3등급도 전교 1등이 되었습니다!!
(목동 영일고 & 송도 박문여고)
안녕하세요 모의고사 변형문제월드 미키박쌤입니다.
오늘은 2023년 6월 고3 모의고사 23번 해설 및 변형문제를 포스팅하겠습니다.
여러분들의 내신 성적에 대한 자신감,
그리고 이를 바탕으로 더 나은 수능 성적을 위해서
'고퀄무료 변형문제'를 제공해드립니다.
그럼 시작해볼까요?
Let's go!
23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
There are pressures within the museum that cause it to emphasise what happens in the galleries over the activities that take place in its unseen zones. In an era when museums are forced to increase their earnings, they often focus their energies on modernising their galleries or mounting temporary exhibitions to bring more and more audiences through the door. In other words, as museums struggle to survive in a competitive economy, their budgets often prioritise those parts of themselves that are consumable: infotainment in the galleries, goods and services in the cafes and the shops. The unlit, unglamorous storerooms, if they are ever discussed, are at best presented as service areas that process objects for the exhibition halls. And at worst, as museums pour more and more resources into their publicly visible faces, the spaces of storage may even suffer, their modernisation being kept on hold or being given less and less space to house the expanding collections and serve their complex conservation needs.
① importance of prioritising museums’ exhibition spaces
② benefits of diverse activities in museums for audiences
③ necessity of expanding storerooms for displaying objects
④ consequences of profit-oriented management of museums
⑤ ways to increase museums’ commitment to the public good
정답 및 해설 :
정답: ④ consequences of profit-oriented management of museums
In an era when museums are forced to increase their earnings, they often focus their energies on modernising their galleries or mounting temporary exhibitions to bring more and more audiences through the door.
본문에서는 박물관이 경쟁력 있는 경제에서 살아남기 위해 수익 증대를 강조해야 한다는 압력에 직면하고 있으며, 이에 따라 예산이 소비 가능한 부분에 중점을 둔다고 언급합니다. 박물관은 주로 관람객이 많이 찾는 갤러리나 임시 전시물을 현대화하거나 관객을 더 끌어들이기 위해 노력합니다.
In other words, as museums struggle to survive in a competitive economy, their budgets often prioritise those parts of themselves that are consumable: infotainment in the galleries, goods and services in the cafes and the shops.
이는 박물관이 수익을 창출하기 위해 수익창출 부분에 주로 예산을 할당한다는 것을 의미합니다.
The unlit, unglamorous storerooms, if they are ever discussed, are at best presented as service areas that process objects for the exhibition halls. And at worst, as museums pour more and more resources into their publicly visible faces, the spaces of storage may even suffer, their modernisation being kept on hold or being given less and less space to house the expanding collections and serve their complex conservation needs.
한편, 문서에서는 비공개 공간인 창고 등은 주로 전시를 위해 물건을 처리하는 서비스 영역으로 간주되거나 혹은 공간이 부족하여 수집품을 보관하거나 복원하는 데에 어려움을 겪고 있다고 언급합니다. 따라서 박물관의 경영이 수익 중심적인 방향으로 전환되면서 창고 및 비공개 공간의 현대화와 확장이 소홀히 되고 있다는 결과가 초래됩니다.
이로써, 본문은 박물관이 수익 중심적인 경영의 결과로 어떠한 영향을 받는지를 다루고 있으므로,
정답은 ④ "profit-oriented management of museums의 결과"입니다.
다음은 한 줄 해석 자료입니다.
There are pressures within the museum that cause (causes - X) it to emphasise what happens in the galleries over the activities that take place in its unseen zones.
보이지 않는 영역에서 일어나는 활동보다 갤러리에서 일어나는 일을 강조하게 만드는 박물관 내부에 압력이 있습니다.
cause (causes - X) : 앞의 관계대명사 that의 선행사는 pressures 입니다. 선행사는 반드시 '해석'으로 구분해야 합니다.
선행사에 대한 개념 이해하기 :
안녕하세요 재미짐영어 미키박쌤입니다. 오늘은 영어 선행사의 개념과 이를 활용해보는 포스팅입니다. 이 포스팅에서 가장 중요한 시험 출제 포인트를 알려드립니다. (빨간 블록이 틀린 부분으
In an era when (which - X) museums are forced to increase their earnings, they often focus their energies on modernising their galleries or mounting temporary exhibitions to bring more and more audiences through the door.
