2024년10월고2모의고사변형문제(30번)와 정답자료가 필요하시다고요?
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오늘은 2024년10월고2모의고사변형문제(30번)와 정답자료를 제공해 드립니다.
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2024년10월고2모의고사30번 해설 자료가 필요하시다고요? 걱정 마세요. 재미짐영어 미키박쌤이 아주 쉽게 ...
30번 내용 확실히 익히셨으리라 믿고,
변형문제 도전 시작합니다!
Here we go!
1. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?
Near the equator, many species of bird breed all year round. But in temperate and polar regions, the breeding seasons of birds are often sharply ①defined. They are triggered mainly by changes in day length. If all goes well, the outcome is ②that birds raise their young when the food supply is at its peak. Most birds are not simply reluctant to breed at other times but they are also physically incapable of doing so. This is because their reproductive system shrinks, which helps flying birds save weight. The main exception to this rule ③is nomadic desert species. These can initiate their breeding cycle within days of rain. It’s for making the most of the ④sudden breeding opportunity. Also, different species divide the breeding season up in different ways. Most seabirds raise a single brood. In warm regions, however, songbirds may raise several families in a few months. In an ⑤exceptionally good year, a pair of House Sparrows, a kind of songbird, can raise successive broods through a marathon reproductive effort.
주어는 species입니다. 이 단어는 단수와 복수가 같은 형태로 본문에서는 복수의 형태로 쓰였습니다. (다음 문장의 their 를 보시면 species 가 복수의 '종들'이라는 의미임을 알 수 있습니다)
앞의 exception은 주격보어로, 이 문장은 주격보어의 도치구문입니다.
2 다음 글의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은?
Near the equator, many species of bird breed all year round. But in temperate and polar regions, the breeding seasons of birds are often sharply defined. They are triggered mainly by changes in day length. If all goes well, the outcome is that birds raise their young when the food supply is at its peak. Most birds are not simply reluctant to breed at other times but they are also physically incapable of doing so. This is because their reproductive system shrinks, which helps flying birds save weight. The main exception to this rule are nomadic desert species. These can initiate their breeding cycle within days of rain. It’s for making the most of the sudden breeding opportunity. Also, different species divide the breeding season up in different ways. Most seabirds raise a single brood. In warm regions, however, songbirds may raise several families in a few months. In an exceptionally good year, a pair of House Sparrows, a kind of songbird, can raise successive broods through a marathon reproductive effort.
① The role of environmental factors in bird breeding seasons
② The breeding behavior of desert-dwelling birds
③ Why birds in polar regions have limited breeding seasons
④ Different reproductive strategies among bird species
⑤ The advantages of reproductive system adaptations in flying birds
① The role of environmental factors in bird breeding seasons
① 조류 번식기에 환경 요인의 역할
참고 :
② 사막에 서식하는 새의 번식 행동
③ 극지방의 새들이 번식기가 제한되는 이유
④ 조류 종에 따른 다양한 번식 전략
⑤ 날아다니는 새의 생식 시스템 적응의 이점
3. 다음 문장에 이어질 글의 순서를 정하시오.
Near the equator, many species of bird breed all year round. But in temperate and polar regions, the breeding seasons of birds are often sharply defined.
(A) This is because their reproductive system shrinks, which helps flying birds save weight. The main exception to this rule are nomadic desert species. These can initiate their breeding cycle within days of rain. It’s for making the most of the sudden breeding opportunity.
(B) They are triggered mainly by changes in day length. If all goes well, the outcome is that birds raise their young when the food supply is at its peak. Most birds are not simply reluctant to breed at other times but they are also physically incapable of doing so.
(C) Also, different species divide the breeding season up in different ways. Most seabirds raise a single brood. In warm regions, however, songbirds may raise several families in a few months. In an exceptionally good year, a pair of House Sparrows, a kind of songbird, can raise successive broods through a marathon reproductive effort.
4. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? (원문 일부 변형 문제입니다.)
Bird species near the equator can breed throughout the year, whereas those in temperate and polar regions have strictly defined breeding seasons, primarily triggered by changes in daylight. Ideally, this timing allows birds to raise their young during peak food availability. Birds aren’t just unwilling to breed outside of these seasons; many are physically unable due to their reproductive systems shrinking, which aids in weight reduction for flight. Nomadic desert birds are a / an , able to start breeding soon after rain to take advantage of brief opportunities. Different species also approach breeding seasons uniquely: seabirds typically raise one brood, while in warmer areas, songbirds can produce multiple families in a short period. For instance, in particularly favorable years, House Sparrows may undertake a sustained breeding effort to raise multiple broods.
① exception
② example
③ symbol
④ representative
⑤ success
① exception
① 예외
② 예시
③ 상징
④ 대표
⑤ 성공한 것, 성공한 존재
5. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Near the equator, many species of bird breed all year round. But in temperate and polar regions, the breeding seasons of birds are often sharply defined. They are triggered mainly by changes in day length. If all goes well, the outcome is that birds raise their young when the food supply is at its peak. Most birds are not simply reluctant to breed at other times but they are also physically incapable of doing so. This is because their reproductive system shrinks, which helps flying birds save weight. The main exception to this rule are nomadic desert species. These can initiate their breeding cycle within days of rain. It’s for making the most of the sudden breeding opportunity. Also, different species divide the breeding season up in different ways. Most seabirds raise a single brood. In warm regions, however, songbirds may raise several families in a few months. In an exceptionally good year, a pair of House Sparrows, a kind of songbird, can raise successive broods through a marathon reproductive effort.
Bird breeding patterns vary by [A] , with timing influenced by food supply, climate, and species [B] .
[A] [B]
① climate division
② positions peculiarity
③ region adaptations
④ adaptability capabilities
⑤ status specification
③ region adaptations
Bird breeding patterns vary by region, with timing influenced by food supply, climate, and species adaptations.
조류 번식 패턴은 지역마다 다르며, 시기는 먹이 공급, 기후 및 종 적응에 따라 달라진다.
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