안녕하세요 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박쌤입니다.
3등급이 전교 1등으로!
(목동 영일고, 송도 박문여고)
바로 미키박쌤과 함께라 가능했습니다!
오늘은 2023년 5월 고3 모의고사 22번 해설, 어휘정리,변형문제입니다.
한 줄 해석 및 중요 문법 사항을 확인하시고, 22번 변형문제를 풀어보시겠습니다.
Here we go!
한 줄 해석 및 중요 문법사항 확인
We can imagine natural numbers as whole objects, things our hunter-gatherer brains can work with.
우리는 자연수를 온전한 물체, 다시 말해 우리의 수렵채집인 뇌가 다룰 수 있는 것들로 상상할 수 있다.
On the other hand, partial numbers — decimals, fractions, percentages, and ratios — simply don’t register as real (really - X) to our minds.
반면에 소수, 분수, 백분율과 비율과 같은 부분을 나타내는 수는 간단히 우리 머릿속에 실재하는 것으로 인식되지 않는다.
-> real (really - X)
as + 형용사 혹은 명사 (O)
as + 부사 (X)
We may be able to work with them for a given time when we’re in math mode, but if we’re asked questions at other times, we tend to have trouble grasping (to grasp - X) the concept.
우리가 수학 모드일 때는 주어진 시간 동안 그것들을 다룰 수 있을지도 모르지만, 만약 우리가 다른 때에 질문을 받으면 개념을 이해하는 데 어려움을 겪는 경향이 있다.
-> grasping (to grasp - X)
have trouble ~ing : ~하는 데 어려움을 겪다(동명사의 관용표현)
In other words, any time we give our audience figures that aren’t natural numbers, the message is (being - X) unlikely to make sense to them.
다시 말하면, 우리가 청중에게 자연수가 아닌 숫자를 제시할 때마다 그 메시지는 그들에게 이해될 가능성이 낮다.
-> is (being - X)
-> 동사와 준동사의 구분 : https://youtu.be/s63Fj_5gk5Q
Not only are they prone to make errors remembering and calculating the numbers, but there’s a good chance they never even envision what (that - X) we’re describing in the first place — because the number attached isn’t solid.
그들이 그 숫자들을 기억하고 계산하는 데 실수를 하기 쉬울 뿐 아니라 그들은 애초에 우리가 설명하는 것을 머릿속에 전혀 그리지도 못할 가능성이 높은데 왜냐하면 부여된 숫자가 온전하지 않기 때문이다.
Use natural numbers whenever you can to make (make - X) your message real.
메시지를 실재적으로 만들기 위해 가능하면 언제든지 자연수를 사용해라.
For numbers less than 1, you can use a strategy to make things start to show up as natural numbers.
1보다 작은 숫자의 경우 대상들이 자연수처럼 보이기 시작하도록 하는 전략을 사용할 수 있다.
If you find that 0.2% of people have a certain trait, using (use - X) “1 out of 500” makes this abstract percentage into a real thing.
만약 당신이 0.2%의 사람들이 어떤 특성을 가지고 있다는 것을 발견한다면, ‘500명 중 1명’을 사용하는 것은 이러한 추상적인 백분율을 실재적인 것으로 만든다.
다음은 어휘 정리입니다.
영어 (English) | 한국어 (Korean) | 유사표현(Synonym in English) |
natural numbers | 자연수 | whole numbers, counting numbers |
partial numbers | 소수 (또는 부분 수) | decimals, fractions, percentages, ratios |
register as real | 현실로 인식되다 | perceived as tangible |
grasp the concept | 개념을 이해하다 | understand the idea |
make sense | 이치에 맞다 | be logical, understandable |
prone to | ~하기 쉽다 | likely to |
envision | 상상하다 | imagine, visualize |
solid | 단단한 | tangible, concrete |
strategy | 전략 | plan, method |
abstract percentage | 추상적인 비율 | conceptual proportion |
혼자 해보기
We can imagine natural numbers as whole objects, things our hunter-gatherer brains can work with.
On the other hand, partial numbers — decimals, fractions, percentages, and ratios — simply don’t register as real to our minds.
We may be able to work with them for a given time when we’re in math mode, but if we’re asked questions at other times, we tend to have trouble grasping the concept.
In other words, any time we give our audience figures that aren’t natural numbers, the message is unlikely to make sense to them.
Not only are they prone to make errors remembering and calculating the numbers, but there’s a good chance they never even envision what we’re describing in the first place — because the number attached isn’t solid.
Use natural numbers whenever you can to make your message real.
For numbers less than 1, you can use a strategy to make things start to show up as natural numbers.
If you find that 0.2% of people have a certain trait, using “1 out of 500” makes this abstract percentage into a real thing.
자, 이제 변형문제를 풀어보실까요?
변형문제 1 |
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은? |
We can imagine natural numbers as whole objects, things our hunter-gatherer brains can work with. On the other hand, partial numbers — decimals, fractions, percentages, and ratios — simply don’t register as ①real to our minds. We may be able to work with them for a given time when we’re in math mode, but if we’re asked questions at other times, we tend to have trouble ②grasping the concept. In other words, any time we give our audience figures that aren’t natural numbers, the message is unlikely to make sense to them. Not only are they prone to make errors remembering and calculating the numbers, but there’s a good chance they never even envision ③what we’re describing in the first place — because the number attached isn’t solid. Use natural numbers whenever you can ④make your message real. For numbers less than 1, you can use a strategy to make things start to show up as natural numbers. If you find that 0.2% of people have a certain trait, ⑤using “1 out of 500” makes this abstract percentage into a real thing. |
④to make
Use natural numbers whenever you can ④make your message real.
생략 구문에 대한 문제입니다.