박물관이 수입을 늘려야 하는 시대에 갤러리를 현대화하거나 임시 전시회를 설치하여 점점 더 많은 관객을 문으로 끌어들이는 데 에너지를 집중하는 경우가 많습니다.
when (which - X) : 관계부사 + 완전문 / 관계대명사 + 불완전문(주,목,보어 중 하나 빠짐) 입니다.
museums are forced to increase their earnings부분이 완전문이므로 관계부사 when 이 옳습니다.
관계대명사와 관계부사 구분하기 :
관계대명사와 관계부사 구분
안녕하세요 재미짐영어 미키박쌤입니다. 오늘은 헷갈리는 문법 중 관계대명사와 관계부사의 구분에 관한 내용입니다. 핵심입니다. 관계대명사 + 불완전문 관계부사 + 완전문 끝. 이걸 이해하시
In other words, as museums struggle to survive in a competitive economy, their budgets often prioritise (prioritising - X) those parts of themselves that are consumable: infotainment in the galleries, goods and services in the cafes and the shops.
즉, 박물관이 경쟁 경제에서 살아남기 위해 고군분투할 때 박물관의 예산은 갤러리의 인포테인먼트, 카페와 상점의 상품 및 서비스와 같이 소모성 부분을 우선시하는 경우가 많습니다.
prioritise (prioritising - X) : 앞의 as museums struggle to survive in a competitive economy가 부사절입니다.
부사절은 생략해도 나머지 부분은 완전문이므로 budgets 가 주어입니다.
따라서 그 다음에 동사의 자리이므로 prioritise 는 동사의 형태로 써야 합니다.
준동사의 개념 확인 :
안녕하세요 재미짐영어 미키박쌤입니다. 오늘은 준동사의 개념 및 동사와 준동사의 구분에 대해 알려드립니다. 동사가 뭔지는 아시죠? 네, 바로 '움직임'을 나타내는 말이죠? 말을 타다, 말을 하
The unlit, unglamorous storerooms, if they are ever discussed, are at best presented as service areas that process objects for the exhibition halls.
조명이 없고 화려하지 않은 창고는 기껏해야 전시장을 위한 물건을 처리하는 서비스 공간으로 제시될 뿐입니다.
And at worst, as museums pour more and more resources into their publicly visible faces, the spaces of storage may even suffer, their modernisation being kept on hold or being given less and less space to house the expanding collections and serve (serving - X) their complex conservation needs.
그리고 최악의 경우, 박물관이 공개적으로 볼 수 있는 얼굴에 점점 더 많은 자원을 투입함에 따라 저장 공간이 악화될 수 있으며, 현대화가 보류되거나 확장되는 컬렉션을 수용하고 복잡한 보존 요구를 충족할 공간이 점점 줄어들고 있습니다.
serve (serving - X) : 앞의 and 로 보아 병렬구문입니다. 병렬은 나열입니다. 따라서, 앞의 house (수용하다 : 동사)와 같은 자리입니다.
병렬의 경우 반드시 '해석'으로 형태를 구분하는 것이 중요합니다.
and를 활용한 병렬 이해하기 :
안녕하세요 재미짐영어 미키박쌤입니다. 오늘은 and 사용법입니다. '그리고' 아니면 '~과' 아닌가? 그렇죠. 그럼, 치킨 그리고 피자? 아, 그러니까 치킨과 피자? 네, 맞습니다. chicken and pizza 정말 쉽
내용도 파악하고, 어법 포인트를 확인하셨죠?
그럼, 동의어가 포함된 어휘정리자료를 확인하실까요?
