscle cells are connected in larger chunks, resulting in a higher total current intensity compared to ordinary muscles. The fish can vary the signals by altering the form of the electric field or changing the frequency of discharging. This system works effectively over short distances of about one to two meters. This is beneficial because fish often live in large groups with various species, and ______________. ① the larger the school of fish, the greater their resistance ② depending on the type of predator, the type of aquatic activity of fish can vary ③ predator behavior patterns reflect aquatic diversity of fish ④ many fish sending out signals at the same time can cause interference ⑤ fish species often emit electromagnetic waves even to their distant mates. |

④ many fish sending out signals at the same time can cause interference
동시에 신호를 보내는 많은 물고기가 간섭을 일으킬 수 있다
참고 :
① the larger the school of fish, the greater their resistance
물고기의 무리가 클 수록, 그들의 저항력이 더 커진다
② depending on the type of predator, the type of aquatic activity of fish can vary
포식자의 종류에 따라, 물고기의 수중 활동의 유형이 달라질 수 있다
③ predator behavior patterns reflect aquatic diversity of fish
포식자의 행동 유형은 물고기의 수중 다양성을 반영한다
④ many fish sending out signals at the same time can cause interference
동시에 신호를 보내는 많은 물고기가 간섭을 일으킬 수 있다
⑤ fish species often emit electromagnetic waves even to their distant mates.
물고기 종은 먼 곳에서 활동하는 자신의 동료에게도 전자기파를 방출하곤 한다
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형문제입니다) |
Creative thinking can impact one's productivity in different ways. Some individuals with creative minds can perceive difficult problems that others fail to identify, such as Charles Darwin's complex approach to the speciation problem. This type of challenging problem requires an extended period of data collection and contemplation, which may decrease productivity as the effort is focused on solving the problem rather than producing measurable outcomes. However, for individuals whose creativity is directed towards developing new methods and techniques, creativity can result in innovative solutions that simplify the problem-solving process. For instance, the development of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) dramatically reduced the amount of work and time required to amplify small pieces of DNA, thereby increasing productivity. In summary, creativity can either positively or negatively impact productivity, _____________. ① depending on who uses it ② in relation to how well it is applied in practice ③ depending on how it is applied ④ regardless of the difficulty of the problem presented ⑤ even if it is used based on malice |

③ depending on how it is applied
어떻게 적용하느냐에 따라
참고 :
① depending on who uses it
누가 그것을 활용하는지에 의해 좌우되는
② in relation to how well it is applied in practice
얼마나 그것이 잘 현실적으로 적용되는가와 관련하여
③ depending on how it is applied
어떻게 적용하느냐에 따라
④ regardless of the difficulty of the problem presented
제시된 문제의 난이도와는 관계 없이
⑤ even if it is used based on malice
설령 그것이 악의에 기반을 두고 활용된다고 할 지라도
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형문제입니다) |
When asked to differentiate between right and left, a young child may find it confusing. However, the same child may have no trouble distinguishing between up and down or front and back. Scientists suggest that this happens because, although we experience three dimensions, only two dimensions played a significant role in our evolution: the vertical dimension, as determined by gravity, and the front/back dimension, as determined by the positioning of sensory and feeding mechanisms in mobile species. These dimensions influence our perception of vertical versus horizontal, far versus close, and searching for potential dangers from above (like an eagle) or below (like a snake). Conversely, the left-right axis is not as crucial in nature. A bear is equally threatening from either side, but not when it is upside down. In fact, when viewing a scene with natural elements like plants and animals alongside human-made objects such as cars or street signs, ______________. ① confusion about human orientation can be observed not only left and right, but also up and down concepts ② humans tend to prefer the spatial orientation of left and right rather than up and down ③ the human brain has the ability to perceive objects based on the distinction between right and left directions ④ human perception of left and right sides causes more confusion in our brains than expected ⑤ we can only detect if left and right have been switched if we observe these artificial items |

⑤ we can only detect if left and right have been switched if we observe these artificial items
이러한 인공적인 물건들을 관찰하는 경우에만 왼쪽과 오른쪽이 전환되었는지 감지할 수 있다
참고 :
① confusion about human orientation can be observed not only left and right, but also up and down concepts
인간의 방향에 대한 혼동은 좌우측 뿐만 아니라 상하 개념에서도 관찰될 수 있다
② humans tend to prefer the spatial orientation of left and right rather than up and down
인간은 위 아래 보다는 좌 우측에 대한 공간적 방향을 선호하는 경향이 있다
③ the human brain has the ability to perceive objects based on the distinction between right and left directions
인간의 뇌는 우측과 좌측 방향에 대한 구분에 기초한 사물의 인지를 할 수 있는 능력이 있다
④ human perception of left and right sides causes more confusion in our brains than expected
인간의 좌측과 우측에 대한 인식은 예상된 것보다 우리의 뇌에 더 많은 혼란을 야기시킨다
⑤ we can only detect if left and right have been switched if we observe these artificial items
이러한 인공적인 물건들을 관찰하는 경우에만 왼쪽과 오른쪽이 전환되었는지 감지할 수 있다
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 전체 변형문제입니다) |
Not all creative individuals possess identical characteristics as they vary in levels of maturity and sensitivity, have different approaches to their work, and are motivated by different things. When it comes to managing such individuals, it is essential to recognize their distinctive personalities, exercise empathy, and adaptability, and understand how your words and actions may be perceived and adjust them accordingly. It is important to consider that each person may react differently to the same situation or news, depending on their positive and negative personality traits, their current life circumstances, and their state of mind. To elicit consistently exceptional work from everyone, _______________. For instance, while informing Vincent about the delay in his promotion, it may be easier for him to accept the news if he is offered a few extra vacation days, whereas Emily may be more receptive if she is assured of a bigger promotion in a year. ① it is desirable to induce people to come to an amicable agreement by presenting them with various options ② it is very important to give people the right information at the right time ③ it is crucial to establish a personal connection, display compassion, and adopt an individualized management approach ④ it is recommended to induce new members to adapt well to the new environment ⑤ it is essential to respect the fact that each person has a different personality |

③ it is crucial to establish a personal connection, display compassion, and adopt an individualized management approach
개인적인 관계를 구축하고 연민을 표현하며 개별화된 관리 방식을 채택하는 것이 중요하다
참고 :
① it is desirable to induce people to come to an amicable agreement by presenting them with various options
사람들에게 다양한 선택을 제시하여 원만한 합의가 이루어지도록 유도하는 것이 바람직하다
② it is very important to give people the right information at the right time
사람들에게 알맞은 정보를 제때에 전달하는 것이 매우 중요하다
③ it is crucial to establish a personal connection, display compassion, and adopt an individualized management approach
개인적인 관계를 구축하고 연민을 표현하며 개별화된 관리 방식을 채택하는 것이 중요하다
④ it is recommended to induce new members to adapt well to the new environment
새로운 구성원이 새로운 환경에 잘 적응할 수 있도록 유도하는 것이 추천된다
⑤ it is essential to respect the fact that each person has a different personality
사람마다 다른 개성을 갖고 있다는 사실을 존중하는 것이 필수이다
지금까지 2023년 3월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 중 빈칸추론 유형 올킬자료를 연습하셨습니다.
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