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오늘은 2023년 3월 고3 모의고사 20번 핵심파악, 어휘 정리, 변형문제입니다.
분석으로 완벽하게 익히고
변형문제도 풀어서
2023년 3월 고3 모의고사 20번 관련 문제는 완벽하게 맞출 수 있도록 연습해 보실까요?
단계는 다음과 같습니다.
1. 한 줄 해석 및 핵심 파악
(빨간 X표시는 시험에서 여러분을 유혹할 수 있는 어법상 틀린 선택지입니다)
2. 변형문제 풀기
이렇게 진행됩니다.
그럼, 시작해 보실까요?
Here we go!
1. 한 줄 해석 및 핵심 파악
There is no denying that engaging in argument carries certain significant risks.
논쟁을 하는 것은 어떤 중대한 위험을 수반한다는 것을 부인할 수 없다.
When we argue, we exchange and examine reasons with a view toward believing what (that - X) our best reasons say we should believe; sometimes we discover that our current reasons fall short (shortly - X), and that our beliefs are not well supported after all.
논쟁할 때 우리는 우리가 믿어야 한다고 우리의 최고의 논거가 말하는 것을 믿으려고 논거를 교환하고 검토하는데, 때로는 우리의 현재 논거가 부족하다는 것과 결국 우리의 믿음이 잘 뒷받침되고 있지 않다는 것을 알게 된다.
Or sometimes we discover that a belief that we had dismissed as silly or obviously false in fact enjoys (enjoying - X) the support of highly compelling (compelled - X) reasons.
또는 이따금 우리가 어리석다거나 명백히 틀렸다고 묵살했던 믿음이 사실은 매우 설득력 있는 논거의 뒷받침을 누리고 있다는 것을 알게 된다.
On other occasions, we discover that the reasons offered by those with whom we disagree measure (to measure - X) up toetotoe with our own reasons.
다른 경우에 우리와 의견이 다른 사람들이 제시한 논거가 우리 자신의 논거와 정면으로 맞붙어 겨룬다는 것을 알게 된다.
In any of these situations, an adjustment in our belief is called for; we must change what (that - X) we believe, or revise it, or replace it, or suspend belief altogether.
이런 상황 중 어느 경우에서든 우리의 믿음에 대한 조정이 요구되는데, 우리가 믿는 것을 바꾸거나 수정하거나 대체하거나 믿음을 완전히 중지해야 한다.
영어어휘 | 한국어 의미 |
engaging in | ~에 참여하는 |
argument | 논쟁 |
exchange | 교환하다 |
examine | 검토하다 |
reasons | 이유 |
with a view toward | ~을 목적으로 |
believing | 믿는 것 |
fall short | 부족하다 |
beliefs | 신념 |
well supported | 충분히 지지받은 |
dismissed | 버린, 배척한 |
silly | 어리석은, 우스꽝스러운 |
obviously | 분명히 |
false | 거짓인 |
enjoys | 즐기다, 가지다 |
highly compelling | 매우 설득력있는 |
offered | 제공된 |
disagree | 불일치하다 |
measure up to | 기준에 부합하다 |
adjustment | 조정 |
revise | 개정하다 |
suspend | 보류하다 |
여기까지 한 줄 해석 연습 및 핵심 파악이었습니다.
그럼 2023년 3월 고3 모의고사 31번 변형문제를 풀러 가 보시죠!
변형문제 1
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은? |
There is no denying that engaging in argument carries certain significant risks. When we argue, we exchange and examine reasons with a view toward believing ①what our best reasons say we should believe; sometimes we discover that our current reasons fall ②short, and that our beliefs are not well supported after all. Or sometimes we discover that a belief that we had dismissed as silly or obviously false in fact ③enjoying the support of highly compelling reasons. On other occasions, we discover that the reasons offered by those with whom we disagree ④measure up toetotoe with our own reasons. In any of these situations, an adjustment in our belief is called for; we must change ⑤what we believe, or revise it, or replace it, or suspend belief altogether. |
③enjoying -> enjoys
Or sometimes we discover that a belief that we had dismissed as silly or obviously false in fact ③enjoying the support of highly compelling reasons.
that 이 명사절 접속사 that 입니다. (타동사 discover + ~을)
-> 접속사 that + 완전문입니다. 따라서 주어는 a belief 입니다. 그 뒤에 관계대명사 that 이 나왔군요.
-> 주어 + 관계대명사 + 동사 1~~~ 동사 2(진짜 동사)
따라서, ③번의 자리는 동사자리이므로 enjoys 가 옳습니다.