영어 | 한국어 | 동의어 (Synonym) |
pressures | 압력 | stress, burden |
museum | 박물관 | art gallery, exhibition hall |
emphasise | 강조하다 | highlight, underscore |
galleries | 갤러리 | exhibition rooms, showrooms |
activities | 활동 | actions, events |
unseen zones | 보이지 않는 지역 | hidden areas, undisclosed spaces |
increase | 증가시키다 | raise, augment |
earnings | 수입 | income, revenue |
focus | 집중하다 | concentrate, center |
modernising | 현대화 | updating, renovating |
mounting | 개최하다 | organizing, arranging |
temporary | 일시적인 | short-term, provisional |
exhibitions | 전시 | displays, shows |
audiences | 관객 | spectators, viewers |
competitive | 경쟁적인 | rivalrous, competitive |
economy | 경제 | financial system, market |
budgets | 예산 | financial plans, allocations |
prioritise | 우선시하다 | give priority to, rank |
consumable | 소비 가능한 | expendable, usable |
infotainment | 정보 및 엔터테인먼트 | informative entertainment, edutainment |
goods | 상품 | products, merchandise |
services | 서비스 | assistance, support |
cafes | 카페 | coffee shops, bistros |
shops | 상점 | stores, stores |
unlit | 불이 켜지지 않은 | dark, unilluminated |
unglamorous | 화려하지 않은 | plain, unattractive |
storerooms | 저장실 | warehouses, storage rooms |
service areas | 서비스 영역 | service zones, operational spaces |
process | 처리하다 | handle, manage |
objects | 물건 | items, things |
exhibition halls | 전시관 | display halls, exhibition rooms |
pour | 쏟다 | invest, channel |
resources | 자원 | assets, funds |
publicly visible faces | 공개적으로 보이는 면 | public appearances, public fronts |
spaces of storage | 저장 공간 | storage areas, warehouse spaces |
modernisation | 현대화 | renovation, upgrading |
kept on hold | 대기 중인 | postponed, delayed |
expanding collections | 확장되는 수집품 | growing collections, enlarging exhibits |
serve | 제공하다 | provide, offer |
complex | 복잡한 | complicated, intricate |
conservation | 보존 | preservation, protection |
needs | 요구사항 | requirements, necessities |
이제는 마무리 단계입니다.
변형문제 풀어보기!
변형문제 1번
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?
There are pressures within the museum that ①cause it to emphasise what happens in the galleries over the activities that take place in its unseen zones. In an era ②when museums are forced to increase their earnings, they often focus their energies on modernising their galleries or mounting temporary exhibitions to bring more and more audiences through the door. In other words, as museums struggle to survive in a competitive economy, their budgets often ③prioritise those parts of themselves that are consumable: infotainment in the galleries, goods and services in the cafes and the shops. The unlit, unglamorous storerooms, if they are ever discussed, ④are at best presented as service areas that process objects for the exhibition halls. And at worst, as museums pour more and more resources into their publicly visible faces, the spaces of storage may even suffer, their modernisation being kept on hold or being given less and less space to house the expanding collections and ⑤serving their complex conservation needs.
⑤serving-> serve
And at worst, as museums pour more and more resources into their publicly visible faces, the spaces of storage may even suffer, their modernisation being kept on hold or being given less and less space to house the expanding collections and ⑤serving their complex conservation needs.
-> 앞의 and 로 보아 병렬구문입니다.
병렬의 경우 반드시 '해석'으로 형태를 구분해야 합니다. 제시문에서 '수용할 공간 그리고 충족할 공간'이라는 의미이므로 앞의 house 와 같은 자리입니다. 따라서 serve 의 형태가 옳습니다.
and 를 이용한 병렬구문 이해하기 :
안녕하세요 재미짐영어 미키박쌤입니다. 오늘은 and 사용법입니다. '그리고' 아니면 '~과' 아닌가? 그렇죠. 그럼, 치킨 그리고 피자? 아, 그러니까 치킨과 피자? 네, 맞습니다. chicken and pizza 정말 쉽
변형문제 2번
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은? (원문 변형 문제입니다.)
There are pressures within the museum that cause it to ①highlight what happens in the galleries over the activities that take place in its unseen zones. In an era when museums are forced to ②augment their earnings, they often focus their energies on modernising their galleries or mounting temporary exhibitions to bring more and more audiences through the door. In other words, as museums struggle to survive in a competitive economy, their ③services often prioritise those parts of themselves that are consumable: infotainment in the galleries, goods and services in the cafes and the shops. The unlit, unglamorous storerooms, if they are ever discussed, are at best presented as service areas that ④handle objects for the exhibition halls. And at worst, as museums pour more and more resources into their publicly ⑤observable faces, the spaces of storage may even suffer, their modernisation being kept on hold or being given less and less space to house the expanding collections and serve their complex conservation needs.
③services -> budgets
①highlight (원문 : emphasise )
②augment (원문 : increase )
④handle (원문 : process )
⑤observable (원문 : visible )
변형문제 3번
다음 글에 이어질 순서를 정하시오.
There are pressures within the museum that cause it to emphasise what happens in the galleries over the activities that take place in its unseen zones.