영어에서는 한 문장 내에서 혹은 앞의 표현을 다시 반복해서 써야 하는 경우에 보통 이 반복어구를 생략합니다.
Use natural numbers whenever you can (use natural numbers) to make your message real.
따라서, 당신의 메시지를 실재적으로 '만들기 위해서'라는 to부정사의 부사적 용법 중 '목적'입니다.
변형문제 2 |
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은? (원문 변형 문제입니다.) |
We can imagine natural numbers as whole objects, things our hunter-gatherer brains can work with. On the other hand, partial numbers — decimals, fractions, percentages, and ratios — simply don’t ①comprehend as real to our minds. We may be able to work with them for a given time when we’re in math mode, but if we’re asked questions at other times, we tend to have trouble ②understanding the concept. In other words, any time we give our audience figures that aren’t natural numbers, the message is ③improbable to make sense to them. Not only are they prone to make errors remembering and calculating the numbers, but there’s a good chance they never even ④visualize what we’re describing in the first place — because the number attached isn’t solid. Use natural numbers whenever you can to make your message ⑤equal. For numbers less than 1, you can use a strategy to make things start to show up as natural numbers. If you find that 0.2% of people have a certain trait, using “1 out of 500” makes this abstract percentage into a real thing. |
⑤equal (동등한) -> real
참고 :
①comprehend (원문 : register )
②understanding (원문 : grasping )
③improbable (원문 : unlikely )
④visualize (원문 : envision )
변형문제 3 |
다음 글에 이어질 순서를 정하시오. |
We can imagine natural numbers as whole objects, things our hunter-gatherer brains can work with. |
(A) In other words, any time we give our audience figures that aren’t natural numbers, the message is unlikely to make sense to them. Not only are they prone to make errors remembering and calculating the numbers, but there’s a good chance they never even envision what we’re describing in the first place — because the number attached isn’t solid. (B) On the other hand, partial numbers — decimals, fractions, percentages, and ratios — simply don’t register as real to our minds. We may be able to work with them for a given time when we’re in math mode, but if we’re asked questions at other times, we tend to have trouble grasping the concept. (C) Use natural numbers whenever you can to make your message real. For numbers less than 1, you can use a strategy to make things start to show up as natural numbers. If you find that 0.2% of people have a certain trait, using “1 out of 500” makes this abstract percentage into a real thing. |
변형문제 4 |
글의 흐름으로 보아, 다음 문장이 들어갈 가장 알맞은 곳은? |
Not only are they prone to make errors remembering and calculating the numbers, but there’s a good chance they never even envision what we’re describing in the first place — because the number attached isn’t solid. |
We can imagine natural numbers as whole objects, things our hunter-gatherer brains can work with. On the other hand, partial numbers — decimals, fractions, percentages, and ratios — simply don’t register as real to our minds. ① We may be able to work with them for a given time when we’re in math mode, but if we’re asked questions at other times, we tend to have trouble grasping the concept. ② In other words, any time we give our audience figures that aren’t natural numbers, the message is unlikely to make sense to them. ③ Use natural numbers whenever you can to make your message real. ④ For numbers less than 1, you can use a strategy to make things start to show up as natural numbers. ⑤ If you find that 0.2% of people have a certain trait, using “1 out of 500” makes this abstract percentage into a real thing. |
변형문제 5 |
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |
We can imagine natural numbers as whole objects, things our hunter-gatherer brains can work with. On the other hand, partial numbers — decimals, fractions, percentages, and ratios — simply don’t register as real to our minds. We may be able to work with them for a given time when we’re in math mode, but if we’re asked questions at other times, we tend to have trouble grasping the concept. In other words, any time we give our audience figures that aren’t natural numbers, the message is unlikely to make sense to them. Not only are they prone to make errors remembering and calculating the numbers, but there’s a good chance they never even envision what we’re describing in the first place — because the number attached isn’t solid. Use natural numbers whenever you can to make your message real. For numbers less than 1, you can use a strategy to make things start to show up as natural numbers. If you find that 0.2% of people have a certain trait, using “1 out of 500” makes this abstract percentage into a real thing. |
↓ |
Use natural numbers to make your message ____(A)_____as partial numbers are difficult for our minds to ____(B)_____. |
(A) (B)
① shorter invoke
② longer understand
③ clearer comprehend
④ useful accept
⑤ simplified resolve
③ clearer comprehend
Use natural numbers to make your message clearer as partial numbers are difficult for our minds to comprehend.
부분을 나타내는 숫자는 우리 마음이 이해하기 어렵기 때문에 자연수를 사용하여 메시지를 더 명확하게 만들어라.
참고 :
① shorter 더 짧은 invoke 일으키다
② longer 더 긴 understand 이해하다
④ useful 유용한 accept 받아들이다
⑤ simplified 단순화 된 resolve 해결하다
지금까지 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박쌤의
2023년 5월 고3 모의고사 22번 해설 및 변형문제를 연습하셨습니다.
다음 자료인 2023년 5월 고3 모의고사 23번 해설 및 변형문제도 확인해보실까요?
23번 확인하러 가기 https://mickeypark999.tistory.com/272
2023년 5월 고3 모의고사 23번 해설, 어휘 정리, 변형문제
안녕하세요 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박쌤입니다. 3등급이 전교 1등으로! (목동 영일고, 송도 박문여고) 바로 미키박쌤과 함께라 가능했습니다! 오늘은 2023년 5월 고3 모의고사 23번 해설, 어휘
이 외에도
구글, 다음, 네이버, 유튜브에서 모의고사변형문제월드 미키박쌤이라고 검색하시면
정말 많은 모의고사 변형문제 자료들을 무료로 활용하실 수 있습니다.
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