변형문제 2
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은? (원문 변형 어휘 문제입니다) |
There is no denying that engaging in argument ①involves certain significant risks. When we argue, we exchange and examine reasons with a view toward believing what our best reasons say we should believe; sometimes we discover that our current reasons fall short, and that our beliefs are not well ②backed after all. Or sometimes we discover that a belief that we had dismissed as silly or obviously false in fact enjoys the support of highly ③persuasive reasons. On other occasions, we discover that the reasons offered by those with whom we ④agree measure up toetotoe with our own reasons. In any of these situations, an ⑤adaptation in our belief is called for; we must change what we believe, or revise it, or replace it, or suspend belief altogether. |
④agree (동의하다) -> disagree
①involves (원문 : carries )
②backed (원문 : supported )
③persuasive (원문 : compelling )
⑤adaptation (원문 : adjustment )
변형문제 3
다음 중 글의 흐름과 무관한 것은? |
There is no denying that engaging in argument carries certain significant risks. ①When we argue, we exchange and examine reasons with a view toward believing what our best reasons say we should believe; sometimes we discover that our current reasons fall short, and that our beliefs are not well supported after all. ②Or sometimes we discover that a belief that we had dismissed as silly or obviously false in fact enjoys the support of highly compelling reasons. ③On other occasions, we discover that the reasons offered by those with whom we disagree measure up toetotoe with our own reasons. ④In any case, we have little doubt that it doesn't matter what kind of criteria people have in assessing whether they are valid or not. ⑤In any of these situations, an adjustment in our belief is called for; we must change what we believe, or revise it, or replace it, or suspend belief altogether. |
④In any case, we have little doubt that it doesn't matter what kind of criteria people have in assessing whether they are valid or not.
④어쨌든 우리는 사람들이 그것이 유효한지 아닌지를 평가하는 데 어떤 종류의 기준을 가지고 있는지는 중요하지 않다는 것을 거의 의심하지 않는다.
변형문제 4
다음 글에 이어질 순서를 정하시오.
There is no denying that engaging in argument carries certain significant risks. When we argue, we exchange and examine reasons with a view toward believing what our best reasons say we should believe; sometimes we discover that our current reasons fall short, and that our beliefs are not well supported after all. |
(A) On other occasions, we discover that the reasons offered by those with whom we disagree measure up toetotoe with our own reasons. (B) In any of these situations, an adjustment in our belief is called for; we must change what we believe, or revise it, or replace it, or suspend belief altogether. (C) Or sometimes we discover that a belief that we had dismissed as silly or obviously false in fact enjoys the support of highly compelling reasons. |
변형문제 5
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |
There is no denying that engaging in argument carries certain significant risks. When we argue, we exchange and examine reasons with a view toward believing what our best reasons say we should believe; sometimes we discover that our current reasons fall short, and that our beliefs are not well supported after all. Or sometimes we discover that a belief that we had dismissed as silly or obviously false in fact enjoys the support of highly compelling reasons. On other occasions, we discover that the reasons offered by those with whom we disagree measure up toetotoe with our own reasons. In any of these situations, an adjustment in our belief is called for; we must change what we believe, or revise it, or replace it, or suspend belief altogether. |
↓ |
Engaging in argument can lead to the discovery of _____(A)______ in our beliefs or the uncovering of new compelling reasons, which may require us to adjust, change, revise, or suspend our _____(B)_____altogether. |
(A) (B)
① comfort disbelief
② mistakes myth
③ flaws convictions
④ distort suspension
⑤ uncertainty reliance
③ flaws convictions
Engaging in argument can lead to the discovery of flaws in our beliefs or the uncovering of new compelling reasons, which may require us to adjust, change, revise, or suspend our convictions altogether.
논쟁에 참여하면 우리 믿음의 결점을 발견하거나 새롭고 설득력 있는 이유를 발견하게 될 수 있으며, 이로 인해 우리의 믿음을 완전히 조정, 변경, 수정 또는 보류해야 할 수도 있다.
참고 :
① comfort 안락 disbelief 불신
② mistakes 실수 myth 근거없는 믿음
④ distort 왜곡 suspension 보류
⑤ uncertainty 불확실성 reliance 의존
지금까지 2023년 3월 고3 모의고사 20번 변형문제를 연습하셨습니다.
아주 확실해졌죠?
아주 잘 하셨습니다.
반드시 도움이 되셨을거라 확신합니다.
다음 자료인 2023년 3월 고3 모의고사 21번 변형문제도 기대해주세요.
지금까지 목동 영어 미키박 쌤이었습니다.
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