(A) In other words, as museums struggle to survive in a competitive economy, their budgets often prioritise those parts of themselves that are consumable: infotainment in the galleries, goods and services in the cafes and the shops. The unlit, unglamorous storerooms, if they are ever discussed, are at best presented as service areas that process objects for the exhibition halls.
(B) In an era when museums are forced to increase their earnings, they often focus their energies on modernising their galleries or mounting temporary exhibitions to bring more and more audiences through the door.
(C) And at worst, as museums pour more and more resources into their publicly visible faces, the spaces of storage may even suffer, their modernisation being kept on hold or being given less and less space to house the expanding collections and serve their complex conservation needs.
변형문제 4번
다음 중 글의 흐름과 무관한 문장은?
There are pressures within the museum that cause it to emphasise what happens in the galleries over the activities that take place in its unseen zones. ①In an era when museums are forced to increase their earnings, they often focus their energies on modernising their galleries or mounting temporary exhibitions to bring more and more audiences through the door. ②In other words, as museums struggle to survive in a competitive economy, their budgets often prioritise those parts of themselves that are consumable: infotainment in the galleries, goods and services in the cafes and the shops. ③Thus, the museums low in budgets are required to take certain steps according to the recommended procedures, which will eventually lead to being reborn as more manageable ones. ④The unlit, unglamorous storerooms, if they are ever discussed, are at best presented as service areas that process objects for the exhibition halls. ⑤And at worst, as museums pour more and more resources into their publicly visible faces, the spaces of storage may even suffer, their modernisation being kept on hold or being given less and less space to house the expanding collections and serve their complex conservation needs.
③Thus, the museums low in budgets are required to take certain steps according to the recommended procedures, which will eventually lead to being reborn as more manageable ones.
③ 따라서 예산이 부족한 박물관은 권장 절차에 따라 일정 조치를 취해야 하며, 이는 결국 더 관리하기 쉬운 박물관으로 거듭날 것입니다.
변형문제 5번
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것은?
There are pressures within the museum that cause it to emphasise what happens in the galleries over the activities that take place in its unseen zones. In an era when museums are forced to increase their earnings, they often focus their energies on modernising their galleries or mounting temporary exhibitions to bring more and more audiences through the door. In other words, as museums struggle to survive in a competitive economy, their budgets often prioritise those parts of themselves that are consumable: infotainment in the galleries, goods and services in the cafes and the shops. The unlit, unglamorous storerooms, if they are ever discussed, are at best presented as service areas that process objects for the exhibition halls. And at worst, as museums pour more and more resources into their publicly visible faces, the spaces of storage may even suffer, their modernisation being kept on hold or being given less and less space to house the expanding collections and serve their complex conservation needs.
_____(A)______pressures lead museums to prioritize galleries and commercial areas, ____(B)_____unseen zones and storage spaces.
(A) (B)
① Monetary subsidizing
② Management motinoring
③ Financial neglecting
④ Quality assisting
⑤ Service reducing
③ Financial neglecting
Financial pressures lead museums to prioritize galleries and commercial areas, neglecting unseen zones and storage spaces.
재정적 압박으로 인해 박물관은 보이지 않는 구역과 보관 공간을 무시하고 갤러리와 상업 지역을 우선시하게 됩니다.
참고 :
① Monetary 금전적인 subsidizing 보조금을 대다
② Management 관리 motinoring 감독하다
④ Quality 질 assisting 돕다
⑤ Service 서비스 reducing 축소하다, 줄이다
지금까지 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박쌤의
2023년 6월 고3 모의고사 23번 해설 및 변형문제를 연습하셨습니다.
다음 자료인 2023년 6월 고3 모의고사 24번 해설 및 변형문제도 확인해보실까요?
이 외에도
구글, 다음, 네이버, 유튜브에서 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박쌤이라고 검색하시면
정말 많은 모의고사 변형문제 자료들을 무료로 활용하실 수 있습니다.
그리고, 영문법에 대한 유용한 자료는
재미짐영어 미키박쌤을 확인해보세요.
목동 미키박쌤의 재미짐영어
3등급도 전교 1등이 되었습니다! (목동 영일고, 송도 박문여고) 모의고사 변형문제, 영문법 자료를 무제한으로 사용하세요! 여러분도 영어 1등급의 주인공이 될 수 있습니다!
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